This is a dragon
This is a snake
This is a devil
This is Franky
This is a tree
The ''devil'' is the humanoid form of the dragon, when he stabbed Cobra his tail was devil like too. You can see the horns of the dragon appearing on the humanoid form too, and the sun is likely the mother flame that they used against Joyboy it probably was destroyed or something and now they want a new one. The gorosei mentioned that the war is still ongoing and they want to end it with the motherflame,etc.
Imu gives people power and renders them immortal, thats not what a normal dragon does. And its literally a deal with the devil as he can take it all back and kill you if you dont serve him.
Also this:
biblically speaking,
the dragon symbolizes the D(eified)EVIL or DEVIL as stated explicitly in Rev 12:9, to wit: “And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”