Thanks. At least someone reads what I write correctly. Yes. It's exactly that. My consideration of abortion is not moral, it's ethical.

In other words, if you could prove to me that a foetus under 12 weeks can feel pain and have consciousness.. then I would need to reconsider and the situation would start to be complicated because this would indeed create suffering. I would still consider the choice of the one being pregnant first, but there would be a much more thorough discussion happening.
Logiko back at it again, splitting the atom with these highly nuanced distinctions.

Last week it was knowledge isn't truth, now ethics are not morals


noun: ethic; plural noun: ethics
  1. a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct.
    "the puritan ethic was being replaced by the hedonist ethic"
adjective: ethic
  1. relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.
if you could prove to me that a foetus under 12 weeks can feel pain and have consciousness.. then I would need to reconsider and the situation would start to be complicated because this would indeed create suffering. I would still consider the choice of the one being pregnant first, but there would be a much more thorough discussion happening.
Even then, it's bullshit. Earlier you said the death penalty is bad because a person is deprived of their future life, yet somehow killing a fetus which has it's whole life ahead of it isn't a negative?

And also, since your metric is whether or not "suffering" (of a purely physical kind) defines who is worth keeping alive, why not kill people who cannot feel pain, such as those in a deep coma? Killing them wouldn't cause them any suffering right?

That's not what I'm saying. Yes epiphanies happen in an instant. What I'm telling you is that ephiphani can't transform a person into the opposite of their character.

I made the example of the alphabet earlier.

Even through an epiphany, a person can change from A to B or A to E or even in some rare rare case from A to L. But NEVER a person will move from A to Z. Simply because such a change would destroy said individual as it would requiere the transformation of the MAJORITY of the hundreds, maybe thousands vision of the world of the individual.

I would lead to the person pushing themselve toward suicide because of the incomprehension gap.

Changing is something that happens step by step. It happens in an instant, yes, but NEVER to a radical degree. And in the case of a forced changed inducted by an imminent death, the change would not stand as it would rely of a forced vision and so not a transformation of the vision of the world. Like I said, it's like instantly building a skyscraper out of wood. The thing will hold on a few seconds but will crumble very quickly.

And if I'm telling you this, it's because change is kind of a thing I'm very good at. It's a learned skill.
I know you deny that humans have free will, but yes, we do and there is nothing intrinsically preventing it from changing radically in a short instance, especially the time between a person finding out they are being sentenced to getting executed. Humans make radical decisions on a whim everyday, just take a stroll in Detroit and you'll see for yourself

Your english is poor too, relax mate. As long as you understand me, it's all that matters.

I meant incomprehension. Not comprehension. And to understand that, you would need to have gone through radical change in your life. When such a change happens (most likely because of a new information that you either understand or receive) the gap between the you of the past and the you of the now is so deep that a big incomprehension starts to rise and a period of confusion follows.>

For example, when I finally understood the meaning behind physical materialism, it made me rethink freewill. The understanding that freewill didn't exist created a gap between the me of the now (of then) and my entire vision of the world that was still here inside my mind. Those visions were fundamentally contradictory so what followed was an internal conflict of several weeks and a big period of confusion and depression (most likely because the change I went through was radical).

So, if you start to force a change, you will induce a change in a vision of the world, a change that will be so radical that it will create a gap and confusion within the person and push them toward radicalism if they were not the source of this change. And since the change was force and not build on a restructuration of the diverse vision of the world of the person. You will create a change that could be destroyed at any moment. You risk to create an even more dangerous person or simply to push them toward suicide.
Cope brainrot

Humans don't need a Dressrosa sized arc to make a radical change of their will instantly.

If the intellect instantly perceives a reason compelling one to change their life, the will shall follow. Humans make instantaneous, radical changes of their will all the time.

- Change will never transform a person in the opposite of it's personnality (unless there is a brain traume or something like that)
An action is just deliberation (intellect percieves a good) + volution (free will freely chooses that perceieved good).

Why couldn't the following 2 take place instantly?

1.) Criminal, who likes murder, is in bed and thinks about ramifications of murder (intellection)
2.) Criminal decides he doesn't want to do it anymore (volition)

I don't want an empircal argument about what tends to happen, give me a conceptual argument about why this is impossible.

It's not "regardless of the social" it IS the social. Both the fear of punishment or love fall under the influence of the social and social structure, but there are a LOT MORE variable than those two. For example, youtube, through its algorythm will push people to adopt a very specific behavior and you will see that this behavior wil change if you change this algorythm, not for everyone, but for a majority. And thus, what pushes them is not love or punishment, but simply the pressure of the virtual world (which is an extention of the social world).

