My bad, but wouldn't you say Buddha's feats translate into portrayal? He got to show his whole bag of tricks: strenght, agility (Vanishing Step), hand-to-hand, mace fighting, and swordsmanship. Hara hasn't really given anyone else that kind of runway since Kan Mei.
It might be parsing it too thinly for your tastes but I make a distinction between hype and portrayal. In terms of hype, Gyou'un is indisputably #1 and he very likely could've been stronger in his prime (he was pretty much retired for 12 years at Shukai).
My issue with Buddha's portrayal is his complete lack of presence outside of his fight. He's just a very strong guy that Shin fought. Outside of that duel, which like I've said is really impressive, he's a complete nobody.
though I do agree with your point that he's insanely versatile and it's definitely significant that he chose to gave him all of these skillsets while limiting characters like Akou, BNJ, etc to glaive.
honestly that may have been part of Hara's point. He's an odd combination of Houken and Kanmei's philosophies, but also irrelevant to China as a whole
regarding the differences between hype and portrayal, I see it varying depending on perspective. Most would say that Gekishin is all hype, but I believe his portrayal puts him on a level that his showings suggest otherwise.
While BNJ made his bones with the Xiongnu, I put it to you that being part of the highly anticipated Kantan elites we heard so much about all the way back before Shukai trumps BNJ's hype from serving at Ganmon, no?
very fair point. I always felt like Kantan Elites hype translated to their overall strength as an army. Bananji and Ganmon Army were hyped up as fighting "battles even more intense than the ones fought in plains". That's pretty crazy hype. And that's even ignoring the comparisons Bananji got to strong characters like Renpa and Kaishibou by creditble sources.
I like to think BNJ really has that second gear, and if he does, I'm not doubting it would be enough to get the job done, but as it stands, Buddha - as far I'm concerned - has at least the feats and portrayal over both.
that's fair. I think we just have different definitions of portrayal. I also want to point out the hype Bananji got near the end of Shukai.
Being described as "overwhelming" by Ousen is absolutely insane martial hype.