for me no, they stick to her delulu character, they just added some depth to her, which by no means was bad...hats off it was done greatly and in an unexpected way
a mean girl with main character syndrome
she is still pretty much the same
we got to see some different traits of her but she Is still the same
did that give her some more depth?? yes
did that make her character more than surface level yet?? no not for me
Alright, this is why I think Aira is a deeper character than she first appeared to be.
When she first showed up on episode 5, she was pretty much a queen bee at school. Well-liked with a good reputation (that she 100% was aware of), but petty and vindictive on the inside. She wasted no time belittling Okarun for his looks and then slandered Momo to the whole school after she gave her a mean look (because no way Aira knew about the falling tub thing being Momo'a doing). To Aira, she was the center of the world and the main character of life, and no one else would tell her otherwise. Suffice to say, she was far from likable.
As eps. 6-7 rolled on, we found out she took her MC delusion seriously. The fact that she first thought Momo was a demon was, ofc, delusional, however it also hinted that Aira was naive but not 100% malicious considering she also tried to stop what she thought was a demon. We know not long after her mother passed away, her father told her that she has to be the best version of herself to be able to see her mother in pride again one day. Being the best to her seems to being top 1 in everything you can name: ability, beauty, popularity, etc. And, yes, even in being, for lack of better words, magical girl/savior of the world.
But, the whole thing with Silky's death proved that Aira was not intrinsically egotistical and hateful, since she was willing to comfort someone who, just minutes ago, literally killed her off after stalking her for a decade (although Silky revived Aira with her own aura, Aira couldn't really have known that at the time). This is a hint that Aira's ego is dwarved by her deeper conscience to be the best version of herself.
Does this mean she immediately changed from being a jerk? Not really. She naively forced herself into Okarun at episode 8, after all, but the end of the episode showed that she isn't afraid to join the fight almost instantly.
Then, ep. 9 showed us the whole school fight, with the trio's teamwork giving them a W (and a massive social L in the school hall later, rofl).
It wasn't until ep. 10, really, that we began to see how her experiences with Momo and Okarun started to change her for the better. When her friends and classmates began voicing out their desire and plan to jump on Momo over the lie that Aira started, we saw Aira taking responsibility for her own mistake by admitting that she made up the whole thing about Momo, thereby restoring Momo's reputation while permanently ruining her own. Atp, her pettiness and vindictiveness are pretty much gone as a sign of her character development.
Ofc, she later tried to cover her confession up from Momo (but failed), regardless, this confirms that her desire to be MC, popular etc still did not outweigh her own conscience to be the best version of herself. Otherwise, she couldn't have lived with herself.
And this whole thing is something that needs to be comprehended more deeply than seeing Aira on surface level. In several episodes, we saw how Aira's dreams, worries, positives, and failings are all interrelated to form her whole character. This, to me, is a sign that her character is far from just surface-level. There is depth to her strength and weakness that we can grasp if we are willing to give her a chance.
There are many shallow queen bees in fiction, but Aira isn't one of them.