Me: "Humans perform good actions due to perceived acquired good external to the action, such as safety, or not being punished, or reducing some bad outcome...or they perform a good action for the sake of doing good itself"
You: "No, humans do good actions because of social pressure"

You must be low iq because these are not contradictory statements, for people follow social pressure due to some good they percieve in what the pressure is offering, for example if YouTube algorithm promotes doing yoga, people start doing it because they perceieve some external good to doing yoga

I do not accept you hypothesis.
I don't really care if you accept it, some people will not change unless forcibly pressured and for murderers, that is often with the death penalty. You can give them a life sentence and all the rehabilitation you want and they will give 0 shits

- Defund the police
- Prevent anyone from reaching more than 3 Millions in capital and put the money recolted in all public service except the police
- Destroy patriarchy
- Destroy the psychiatric institution and create something new
- End systemic racism
- End ableism
- Give back all stolen lands to natives
- Destroy meritocracy
- Destroy capitalism

You want more ?
Good dog

Humanity exist, the concept of humanity is a social construct. Both are different things and both exist.

When we say that gender is a social construct, it doesn't mean that gender doesn't exist. It's the same here.
Humanity = form of the human

Humans exist, therefore humanity exists. Unless humans are a social construct, humanity cannot be because humanity is just the form of what is human
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There's this weird obsession among some people that human beings are perfectable; that all humans can work together without any individualism or ego. However, they can never come up with an example of that ever working or lasting throughout history among intelligent lifeforms.
You are literally the example Van. You, me, the entire contemporary society are the example for the fact that human are perfectable.

It's really crazy that you can't see it despite your knowledge. And that's something I found truly fascinating with you. You have a lot of knowledge about a lot of things, but it seems like you can't put all of this together to form a cohesif all.

You are talking here about individualism or ego, when I'm literally showing you that those things can be shaped toward better behaviors through structural change.


I gotta ask guyz, what do you not understand in the sentence "we are all the result of the material conditions of our existance" ?

I'm repeating this sentence over and over and over again, and it's like you guyz are seeing it, but you are not reading it. What will it take for you to understand this simple principle ? I don't understand..

This is really something I'm failing at. I know the importance of this principle, I know I had to learn it somehow, but I'm unable to find the solution or ther guiding step to make you understand it as well. It's really a feeling of powerlessness...

Logiko back at it again, splitting the atom with these highly nuanced distinctions.

Last week it was knowledge isn't truth, now ethics are not morals


noun: ethic; plural noun: ethics
  1. a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct.
    "the puritan ethic was being replaced by the hedonist ethic"
adjective: ethic
  1. relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.
I swear... People have dictionnaries fetishes here.. How many timedo I need to repeat that knowledge can't be found in a freaking dictionnary ?? Omfg !

Ethics and morals are two very different things:

- Morals is set to be abolute principles based on subjectivity.
- Ethics is relativistic, it takes context into consideration.

I'm talking here about ethic. Try to keep up.

Even then, it's bullshit. Earlier you said the death penalty is bad because a person is deprived of their future life, yet somehow killing a fetus which has it's whole life ahead of it isn't a negative?
This is a good argument. But there is a catch. In the case of a featus, there is another person involved and thus, to the principle of preventing a possible force of good we need to add the context of the individual who is pregnant and might suffer because of the arrival of the baby, in physical terms, in financial terms, in relationships, in mental terms etc. And in the case of a feotus, I consider that the care a living being must take priority over a potential one.

So as you can see, my reasonning is practical and ethical. I'm looking at reality with a cold eye on this topic.

Now, the situation gets complicated when there is a deny of pregnency. This is where things get shaky and relativistic. but that's another subject.

And also, since your metric is whether or not "suffering" (of a purely physical kind) defines who is worth keeping alive, why not kill people who cannot feel pain, such as those in a deep coma? Killing them wouldn't cause them any suffering right?
Another good question, but ironically enough, this time you need to reverse my previous argument.

In this case, there is noone involved and so said person can be a potential for good and but be keepen alive at all cost.

For people on their death bed, aside from public services in some cases, noone is involved too. And so, we can prevent a person from dying because there is a possibility of potential force for good. Even an old woman on her death bed can change the world.

Again, the reasonning is practical and ethical. And frankly, really simple. Now if you want to give me other example to challenge this vision, go ahead, I actually like to discuss with that types of argumentation. It feels like we are moving toward something.

