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If it is Gaban, pretty sure he is gonna jobbing. He will pull the reverse of Sabaody Rayleigh.

The world is now bigger in Elbaf than in Sabaody. The crew is much stronger than 2 years ago. The enemies are also stronger. And Gaban is basically inferior version of Rayleigh, the Jinbe equivalent compared to Rayleigh's Zoro.

Gaban will be hypetool to Elbaf's main villain, only for Straw Hats to save his ass.
Reverse of when Rayleigh saved Straw Hats' asses from Kizaru.
It'd make sense for this arc to parallel sabaody. They're both Tree islands.
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Anything you'd recommend?

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
If it is Gaban, pretty sure he is gonna jobbing. He will pull the reverse of Sabaody Rayleigh.

The world is now bigger in Elbaf than in Sabaody. The crew is much stronger than 2 years ago. The enemies are also stronger. And Gaban is basically inferior version of Rayleigh, the Jinbe equivalent compared to Rayleigh's Zoro.

Gaban will be hypetool to Elbaf's main villain, only for Straw Hats to save his ass.
Reverse of when Rayleigh saved Straw Hats' asses from Kizaru.
Does Gaban even has spiky hair? He has long, bushy hair so I really doubt that silhouette is Gaban.

Shiki doesn't seem to be relevant enough to have screentime now.

I am more inclining towards someone from Holy Knights

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
To be fair, I don't think that "Me and my editor got into a big fight and got wounded in the process" thing was a serious comment, it'd be dumb as hell for him to do and even dumber for him to admit it.
Not trying to defend him because he definitely is a shitty person in some ways, but I just wanted to point that out, because I don't really believe he assaulted someone (as far as we know).
Narcissistic people will often say and do really dumb shit that incriminate them, my neighbour being a perfect example.

It would explain why people are so afraid to criticise him to his face now, especially his editors who are yes men too.

In 2016 a former friend of mine attacked me and tried to kill me out of the blue, despite showing almost entirely no signs of aggression and violence.
His excuse was, that this Robin thicke blurred lines parody I showed him, he thought I specifically made for him and was showing him it to mock him.
So that justified him trying to strangle me to death after sucker punching me to the floor, when I wasn't looking at him.

So please forgive my skepticism but I've seem how easily people can snap and get violent and then outright deny it later on or blame their victims too. I snap a lot as you know ofc but I've always refused to ever hit anybody and I stand by that to this day. There are some lines you never cross regardless unless the person you're attacking is doing some of the most evil crimes to others I guess ofc.

If oda is lying about this, it would be extremely weirder for me. It's not entirely implausible to me but just very unlikely imo.

I respect your perspective and optimism but I'm certain hes telling the truth, I've dealt with a lot of people like that and I've had similar moments without the violence so I'm very switched on to what these people really can be like.

It took me a long time on here to realise I was toxic and problematic too and I'm still trying to work on it, hence why I tend to avoid replying to certain people sometimes and take breaks from here.
I have a lot of shame and regret over how I've acted on here in the past.

But yeah, I do think he attacked his editor, I can definitely see him doing it. But it was most likely both parties instigated it potentially, like 2 rams clashing and being hot headed maybe.
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Everything till the bomb was really really good
And yeah Snakeman vs Kata is the best fight choreography wise in the whole manga

Even post bomb (who was overall quite bad) we still had some moments :
- Pedro sacrifice
- Sulong Carrot
- Cacao fight against Oven squad vs Germa
- Pudding / Sanji departure

But WCI best asset is it’s the last arc moment where Oda too risks and decided to take time on the SH and their dev.
WCI pre bomb was very good.
Pedro and Brook duo mission. Mystery of Pudding's true nature. The hype of Veterans, Smoothie and Katakuri. The hype of Big Mom.

Sulong Carrot was shit though. I never really avoided debate like will Big Mom fall, Zoro vs Sanji, Yonko vs Admiral etc. But during Sulong Carrot moment. I really didn't want to see next nakama thread, reading those Carrot fans. Carrot4Nakama hype train blah blah, perfect lookout blahblah.

Wano was so ass it was not even funny, that shit was garbage from beginning to the end.
Bruh, as shit as Wano was, it still had good and memorable moments.
- Kaido's DF reveal: huge dragon appeared in sky and shocked everyone
- Roger and Whitebeard's adventure
- Some plot were actually good. Like that 1 SMILE village that can only laugh while Yasuie died.

Egghead though. It felt like all of it are bad. Wano had up and downs. Egghead didn't have any major ups. Even if there was, the good points are lower than Wano's.

For comparison, people said Wano's better point was Roger/WB adventure. But still, the adventure was heavily linked to Oden, that is Wano's central character.
Egghead? People said Egghead's better point was Hachinosu. Nobody relevant from Egghead was involved in Hachinosu. Hachinosu that carried Egghead arc, didn't have anything related to Egghead at all.
Thoughts? @Buusatan94 @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Oooooh nooooo! Don't tell me! First the OJ now this?!

Is that why your name is Mr Reloa-

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Thank you so much.

