Tell that to pl who took the shot and are not the same anymore. It's your excuse to look the other way when the negatives are told to you. Your a gross despicable human trash.
And what do you say to people who are victims of the secondary effects of other vaccines ? Hm ?

I mean, if you are against the Covid vaccine because you can't accept the benefit/risk balance, you should also be against all type of vaccines as they usually have secondary effects... right ?

Your a gross despicable human trash.

(See that the type of insults I was talking about @Blax Blah without some distance, it's hard to tank those everyday hehe)

then why is the war still going?
Because Boycotts alone are not enough, it's just a part of the solution, there are many parts.

We are funding them by clicking on their raw chapters. Yes.
The mafia of TCB lmao

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
This is exactly what it is ...


McDonald is helping Israel and its soldier and is therefore. by defaut a support of a genocidal and apartheid state. This is just a cold fact.
Lol no this is Twitter delusions. Promoting McDonalds Coffee drink in a Mexican Mc D's chain isn't helping Israel nor is it supporting genocide go outside.
But "Logiko is the gaslighter" episode 2573
Don't act like a scizo SJW and maybe people will be nicer lmao.
What a narrow, nihilistic and cynical vision of the world to see activists as people who try to have a moral high ground and just want to appear as good people...
1. Nice Buzzwords, did a blue check mark user teach you this?
2. That's exactly what most online activist are. Performative activists. You guys refuse to do anything actually helpful to the cause like donating more than $3 dollars to a reputable funding program, instead you opt to mash your keyboards on Twitter and call an actor a bad person for not turning down a deal with one of the biggest foodchains in the world on the grounds of "morals". Morals do not pay bills.
So google was correct? McDonalds does not indeed endorse Israel or their soldiers, as they nicked the branch (who did this independently) the second they got wind of this lol.

Also, you are talking here to a guy (me) who - despite the criticizm of the ad - literally just watched a video of Inaki and laughed at it, because I actually like the guy. So... in term of nuance and awareness, you are not really in the top 10.
Then what the fuck are you doing defending the people who are crying over this? :nicagesmile:

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Thinking like that, there is no limits and people can't keep others accountable. There is a reason why there is a call out here and not simply a boycott. People want to make it clear that they don't want a support for Gaza in the franchise.

By harassing actors who aren't being political/ probably had no clue this whole Isreal McDonalds thing was even a thing because they don't live on Twitter? They don't live in Palestine bro, that's not in everyone's head 24/7 like it is for you keyboard warriors.

Go outside little bro
Lol no this is Twitter delusions. Promoting McDonalds Coffee drink in a Mexican Mc D's chain isn't helping Israel nor is it supporting genocide go outside.
I swear. You guyz are so depoliticized and deconnected from reality I wonder sometimes if I'm talking to bots.

Hep ! When a brand is directly feeding soldiers and financing an appartheid state, how do you call that Einstein ?

Don't act like a scizo SJW and maybe people will be nicer lmao.
Wow,, the level of this insult. if feel like talking to a 12 years old in 2017.

Time to grow up mate and listen to people calling out your BS or you will find yourself one day on the REALLY wrong side of history, and it will be TOO LATE to cry that people didn't try to warn you.


1. Nice Buzzwords, did a blue check mark user teach you this?
"Buzzword" is your favorite word when you don't understand something ?

Are you like Van ? It's the magical word to prevent yourself from trying to understand ?

2. That's exactly what most online activist are. Performative activists. You guys refuse to do anything actually helpful to the cause like donating more than $3 dollars to a reputable funding program,
Dude, you really have no moral. Just this years I must have donated more than 300€ to either pro-Palestinian and anti-precarity association.

And I'm POOR. Like I LITERALLY have not enough to live properly.

You really.. but REALLY don't know or even understand one bit what you are talking about.

What you don't understand, like many people, is that people in difficulty are the most likely to donate or help other people in difficulty. On the other hand, it's very rare for people who don't have to struggle to actually care and take things like a boycott seriously.

So google was correct? McDonalds does not indeed endorse Israel or their soldiers, as they nicked the branch (who did this independently) the second they got wind of this lol.
It literally does since it now invest DIRECTLY in Israel as mentionned in the tweet. Can't you read ?

Then what the fuck are you doing defending the people who are crying over this? :nicagesmile:
Because they are right mate. And because i'm doing the exact same thing ! You no nuance genius can't understand that critics do not negate the understanding that people can make mistakes.

By harassing actors who aren't being political/ probably had no clue this whole Isreal McDonalds thing was even a thing because they don't live on Twitter? They don't live in Palestine bro, that's not in everyone's head 24/7 like it is for you keyboard warriors.

Go outside little bro
No one is harrasing Inaki, relax Gandhi.

Calling out a bad mediatic move is perfectly legitimate.


Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
No one is harrasing Inaki, relax Gandhi.
Time to grow up mate and listen to people calling out your BS or you will find yourself one day on the REALLY wrong side of history, and it will be TOO LATE to cry that people didn't try to warn you.
Hella ironic to tell someone to "grow up" while attempting to virtue signal.
"Buzzword" is your favorite word when you don't understand something ?

Are you like Van ? It's the magical word to prevent yourself from trying to understand ?
It's the word you use when you deal with Twitter people who don't go out yes.
Just this years I must have donated more than 300€ to either pro-Palestinian and anti-precarity association.

