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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Like, did people watch Strong World?

Shiki is such a fun villain, his fighting style/charisma are off the charts.

Shiki is everything people wanted Big Mom to be: a powerful, goofy schemer who will mess you up the moment you cross them.

I hate how people will say movies aren't canon, then out the other side of their mouth go "Shiki is weak, he lost to a really weak version of Luffy"

The constant breaks are the real issue imo because they actually tear apart the tension between chapters when you have to wait more than a week. Especially when you're anticipated but the chapter didn't meet your expectations.

3 chapters a month was good but now we're getting more and more breaks due to either health issues or due to the OPLA.
A lot of people keep trying to downplay this issue by claiming "you're not supposed to read One Piece week after week! You're supposed to let the chapters accumulate until there is enough to watch it in one sitting!" which is bull honestly. I've been reading One Piece regularly with rarely any time for enough chapters to accumulate since online releases started becoming more regular with Impel Down, and even then there was still decent pacing and content between each chapters and with only a few breaks inbetween, with one of the longest at the time having been after Marineford ended and the timeskip started. Its like the claims that reading Wano in one sitting makes it better, but doing that again just made the whole arc feel even more disjointed and full of needless filler.

Now breaks are not only way more common since WCI but even the chapters are shorter. Egghead even set a record for lowest number of pages per chapter for an arc and most breaks.
Like, did people watch Strong World?

Shiki is such a fun villain, his fighting style/charisma are off the charts.

Shiki is everything people wanted Big Mom to be: a powerful, goofy schemer who will mess you up the moment you cross them.

I hate how people will say movies aren't canon, then out the other side of their mouth go "Shiki is weak, he lost to a really weak version of Luffy"

Shiki seems like a bitter old man bullying the new gen

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Someone made a thread the other week showing that all the animals Luffy met during the Loki scene last chapter were the same exact animal designs from Strong World. The ones that Shiki created.
Thank you so much.

This is actually the best post I've seen in like a month, I AM SO JAZZED RIGHT NOW.

The amount of times I've been told Shiki would never show up in the actual manga.

I don't want to get too excited, but this is such strong foreshadowing.

Shiki trying to recruit Luffy to join him the same way he did Roger would be so fun, especially to see how Luffy rejects it.
Thank you so much.

This is actually the best post I've seen in like a month, I AM SO JAZZED RIGHT NOW.

The amount of times I've been told Shiki would never show up in the actual manga.

I don't want to get too excited, but this is such strong foreshadowing.

Shiki trying to recruit Luffy to join him the same way he did Roger would be so fun, especially to see how Luffy rejects it.
Here's the comparison between the ones in Elbaf and the ones in Strong World.
He showed his true colours here:

He's a pathological lying narcissist but if you say that outside of here or Piratefolk especially, you will get CRUCIFIED, almost literally even for saying it.

Dude assaulted one of his editors and was proud of it too.

Odas constant worship of actual Japanese equivalent of Diddy and Epstein isn't helping at all either.

Also I completely agree, he is the kind of person who takes and takes, always expects from others, is never truly grateful and pretends to be humble. As in things a certain user here accused me of being too, at least one anyway lmao. I've almost literally hospitalised myself and have severe long term/chronic health issues from almost literally breaking my back for others, no exaggeration, but you know, I'm such a narcissist according to them lmao.

Oda is an extreme workaholic addict, he's in an unhappy marriage I'm certain and I'm not surprised. There's no way his wife and daughters are truly happy with him unless they are extremely shallow but they don't sound like it. His own daughter even made fun of him for being obsessed with boobs too.

I wishI never invested so much of myself, my time, my life into this series but decades later, sunk cost fallacy goes BRRRRRRRR. In too deep to retreat now.

Oda is purposely manipulating and gaslighting his fans, its no wonder Buggy is his favourite character supposedly. A hack who gets all the credit for others, is overly worshipped no reason and extremely overrated, treated as some kind of precious being who can do no wrong, who is innocent and "Godly" and yet continually lies to, manipulates and literally abuses others and also glorifies one of the biggest actual pedophiles to ever exist. Watsuki his beloved mentor who he said was the best part of his life over his own wife and kids and even One Piece itself, had so much REAL CP, that Japanese police thought Watsuki was MAKING IT!

Fuck man, I always anticipated a huge downfall for One Piece for over a decade now, especially after Bleach, Naruto and Fairy Tail fell off so hard, but this is even worse than I could ever expect and imagine. Never meet your heroes.

Saddest thing is, you are completely right in what we deserve but Charlies I mean Godas Angels will GASLIGHT you into thinking you are the selfish, entitled one and tell you to be patient with a series that has been MILKED for almost 30 years and will be closer to 40 years by the time its done! The longest running series ever in Shonen Jump if not Japan is 40 years old too, guess who wants to compete with that evidently and surpass it for his own bigger than Vegapunks head or even Punk Records itself ego?