Humans make radical decisions on a whim everyday, just take a stroll in Detroit and you'll see for yourself
Radical descision yes. Not radical change. For example, an incel rapist could choose, one day, to protect a woman. It would be a radical descision depending on his worldview. But would it create radical change ?


It would create change yes, it could, but just a little. For a radical change to happen, this man would need to rewrite his vision of the world on specific subject and even then, it would not turn him into an angel, just a little bit less dangerous.

Again, to transform someone like that into the opposite, it would requiere a change so drastic that it could kill the guy. Realizations are not something to mess with. Really, I'm being dead *ss serious here.

There is a reason why I'm always saying that I'm slowing radicalizing toward my next ideology and not just rushing it. Realizations need buildings blocks to stand on.

As for this..
I know you deny that humans have free will, but yes, we do
Sadly I wouldn't want to rush you into thinking that it does not.... but it does not exist.

Let's use the button metaphor again. But this time we will make it a lot more simpler:

- You wake up attached to a chair. You are close to a switch of two train track
- There is the person you love the most attached on the main tracks in front of you.
- A train is coming and it will run over your loved one
- You can only move your hand to a button
- If press it, the button actionnate the switch and you know the train will be deviated toward a safe track.
- You get 50$ if you don't press the button

Do you think you will choose not to press the button ?

Always fun to talk with people here.

Humans don't need a Dressrosa sized arc to make a radical change of their will instantly.
No indeed. A radical change can happen. I'm talking about the impossibility of a change that is beyond a radical change.

If I'm a liberal and I become a conservatist, it will be a normal change. If I'm a conservatist far rightist and I suddenly become progressive, it will be a radical change. But If I'm a fascist and I suddenly turn into a radical anti-colonial and anti-racist leftist, then it would not be radical, it would be miraculous and extrem. Such a change would require the rewiring of my entire vision of the world.

The result would put me in a state of intense confusion and - most probably - depression. It would neutralize me.

There is a reason why this:

.. Was depicted as the ultrimate weapon and was depicted as the last resort and a very bitter one to protect people.

An extrem change like the instant deradicalization of a person would require a technology allowing a person to amass vast amount of knowledge in a very short period of time while doing in it in such a way that a person can be guided precisely toward the right knowledge without constraint in a way that will not create confusion and will not push the person toward an horrible ending.

You can't force an ex trem change unless you know a way to show everything needed to guide a person toward a peacefull realization based on a restructuration of the entire vision of the world.. If you use fear, you will create an highly instable person.

And this can be verified in any parental homes where the fear of punishment is used to prevent bad behaviors.

Sadly, we are not the Ancients and we need to go through a LOTS of small change to start to really move toward something different. BTW, it's one of the reason why Oda showing the fear of Usopp again and again, despite him fighting through them.

An action is just deliberation (intellect percieves a good) + volution (free will freely chooses that perceieved good).
No. An action is will + effort and positive action is Understanding + Will + Effort

In the case of a radical change, the understanding part would need to be radical. And to get a radical understanding of reality, you need to be met with radical material conditions of existences. Either through your empathy or through your personnal life.

Why couldn't the following 2 take place instantly?

1.) Criminal, who likes murder, is in bed and thinks about ramifications of murder (intellection)
2.) Criminal decides he doesn't want to do it anymore (volition)
Ok, so there is a missunderstanding here.

I'm not telling you that change can't happen instantly or that realization can't happen instantly. Realization DO happen most of the time instantly.

What I'm telling you is that there is a difference between a transformation (I will use this word from now on) and a realization.

In storytelling, the realization arrives (most of the time) at the END of the transformation. There is a reason why in movies, there is an hour and a half of preparation before a what the realization of a full transformation. It's because the transformation is happening during the ENTIRE movie.

I'm sorry but you will have to trust me on this. (Or read this book, it will make you understand:

The point is. A transformation happens during the entire movie. At the end, the realization finalize the transformation. But the acts before this realization are asbolutely needed or there will be no transformation at all !

I always come back to this example because I find the clarity of this scene fascinating:

In this example we see a few things:

- Jones threatens Will but Jack threatens the hearth of Davy Jones
- We know that however stabs the hearth of Jones will be granted the helms of the Flying Duchman and will become immortal.
- Jones laughs and stabs Will to death.
- Jack is shocked
- The father of will intervene to stop Jones
- Jack uses the hand of Will to stabs the hearth of Davy Jones
- Jones is killed and Will is saved.