And I'm POOR. Like I LITERALLY have not enough to live properly.
You really.. but REALLY don't know or even understand one bit what you are talking about.

What you don't understand, like many people, is that people in difficulty are the most likely to donate or help other people in difficulty. On the other hand, it's very rare for people who don't have to struggle to actually care and take things like a boycott seriously.
Yes because those people have real jobs and aren't bored fighting for a country they have zero affiliation with.
It literally does since it now invest DIRECTLY in Israel as mentionned in the tweet. Can't you read ?
"McDonalds supports the genocide of millions of Palestinians by doing the usual business deals with Israel".
Because they are right mate. And because i'm doing the exact same thing ! You no nuance genius can't understand that critics do not negate the understanding that people can make mistakes.
They are not in the right to call the guy a POS for doing an ad lmao. Literal jobless behavior.
I swear. You guyz are so depoliticized and deconnected from reality I wonder sometimes if I'm talking to bots.

Hep ! When a brand is directly feeding soldiers and financing an appartheid state, how do you call that Einstein ?

Wow,, the level of this insult. if feel like talking to a 12 years old in 2017.

Time to grow up mate and listen to people calling out your BS or you will find yourself one day on the REALLY wrong side of history, and it will be TOO LATE to cry that people didn't try to warn you.


"Buzzword" is your favorite word when you don't understand something ?

Are you like Van ? It's the magical word to prevent yourself from trying to understand ?

Dude, you really have no moral. Just this years I must have donated more than 300€ to either pro-Palestinian and anti-precarity association.

And I'm POOR. Like I LITERALLY have not enough to live properly.

You really.. but REALLY don't know or even understand one bit what you are talking about.

What you don't understand, like many people, is that people in difficulty are the most likely to donate or help other people in difficulty. On the other hand, it's very rare for people who don't have to struggle to actually care and take things like a boycott seriously.

It literally does since it now invest DIRECTLY in Israel as mentionned in the tweet. Can't you read ?

Because they are right mate. And because i'm doing the exact same thing ! You no nuance genius can't understand that critics do not negate the understanding that people can make mistakes.

No one is harrasing Inaki, relax Gandhi.

Calling out a bad mediatic move is perfectly legitimate.


I wonder how many billionares and millionares can compete in the amount they used to help people with Logiko,
Congrats you found a few unnuanced people. Have a cookie.


Hella ironic to tell someone to "grow up" while attempting to virtue signal.
No such things. I'm only calling out your BS and you can't accept that

This is not an age thing,

It's the word you use when you deal with Twitter people who don't go out yes.
No, It's the word you use because you are triggered by people calling out the inaction of other.. for the reasons that you feel like they are doing it to you as well..

Now.. I know why, but I will let you understand that by yourself.

Yes because those people have real jobs and aren't bored fighting for a country they have zero affiliation with.
Always good to see the side people take when there is oppression happening in their "neighborhood".

"McDonalds supports the genocide of millions of Palestinians by doing the usual business deals with Israel".
Yes.. Literally.


Yes C4N. I am an awful sociopath. Come fight me.
Not sayinng that, but you give me depoliticized rethoric and it seems to be creating a big bias toward people who actually care about others under oppression.

But you are not the only one here.

And again why are you people even assuming Inaki is aware of the McDonald's boycott? The man has a life off social media :suresure:
That's the point of the call out.. to make him understand and research the problem.

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Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Yes.. Literally.

Give me the source where corporate openly admits to supporting the war in favor and Israel and I will concede.
That's the point of the call out.. to make him understand and research the problem.

The problem of not turning down a job to pay his rent in the name of morals? :nicagesmile:

Bro celebrities who get away with high moral ground job refusals are A-List who can
1. afford it
2. Their politics are known and directors are used to that

Inaki is a C tier celeb at best who's claim to fame is a live action adaptation of an anime lmao, not The Avengers.

If you want him to throw away his whole career for the sake of morals, then I have to question your morals (and sanity to be frank)
Give me the source where corporate openly admits to supporting the war in favor and Israel and I will concede.
Are you for real ?

The goal of BDS is to isolate Israel in order to pressure it to push them to stop the genocide and the appartheid.

What do you think happens when a compagny invest in 200+ in a country ????

By defaut supporting an economy IS a indirect support for its politics. You request is like asking Netanyahou to say that he is indeed doing a genocide... Like wuat ?


The problem of not turning down a job to pay his rent in the name of morals? :nicagesmile:
OMFG.... You know that this actor is a double millionnaire, right ?

You seriously are telling.. to ME, that the guy need to work to pay his rent ? Like.. wow.. You took my breath away with this one lmao.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Are you for real ?

The goal of BDS is to isolate Israel in order to pressure it to push them to stop the genocide and the appartheid.

What do you think happens when a compagny invest in 200+ in a country ????

By defaut supporting an economy IS a indirect support for its politics. You request is like asking Netanyahou to say that he is indeed doing a genocide... Like wuat ?

Did Inaki do an ad for the Israeli branch for McDonald's yes or no? This is going in circles.
OMFG.... You know that this actor is a double millionnaire, right ?

You seriously are telling.. to ME, that the guy need to work to pay his rent ? Like.. wow.. You took my breath away with this one lmao
Actors need to work to maintain their relevance in the industry yes lol. What do you think happens when OPLA inevitably ends and they don't manage to find work.

Obviously bro's not hurting like common people not what I meant lmao