Yes that stage happens before someone shows their cards
Once they start talking hogshit things become different
Don’t overcomplicate this with killing and all, we live in societies now lol. This is about someone like C4N being labelled a jackas
Under the wrong circumstances, we're all but 2 steps away from turning into barbarians and brutalizing whomever we consider the bad guys, infidels, degenerates etc.
Basic respect for human life is imperative.
The idea ? Bisoromi didn't make that up. Assad's war was fueled by drugs

Man literally drops "there is so much negativity" in the middle of his rant full of contempt :pepeclown:
Yeah I'm not saying he made it up just that it's really sad that that exists and people think of the world as a place for it or make their goal to promote it or profit financially from it at the expense of themselves and others,
Post automatically merged:

You do you mate have fun arguing with c4n
Lol did you see the chatgpt talks earlier
1-It's a similar situation. Ethnic cleansing by mixing race.

2-You failed to cite any genocide in Brazil(i know a couple btw). I'm still waiting.
The genocide in america is THE genocide mate. If you want more informations about those in Brazil, anthropologist and sociologist have studied the question and have sum that up in this book:

"Abya Yala!: Genocício, resistência e sobrevivência dos povos originários do atual continente americano" - A sociological report by Moema VIezzer and Marcelo Grondin

3-You keep mixing Portuguese, Spanish and British. Three different styles of colonization.
No really different no. Different places, yes. But not in the methods.

4-There were civilization in central America, not in South America. Brazilian natives were nomadic(for the most part). They didn't even have metal tools.
A civilization is not defined by its control of metal.

While there was no "civilizations" in south america (even if you could say that all those community formed a big but conflictual civilization), there were multiple nations defined by common culture, linguistic and territories.

But again, this is not an excuse for colonization and genocide. Those lands belonged to those people or rather, to everyone there and thus, were not free to be colonized.

5-"Theft of collective land". I guess everyone in history committed that. There is no collective land. "Indians" didn't even have a notion of private property. You are projecting your leftism into colonial history.
Which is why I'm talking about collective land and not common property.
This land was stolen by defaut because appriopriated and put under the property of all. It's the basic principle of this colonization.

To give you an image it's like if I said that the football club is a collective territory and thus shared and taken care of by everyone without anyone or everyone owning the place.... and someone comes one day and declares their property on the the football field.

It's thieft in the sense that it privatize a common and collective assets, thus preventing anyone from benefiting equally from it.

-Yes, they were mostly tribes in south america. stfu. Your sources are so shit i couldn't even find that book on google.
Don't blame me because you can't make a google search mate.

I bet you can't google the major part of important scientific studies either.

The Portuguese did not undergo in mass rape or killings.
Yes they did.

he Portuguese did not go around making the natives slaves either.
Yes they did.

They bought slaves in African shores(the Africans themselves captured their fellow countrymen and sold them to slavery).
Yes, but not only.

8-You replied to some user in here that you needed to use chatpgt cause people didn't understand your "science".
I need to use ChatGPT to convince you, not to understand science mate.

And it seems to be working since you were triggered by the fact that this AI cold heartedly demonstrated that I was the one - despite my conflictual approach - giving the most care to factual and scientific evidences.

Something that you never do, worst, a science you deny the legitimacy of.

What about you? Have you no appreciation for our shared ancestors?
Nop lol.

Funny how you suddenly turned this into your topic after I mentioned it, a few days after claiming it's a non important genocide because your BDS twitter friends told you so.
I've been talking about this since the beginning of the thread. In fact, the argument that you see me having with Nameless here, has happened at least twice before because he refuses to listen to scientific evidences.

Also.don't act like you're the expert on the history of the Americas and indigenous issues, before I talked about it you had no idea little furry😂
Go check the date on this post please: >>>>

The number of death in Abya Yala (the native name for the american continent) following the disembarkation of Christopher Colombus on Guanahaní (San Salvador Island) are as followed:

- NHBA (number of habitant before the arrival of the colonizers) : 4 Millions
- NVB (Number of victims of the genocide) : 4 Millions

- NHBA : 25 Millions
- NVB : 23 Millions

- NHBA : 15 Millions
- NVB: 14 Millions

- NHBA : 5 Millions
- NVB: 4 Millions

- NHBA : 18 Millions
- NVB: 16 Millions

- NHBA : 2 Millions
- NVB : 1.8 Millions

And around 90% of 13 000 000 of people were exterminated in central America.

(A lot of that is due to INTENTIONAL epidemic spreading)

This was the BIGGEST genocide in human history.

Source : "Abya Yala!: Genocício, resistência e sobrevivência dos povos originários do atual continente americano" - A sociological report by Moema VIezzer and Marcelo Grondin

Sorry, bro, but if someone says my ancestors were rapists and mass murderers, i need to say something about it
So you are willing to ignore history just because I spoke badly about portugeses colonizers ? Which kind of man are you ?

Do you read One Piece sometimes ?

You do you mate have fun arguing with c4n
I never argue with Mathias.

At least not in the last year.
Man literally drops "there is so much negativity" in the middle of his rant full of contempt
We have different concepts of what a negative person is
I didn’t drop ”there’s too much negativity” anyway, negativity is fluctuating and is part of life. It becomes worrying when the same patterns of horseshit are repeated by a person, thus becoming part of his identity
Everyone who argued with C4N can see this pattern, which is why I said what I said

The genocide in america is THE genocide mate. If you want more informations about those in Brazil, anthropologist and sociologist have studied the question and have sum that up in this book:

"Abya Yala!: Genocício, resistência e sobrevivência dos povos originários do atual continente americano" - A sociological report by Moema VIezzer and Marcelo Grondin

No really different no. Different places, yes. But not in the methods.

A civilization is not defined by its control of metal.

While there was no "civilizations" in south america (even if you could say that all those community formed a big but conflictual civilization), there were multiple nations defined by common culture, linguistic and territories.

But again, this is not an excuse for colonization and genocide. Those lands belonged to those people or rather, to everyone there and thus, were not free to be colonized.

Which is why I'm talking about collective land and not common property.
This land was stolen by defaut because appriopriated and put under the property of all. It's the basic principle of this colonization.

To give you an image it's like if I said that the football club is a collective territory and thus shared and taken care of by everyone without anyone or everyone owning the place.... and someone comes one day and declares their property on the the football field.

It's thieft in the sense that it privatize a common and collective assets, thus preventing anyone from benefiting equally from it.

Don't blame me because you can't make a google search mate.

I bet you can't google the major part of important scientific studies either.

Yes they did.

Yes they did.

Yes, but not only.

I need to use ChatGPT to convince you, not to understand science mate.

And it seems to be working since you were triggered by the fact that this AI cold heartedly demonstrated that I was the one - despite my conflictual approach - giving the most care to factual and scientific evidences.

Something that you never do, worst, a science you deny the legitimacy of.

Nop lol.

I've been talking about this since the beginning of the thread. In fact, the argument that you see me having with Nameless here, has happened at least twice before because he refuses to listen to scientific evidences.

Go check the date on this post please: >>>>

So you are willing to ignore history just because I spoke badly about portugeses colonizers ? Which kind of man are you ?

Do you read One Piece sometimes ?

I never argue with Mathias.

At least not in the last year.
fuck ya,cave troll.back to my ignore list.