Now.. What happens in reality in this beautiful scene ?

Well, we see the end of a transformation , the one of Jack Sparrow. Jack finalize his entire character arc that began in the first movie. You see, Jack is a very egotistical character, he only wants one thing, his own freedom and the possibility to do exactly what he wants.

At the beginning of the movie, we have seen Jack deal with the reality of death itself that happened because he choosed to sacrifice himself. He didn't like that, in fact, since that moment jack had only one objective, to be free of the curse of Jones and to get the possibility to live an immortal and free life on the seas.

But.. what does he chooses here ? To save Will. Despite fighting many times against him during this movie included.

You see, to get to that realization and this action of change, a simple intellectualization and a good choice would never be enough. For this to happen, Jack and Will had to live and fight together for THREE WHOLE MOVIES. At the end and despite their differences, they became friends and Jack just couldn't let him die.

So despite his enormous egoism.. jack choosed the right action and saved his friend. THis is a radical change but as you can see, this was not an extrem one.

For an extrem change to happen, Jack would need tobe able to make this choice at the beginning of the first movies. And as we know it, it was not possible since Jack was very different at the beginning of the first movie. In fact a lot of his beliefs were challenged during this trilogy (hence why Jack is a fan favorite). There is a continuity. For one change to happen, another had to happen before that. Realization after realization, Jack became a more respectable person and a friend.

Storytellers usually understand the process of transformation really well. So you should trust me when I say that extreme change needs an Water Seven like arc of character to happen. It's a necessity. Unless you expect a person to become highly unstable, in which case, go ahead, but be aware of the consequences.

Me: "Humans perform good actions due to perceived acquired good external to the action, such as safety, or not being punished, or reducing some bad outcome...or they perform a good action for the sake of doing good itself"
You: "No, humans do good actions because of social pressure"
I'm sorry, I thought you were reducing those pressure to only two parameters. Maybe you should be clearer on that.

You must be low iq because these are not contradictory statements
Always fun to interact with people here...

Well, at least you are not calling me R*tarded so I guess it's a win ?

YouTube algorithm promotes doing yoga, people start doing it because they perceieve some external good to doing yoga
That's not what I had in my when I'm talking about the algorythm of youtube.

I'm talking about the structures not the content inside this structure. For example, when you create a system where you need to make at least 10 precise minutes of content to put adds on a video, you will see behavior change within content creator and people will start to make videos that last 10.01 min. and you will see thousand and thousands of them.

This is what I meant when I say that structures shape behaviors.

I don't really care if you accept it, some people will not change unless forcibly pressured and for murderers
That's because we do not have a better system to change them at the moment.

Don't think that because you can't hink a better world, it's impossible.

It is possible. You just refuses to think about the possibility.

You can give them a life sentence and all the rehabilitation you want and they will give 0 shits
Indeed. Which is another reason why prisons are useless.

No kink shaming.

Humanity = form of the human
Humans exist, therefore humanity exists.
Not only no.

"Humanity" is what we call our specie
"Humanity" is also what we call the nature of the action of a person who acts with kindness and empathy.

And thus, when I talk about the concept of humanity being a social construct, I'm talking about the second case and not the first.
The only way to perfect humanity, would be through an abrahamic reset. Alas, back to Adam and Eve, but this time with our current knowledge.
This time with Adam and Steve
Me if I had a dollar for every Turkish folks telling me that I'm not from their country :pepebusi:
You might even be Albanian genetically.
Buy a giant ass Albanian flag and observe your heart rate, if you get really excited and feel an inexplicable surge of pride then you probably are.
What is funny is that my argumentation these last two days about carceralism is even more radical than the most radical leftists at the moment hehe.
This much is very obvious hehe

Uncle Van

Bullets don't hurt. But Taxes do.
You are literally the example Van. You, me, the entire contemporary society are the example for the fact that human are perfectable.
We have millions of years of existence, so surely you can give evidence of the perfect human society ever happening? If you can't, why should anyone believe in your words without evidence?
We have millions of years of existence, so surely you can give evidence of the perfect human society ever happening? If you can't, why should anyone believe in your words without evidence?
I said "we are perfectable", not "we are perfect".

The fact is, we went from Slave owning societies to feodalism to capitalism and we are headed toward a new direction. There is a clear progress here in the sence that people some people are more free more cared for and more educated than they were before and because we moved toward a system that is closer to reality.

Now, it's not enough, and it doesn't means that there were not better system before, but there is a way toward progress if we create structural change.