They will defend ANYTHING he does. No matter how bad, exploitative, greedy, disingenuous, dishonest, disrepectful, disappointing etc. Its like an extension of never being able to criticise your parents and family or elders generally. They are always right and perfect regardless even if they commit literally evil deeds too. *glares at my own family* Sigh.

I remember how the writer for the Half Life series got fed up with Valves bullshit and leaked the script for Episode 3/Half Life 3 or w/e but now years later, Valve made their own "Half Life 2.5/Presequel" like Borderlands did and now they are actually indirectly confirming Half Life 3 is real officially.

If Oda wasnt the only one writing the series, Id pray someone would leak the series story to spite this greedy goat BUT Oda would just change it out of spite too and ruin the story even more. Oda admitted he has IMPROVISED a LOT of the story and people have found out how much he has downright plagiarised from other obscure series/stories or w/e too, multiple ones. That one Golden City of El Dorado film or whatever comes to mind especially. (Oda has mentioned a city of gold with Skypeia and a country of gold with Wano, coincidence? Of course not!)

A few years ago, Oda said that he would change the ending of One Piece if he found a fan who successfully guessed it. Oddly enough, Oda never read fan’s theory due to this schedule. He also intentionally avoid it.
I don’t think he meant it in the sense that he’ll change the entire outcome, just that the plot through which we will get to that point will change.
Oda also said that he knows main things that’ll happen in the story but he doesn’t know exactly where and when and how he’ll get to that point. He has said that he knew someday Laboon and Brook connection would be revealed but didn’t know when and how the plot would unfold. I think it’s that plot part that would change if someone accurately predicts it.
Recently it was revealed that Oda will never change his plan about “final chapter” even if a fan theory hits the nail on the head. The editor Iwasaki asked Oda if he had any intention to change the ending if a fan successfully guessed it. Oda explained that he refused to change it, no matter the circumstances.
According to Isaki, Oda never meant it. Oda has long planned the ending and he obviously wouldn’t throw away all of his years of planning for such a useless reason like a fan deriving the path of the narrative. In summary, it is now evident that the story, circulated as absolute truth, was nothing more than a joke from the author.
It is also worth mentioning that Oda said in 1999 that he had already decided final panel and chapter!

I dont even believe this for a single second:

But as per usual as I say to others, well said man, I could not say it better myself. Oda lied about restructuring the story for the final saga, unsurprisingly, Egghead is overwhelming damning proof of that. He promised Vegapunk will explain devil fruits properly back when Thriller Bark ended ALMOST 20 YEARS AGO BUT he really went with "hurr durr, its just a theory and also FUCK Franky spending 2 years with Vegapunks lab and research and idolising him and this being his arc, just like Wano with Zoro LOLOLOL fuck you pathetic loser fans who are stockholm syndromed in my overrated, pretentious, dishonest series."

Sorry but the more I think about this, the more pissed off I'm getting lmao.

"Im gonna draw all the mysteries of the world....LOL JK, they're gonna be silhouettes or offscreened or at best, in a fucking SBS, fuck you guys lmao."

Now I wait for some people to inevitably flame me for this as before.

To be fair, I don't think that "Me and my editor got into a big fight and got wounded in the process" thing was a serious comment, it'd be dumb as hell for him to do and even dumber for him to admit it.
Not trying to defend him because he definitely is a shitty person in some ways, but I just wanted to point that out, because I don't really believe he assaulted someone (as far as we know).

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Here's the comparison between the ones in Elbaf and the ones in Strong World.
This also implies that Loki and Shiki might be working together. I can see this working well:

Shiki: "Ahhhh... you must be Loki. I heard Red Hair put you down, once you were already weakened from fighting the Giants, huh? Must be rough... to be trapped here, thanks to cowards like that, who know they can't take you in a man on man fight."

Loki: "Don't talk down to me, human. I am the Sun God, and, no matter how long these chains hold me, I will break out of them soon enough to bring the end this world requires."

Shiki: "Ahhh, of course! I am but a Lion, in a world full of giant, feral wolves. I simply wished to offer you a deal... I hate Red-Hair, too, since his Captain spat in my face, and ruined my plans... I'm making a plan, to take down all of the Yonkou, and then ruin the World Government. Want to join in?"

Loki: "Ohhhh... I was mistaken. You are no mere human. You have mighty ambitions, don't you? So be it... tell me, of your plan, to throw this world into war."

Shiki x Loki could be the best thing One Piece has done since Cross Guild.
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