how does the bolded part play into this? we were talking about hijab, not women in general.
I have been talking about woman in general since my first post mate... Look back.
Women are oppressed by patriarchy all over the world:
- In Iran, Patriarchy uses religion and sexism to force women to wear certain clothes and prevent them from having certain rights.
- In the West, Patriarchy uses sexism and Islamophobia to shame women who wear certain clothes (Hijab or skirts)
In BOTH cases, women are shamed and stripped of their agency and in both cases women are oppressed by Patriarchy that is a system of domination of men over women.
- In Japan women are pushed toward sexualization by the patriarcal culture and system
- In the West women are shamed for wearing too much or not enough by the patriarcal masses and the system
- In the middle east, women are forced to wear certain clothes and stripped from fundamental rights by the system.
The point WAS that Patriarchy is a system that oppresses
ALL women all over the world in different ways in functions of the society.
and sure the hijab is criticized by some, but the legal aspect
Not by "some", by the system and it politics. Shamed by it. Forced sometimes into stripping themselves from clothes that are fundamental parts of their identities.
This fallacious "vision" of laicity is being pushed into reducting muslim women into silence and the insibilization through institutions and the overall society. It's a documented form of oppression that is highly present in Europe especially in France were the islamophobia is highly systemic and mediatic.
All women are shamed into silence all over the world.
- Sexualized
- Harrassed and abused because they were not enough
- Harrased and abused because they were too much
- Slutshamed because they denounce abuse
- Targeted when they accuse
- Ignored when they are suffering
- Raped
- Tortured
- Dehumanized
- Enslaved even sometimes..
Sometimes even by the higher instances of the system such as presidents are doing those.
There is no such thing as a safe world at the moment for women. It's 50% of the population who lives under the oppression of the other 50%.
Fear the moment when they will start to massively fight back