By saying "ego and individual behaviors" will stop that, you are depoliticizing the process and ignores the fact that through structural change, egos and individual behavior will change too.


Now, you are right in the sense that we do not have example of better society at the moment aside from a few exceptionnal example like the commune or the anarchic organization thata happened in spain or stuff like that. So I don't have a way to give you a concrete vision of this without fail.

But then again, if it was the case, we would already have moved toward said system and there would be no debate.

What we have on the other hand is:

- The scientific consensus
- Materialism thinking
- A lot of determination

ALL my reasonning is based on those three things.

- When I say "we are all the result of the material condition of our existence", I'm not only mentionning materialism but the scientific consensus in social sciences as well.

- When I say, "we can make a better society very easily as long as we want it", I'm not mentionning only determination but a prime logic behind materialistic thinking as well.

- When I say "We know that Prisons or punishment are not usefull", I'm not mentionning only the scientific consensus but also the determination behind people who have been fighting for years to keep thoses data alive.

To create a better society we need those three things:
> A scientific knowledge to understand what works and what does not
> Materialist thinking to understand that we can change the world through structural changes
> Determination to apply this change

The only reason we are not in a better society at the moment, is because people refuse those three parameters and refuse to project themselves toward a better society.

The confort of oppression is more reassuring that the uncertainty of freedom.
Lil bro wants us to be perfect lil machines pretty much. Bro Wants flawless robots.

Without imperfections we aren't human.
Post automatically merged:

I think it’s quite concerning how trump supporters are mad at the trump administration for not being as racist as they wanted them to be
I'm sure a small percentage of us can be racist, But we all aren't. Please don't assume us all as such.
Nobody is perfect, and certain stereotypes are prevalent in certain demographics. Pointing them out isn't racist.
The fact is, we went from Slave owning societies to feodalism to capitalism and we are headed toward a new direction.
slavery still exists
There is a clear progress here in the sence that people some people are more free more cared for and more educated than they were before and because we moved toward a system that is closer to reality.
Absolute bs.
Lil bro wants us to be perfect lil machines pretty much. Bro Wants flawless robots.

Without imperfections we aren't human.
Of course you thinks the most oppressive behaviors are just "imperfections"...

This much is very obvious hehe
Once we really start to apply materialist thinking it's crazy how easy it is to imagine a better society.

I think it’s quite concerning how trump supporters are mad at the trump administration for not being as racist as they wanted them to be
Elon is losing it at the moment. Even he is not racist enough for the voters.

It's true.

Well, have fun going back 5 centuries ago mate.

Also note that this progress is not hegemonous. In reality a lot of countries are stagnating because of different facts such as poverty or post colonialism.

But there is progress anyway and this happened because we allowed ourselves to think outside the box and attack the structures of society.
Of course you thinks the most oppressive behaviors are just "imperfections"...

Once we really start to apply materialist thinking it's crazy how easy it is to imagine a better society.

Elon is losing it at the moment. Even he is not racist enough for the voters.

It's true.

Well, have fun going back 5 centuries ago mate.

Also note that this progress is not hegemonous. In reality a lot of countries are stagnating because of different facts such as poverty or post colonialism.

But there is progress anyway and this happened because we allowed ourselves to think outside the box and attack the structures of society.
Lil bro assuming to much.
Lil bro doing Lil bro things.
To what country? And what happen if we went 2000 years into the past or 5000? And where to?
Actually, if you go back a lot, you will end up in societies that have some similarities with the futures of our current one.

The absence of capitalism and patriarchy (as we know it today) allowed for a good deployement of our specie before the Neolithic.

You'll get vastly different life circumstances, cultural evolution is far from linear. When they think back in time,Westerners usually think of the middle ages and unlivable urban conditions of the Roman empire in Jesus 'time
And you are right, progress is not linear and it's not granted. But we still have progress in the change between feodalism and capitalism and from feodalism to liberalism. It's still a bad system, but a less bad one.

Now, if you want, you can stay within that system, but I will try to fight with those who want and imagine something better.

Lil bro assuming to much.
Lil bro doing Lil bro things.
I'm talking about ending oppressions through a restructuration of the system and imagining a better world and you are telling me that you want to keep our "imperfections". Come on...
And you are right, progress is not linear and it's not granted. But we still have progress in the change between feodalism and capitalism and from feodalism to liberalism. It's still a bad system, but a less bad one.

Now, if you want, you can stay within that system, but I will try to fight with those who want and imagine something better.
Corporate capitalism leads to neo feudalism