This is actually the best post I've seen in like a month, I AM SO JAZZED RIGHT NOW.

The amount of times I've been told Shiki would never show up in the actual manga.

I don't want to get too excited, but this is such strong foreshadowing.

Shiki trying to recruit Luffy to join him the same way he did Roger would be so fun, especially to see how Luffy rejects it.
Strong World chapter 0 had him. Plus Higurashi changed to his face and Oda made him a rocks pirate for a reason.

Isn't it strange we've not seen Wang zhi yet at all too? Even though we know the rocky port story now too?
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To be fair, I don't think that "Me and my editor got into a big fight and got wounded in the process" thing was a serious comment, it'd be dumb as hell for him to do and even dumber for him to admit it.
Not trying to defend him because he definitely is a shitty person in some ways, but I just wanted to point that out, because I don't really believe he assaulted someone (as far as we know).
But yeah, I do think he attacked his editor, I can definitely see him doing it. But it was most likely both parties instigated it potentially, like 2 rams clashing and being hot headed maybe.
I highly doubt he actually attacked his editor, that comment was most likely played off as a joke, it's possible that they did get into an argument but I don't believe they got into a actual physical fight.

Also I think it is a bit dumb that some will find different ways to hate on Oda and make it seem like he is a horrible person, unless you actually met with him, I don't think it's fair to really judge him based on just speculations here and there.

Maybe Oda really is a horrible person or maybe he isn't, also I've noticed that a few will hate on the guy and say he is horrible just because they don't like the way things are going for the series.

Also lastly what is really annoying is those who hate on Oda for still being friends with Watsuki without knowing the full reason on why he is still friends with him, and also ignore the fact that so many other mangakas are also still friends with Watsuki.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Does Gaban even has spiky hair? He has long, bushy hair so I really doubt that silhouette is Gaban.

Shiki doesn't seem to be relevant enough to have screentime now.

I am more inclining towards someone from Holy Knights
I remember when some of thought Road was a holy Knight too, RIP lol sigh.
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Someone forgot about our "no questions" policy :beckmoji:
Fuck! Guess I'll die!

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Shiki getting a major role would be a very hype twist, such a low chance of it happening though. Almost 0% chance imo
Narcissistic people will often say and do really dumb shit that incriminate them, my neighbour being a perfect example.

It would explain why people are so afraid to criticise him to his face now, especially his editors who are yes men too.

In 2016 a former friend of mine attacked me and tried to kill me out of the blue, despite showing almost entirely no signs of aggression and violence.
His excuse was, that this Robin thicke blurred lines parody I showed him, he thought I specifically made for him and was showing him it to mock him.
So that justified him trying to strangle me to death after suckered punching me to the floor, when I wasn't looking at him.

So please forgive my skepticism but I've seem how easily people can snap and get violent and then outright deny it later on or blame their victims too. I snap a lot as you ofc but I've always refused to ever hit anybody and I stand by that to this day. There are some lines you never cross regardless unless the person you're attacking is doing some of the most evil crimes to others I guess ofc.

If oda is lying about this, it would be extremely weirder for me. It's not entirely implausible to me but just very unlikely imo.

I respect your perspective and optimism but I'm certain hes telling the truth, I've dealt with a lot of people like that and I've had similar moments without the violence so I'm very switched on to what these people really can be like.

It took me a long time on here to realise I was toxic and problematic too and I'm still trying to work on it, hence why I tend to avoid replying to certain people sometimes and take breaks from here.
I have a lot of shame and regret over how I've acted on here in the past.

But yeah, I do think he attacked his editor, I can definitely see him doing it. But it was most likely both parties instigated it potentially, like 2 rams clashing and being hot headed maybe.
I'll address the more sensitive parts of this post in a private setting, but as for the Oda assault thing, I'm still not very convinced that he did it.
It's not really that it's unbelievable for someone of his status to do such a thing, after all there's that mangaka who was exposed for having child porn or what ever, but it doesn't really seem like something he'd do. For all his problems, he does still seem to be somewhat of a morally good person, and as I said before even if he did do it it's still very stupid to just admit that on a SBS.
Plus it's not uncommon for people to joke about hurting someone they're close to, I my self sometimes make jokes about fighting my friends or beating them up, when I obviously would never do such a thing to them. Oda could be the same case.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
I'll address the more sensitive parts of this post in a private setting, but as for the Oda assault thing, I'm still not very convinced that he did it.
It's not really that it's unbelievable for someone of his status to do such a thing, after all there's that mangaka who was exposed for having child porn or what ever, but it doesn't really seem like something he'd do. For all his problems, he does still seem to be somewhat of a morally good person, and as I said before even if he did do it it's still very stupid to just admit that on a SBS.
Plus it's not uncommon for people to joke about hurting someone they're close to, I my self sometimes make jokes about fighting my friends or beating them up, when I obviously would never do such a thing to them. Oda could be the same case.
Probably, I hope you're right. I rather be wrong about him too ofc. He might be having an usopp bragging moment too and thus be lying as you said ofc. Some dramatic hyperbole or whatever.
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