I mean this without joking. If Kid somehow gets washed ashore at Pirate Island, without him dying during however long the waves take to drift them there? Kid might as well be Jika for all the plot armor Oda gives him.
Like, I am already mentally prepared for him to show up at Elbaf. Fuck it. But how the HELL would the guy that was sunk of the coast of Elbaf that has also eaten a devil fruit not sunk/drowned during the journey?
On the low end, these islands are still several hours if not days of travel time via ships apart unless you can literally see Pirate Island from Elbaf or something like that.
So how would Kid ever survive this scenario? What, does Elbaf just happen to have a portal at the bottom its sea that leads to Pirate island that Kid fell through? Hell, how would he even drift like that? From what we know, all devil fruit eaters sink like stones.