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She's irrelevant now

Even if she gets a fight, there is no hype around her anymore like during WCI
So much potential wasted this man barely puts any effort into other characters aside from his self insert and mc. For those two he will come up with most ridiculous excuses to throw them at his readers faces every chance he gets everyone else is afterthought
I wish Oda were at least creative with it this time, no simple hunting competition.
Make it a conquest one. The one who single-handedly conquers the most Elbaf villages in Luffy's name wins. Have the PK title make sense and strike fear in people for once.
Yeah but they're good guys with moral and ethical restraints because kids watch. It'll never be what you want


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
So much potential wasted this man barely puts any effort into other characters aside from his self insert and mc. For those two he will come up with most ridiculous excuses to throw them at his readers faces every chance he gets everyone else is afterthought
This will keep on happening until BB takes shanks out for good.

That's why we need to support this gigachad beard - to save us all from that generic Oda's self insert :optimistic:
Albino and his Zoro vs Smoothie predictions disagree with you
Did Albino ever get anything right? Lol
For me peaktime in Orojackson, I really miss these days.
Active discussions, people who seriously believe that Big Mom would lose to Luffy, people who believed Sanji would defeat Katakuri. Judge being strong as Big Mom. Lot of good shit back then...

Back then when we entered the first time a yonkou crew territory, where we wanted to know how strong a Yonkou crew was, Big Mom(until Wedding cake shit) was a beast, commanders and veterans looking good.

Overall peak time and probably the best time after the timeskip with agendas, funs and more stuff.
Only veterans like @Buusatan94 and @JoNdule know how great these days been.

A reason why I still has Wci arc one of the best arcs...
Good old times. Good but also bittersweet memories.
Well nope, that's just the final straw.
My first ban was probably because of Sanji.
I got shat on for saying it's ridiculous to claim DJ >= G3 when Sanji struggled against mid tiers back then. It was apparently also ridiculous to say G4 ain't Yonko level. OJ was basically the Sanji and Luffy forum. WG is the Zoro forum.

But man, Kaido one shotting Luffy humbled them all real quick lmao. You still remember how much they were coping and seething? Especially with excuses like "Weeeeell, I'm sure Kaido's club is made of seastone" and other nonsense lmao.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Yeah Oda really sucks with female characters as Smoothie, her mother and sisters found out the hard way. I still am baffled that a video game did a far greater job with her that Oda ever did and ever will.
I was gonna say PW4 did such an amazing job with her haha. I wish Brulee was playable too, a summoner/mage type fighter.

Kiku, Nami, Tashigi, Yamato, Smoothie, Perona all got amazing treatment in the PW games.
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