Speculations What did Oda plan for ? What did he make up on the fly ?

The Holy Knights look they have been thought of recently, after Oda made lose all hype and credibility to CP0, which doesn't help continuity or the WG's credibility given that all the things that happened at Marie-Geoise hurt their credibility.
What do you mean, nobody has successfully invaded mary geoise in like a billion years?
Aside from failing to stop and kill a young Doflamingo escaping with knowledge of the CD's dirtiest secrets, Fisher Tiger and him freeing thousands of slaves, and the Revotionary Army officers and Bonney during the Reverie ?

Sure they have done a stellar, impeccable work at protecting the CD and their interests.
Aside from failing to stop and kill a young Doflamingo escaping with knowledge of the CD's dirtiest secrets, Fisher Tiger and him freeing thousands of slaves, and the Revotionary Army officers and Bonney during the Reverie ?

Sure they have done a stellar, impeccable work at protecting the CD and their interests.
To my latest knowledge, they have been in control of the world for 800 years? For your points:

  • Do flamingo - Didn't do shit, now in prison, CD still in power and Doffy still paid the world tribute if I remember but it's irrelevant
  • Fisher tiger - Freed some slaves, slave trade still pumping strong, fisher tiger dead and CD stronger than ever, just made more slaves
  • Revo - The first example of something tangible given the destruction of the food reserves, but the revos are doing that globally while the world is in shambles and has been for the last 2 years. Still CD in full control of the world though.
I see where you are coming from, but Shanks interaction with the sea king isn´t really like the COC we see later on Imo. It seems more like more of a generic anime badass thing.
It might've been planned differently initially, but now it's a confirmed usage of CoC. Luffy uses this against Motobaro, Surume and other animals/beasts too.

On top of that, Smoker was introduced pretty early in the story, so I think that Oda was at least cooking up some kind of form of countering logias (I know that there were the elemental counters early, but it didn't look like everyone resorted to this (e.g.: Shanks).

Anyway, Oda's plans can only be speculated.
Aside from failing to stop and kill a young Doflamingo escaping with knowledge of the CD's dirtiest secrets, Fisher Tiger and him freeing thousands of slaves, and the Revotionary Army officers and Bonney during the Reverie ?

Sure they have done a stellar, impeccable work at protecting the CD and their interests.

This is just headcanon, but I think Fisher Tiger attacked Mariejois when the Knights were way to do a hunting competition in some random island
Oda is actually pretty open about things he doesn't plan. In sbs's he's talked about how he planned for doflamingo to be a villain on wano, so no dressrosa, and ace wasn't planned to be Roger's son
Oda is actually pretty open about things he doesn't plan. In sbs's he's talked about how he planned for doflamingo to be a villain on wano, so no dressrosa, and ace wasn't planned to be Roger's son
He's not honest about it at all, I remember someone asked him why Luffy was affected by Namis happiness punch but not Boa Hancocks Mero beam, so he told them they have no life and blamed it on usopp
He's not honest about it at all, I remember someone asked him why Luffy was affected by Namis happiness punch but not Boa Hancocks Mero beam, so he told them they have no life and blamed it on usopp
Yes I remember he actually was seething. But the question was for an in universe explanation,that's why he had to make a cope answer. Oda always talks about what stuff he didn't plan in the SBS
  • Most strawhats;
  • Fishmen and giants;
  • Luffy's encounter with Shanks (after he became a Great Pirate);
  • The One Piece's ending and the One Piece itself;
  • Roger's crew and Shanks' crew;
  • Garp being Luffy's granpa and his relationship with Koby;
  • Blackbeard as an endgame villain;
  • The devil fruits.

Partially planned:
  • Haki;
  • Fishman Island, Amazon Lily, Wano and Elbaf;
  • The Yonko (Hancock as a Yonko);
  • The Admirals;
  • The World Government (+ Imu and The Gorosei);
  • Joy Boy, the Poneglyphs and the Void Century's plot.
  • Edit: I forgot to add the Revolutionaries.

  • 95% of the plot/places/characters from the Alabasta Saga and beyond;
  • Longarms, longlegs, dwarves and many other races;
  • The Shichibukai (at least Hancock was planned to be a Yonko though);
  • Ace and, more obviously, Sabo (maybe Sabo was planned when Ace first appeared);
  • Franky;
  • Cipher Pols;
  • The Supernova;
  • The God's Knights;
  • The Underworld;
  • Vegapunk and MADS;
  • Nika.
Wait boa was originally planned to be a yonko!
  • Most strawhats;
  • Fishmen and giants;
  • Luffy's encounter with Shanks (after he became a Great Pirate);
  • The One Piece's ending and the One Piece itself;
  • Roger's crew and Shanks' crew;
  • Garp being Luffy's granpa and his relationship with Koby;
  • Blackbeard as an endgame villain;
  • The devil fruits.

Partially planned:
  • Haki;
  • Fishman Island, Amazon Lily, Wano and Elbaf;
  • The Yonko (Hancock as a Yonko);
  • The Admirals;
  • The World Government (+ Imu and The Gorosei);
  • Joy Boy, the Poneglyphs and the Void Century's plot.
  • Edit: I forgot to add the Revolutionaries.

  • 95% of the plot/places/characters from the Alabasta Saga and beyond;
  • Longarms, longlegs, dwarves and many other races;
  • The Shichibukai (at least Hancock was planned to be a Yonko though);
  • Ace and, more obviously, Sabo (maybe Sabo was planned when Ace first appeared);
  • Franky;
  • Cipher Pols;
  • The Supernova;
  • The God's Knights;
  • The Underworld;
  • Vegapunk and MADS;
  • Nika.
Hancock as a Yonko is news to me. As far I know she was always a Warlord, tho at first she was meant to be an actual antagonist
Wait boa was originally planned to be a yonko!
Hancock as a Yonko is news to me. As far I know she was always a Warlord, tho at first she was meant to be an actual antagonist
Where's hancock's information coming from?
There weren't really the "Yonko" yet, but Oda initially planned 4 villains for the Grand Line (Shanks was already introduced, but he wasn't among the hypothetical "Yonko" apparently, while Blackbeard was already in Oda's plans as an extremely powerful villain... considering this, he would be probably the final villain).

Weekly Shonen Jump #1557 - No. 37-38, 1999 Issue. (Teaser for the 4 villains of the Grand Line.)
There weren't really the "Yonko" yet, but Oda initially planned 4 villains for the Grand Line (Shanks was already introduced, but he wasn't among the hypothetical "Yonko" apparently, while Blackbeard was already in Oda's plans as an extremely powerful villain... considering this, he would be probably the final villain).

Weekly Shonen Jump #1557 - No. 37-38, 1999 Issue. (Teaser for the 4 villains of the Grand Line.)
Haha, imagine being able to read early One Piece and Hxh as a kid. I would be so happy
There weren't really the "Yonko" yet, but Oda initially planned 4 villains for the Grand Line (Shanks was already introduced, but he wasn't among the hypothetical "Yonko" apparently, while Blackbeard was already in Oda's plans as an extremely powerful villain... considering this, he would be probably the final villain).

Weekly Shonen Jump #1557 - No. 37-38, 1999 Issue. (Teaser for the 4 villains of the Grand Line.)
The one with the axe - Kaido
The lady - Linlin
The one with the pole - WB
The one with the Gun - Teach