consider the following example
you may see ads on YouTube showing Palestinians in Gaza crying out for help, pleading, "Where is your humanity? Help me, I’m a human. If you care about human life, don’t skip this video. From human to human, where’s your heart and compassion?" These appeals tug at your sense of empathy and moral obligation.
but these same individuals, who appeal to universal human values when they are victims, often have zero issue when the same principles are denied to others. They would not bat an eye if:
A gay person was thrown off a rooftop to their death simply for being born gay.
A woman was stoned to death for choosing to have consensual sex with a man outside of marriage.
A man was beheaded for exercising his right to leave the religion.
This stark hypocrisy is not incidental
it's a product of indoctrination. Muslims are conditioned to view themselves as perpetual victims deserving global compassion, yet they are also taught to show no empathy for those who transgress their rigid moral and religious codes.
Stop making excuses , this cult is evil.
you may see ads on YouTube showing Palestinians in Gaza crying out for help, pleading, "Where is your humanity? Help me, I’m a human. If you care about human life, don’t skip this video. From human to human, where’s your heart and compassion?" These appeals tug at your sense of empathy and moral obligation.
but these same individuals, who appeal to universal human values when they are victims, often have zero issue when the same principles are denied to others. They would not bat an eye if:
A gay person was thrown off a rooftop to their death simply for being born gay.
A woman was stoned to death for choosing to have consensual sex with a man outside of marriage.
A man was beheaded for exercising his right to leave the religion.
This stark hypocrisy is not incidental
it's a product of indoctrination. Muslims are conditioned to view themselves as perpetual victims deserving global compassion, yet they are also taught to show no empathy for those who transgress their rigid moral and religious codes.
Stop making excuses , this cult is evil.
homosexuality always comes from external factors
and on top of that they are descendants of the oldest religions.
You know how old Abrahamic religions are?
Murican education showing it's full glory once again.
not sure how 2.04 billion people is a minority group of the world
The only place islam is a minority in is in the west, where christianity is predominant
Sometimes, new interpretations and new visions creates new movements.
religions are not monolithic systems