Powers & Abilities The terrifying power of conqueror's Haki


The event of Luffy using conqueror's Haki put the highest ranking marines in a state of shock and awe. Sengoku was shocked, Aokiji became pale, asking if he's serious, both Kizaru and Dobermann acknowledged that Luffy hides a terrifying power and will become a terrifying enemy if they let him escape. Admirals which have top class logias with island-level destruction capabilities and the highest lethality, are labeling this power as terrifying.

So is conqueror's Haki just fodder control, or is there more to it? First of all, we notice that CoC is often used synonymously with "ambition". You could as well say will power. When Shanks entered the ship of the great Whitebeard, one of his top commanders, Jozu, pointed out in awe how crazy the ambition is Shanks exerts.

When Blackbeard initially saw Luffy's 30 million bounty poster, he called it odd for a kid with such Haki/ambition to have such a low bounty:

As per definition, ambition is: "a strong desire for success, achievement, power (or wealth)". According to Chinjao, the fight for the throne of the PK is decided between those conquerors, between those with the qualities of a king. That's why Kaido said that they don't need so many conquerors running around, because it would only end up in a conflict between conquerors.

Knocking out people with your sheer will power is but one facet of a much more general term. Simply put, conquerors have much higher potential and a much higher growth rate than those who are not. They have a much higher ambition and will power to achieve their goals by all means, even if it means pulling themselves through death and never subjugating oneself.

(S)he who is not a conqueror, can never hope to stand at the top of the world.

Apart from generally being the ambition/strong desire for success, achievement and power (which translates to your potential and growth rate), conqueror's Haki comes in many applications, one of which Mihawk himself called "the strongest ability in the entire ocean". Yes, that's correct, it is one of the many applications of conqueror's Haki.

Mihawk calling Luffy's ability to attract people and turn them into his allies the most dangerous ability in the ocean:

Later we learn, that it is CoC or more generally the qualities of the conqueror that allow him to do so:

The most common application we know, is simply knocking out those whose power level is far below the conqueror. Luffy instantly knocked out 50.000 people in fishman island, with Oda saying that either Shanks or Rayleigh would've knocked out all 100.000 of them. Instantly. No other ability can clear the field so fast.

Another pretty common ability of CoC is the ability to do physical damage. We got a taste of it when Shanks entered WB's ship and cracked it. Later we saw how WB and Shanks clashing shook the seas and made the sky split. A barely conscious Doflamingo coming to his senses, crushed a chunk of the mountain he was sticking at, and a clash of conqueror Haki's between Luffy and Katakuri made a part of the mirror world crumble.

Another ability that was implied, is the ability to control the weather and cause storms (@Shiroyru)

A 5 minute talk between WB and Shanks that became heated, quickly changed the weather from a sunny day to having the entire sky covered in thick thunderclouds.

5 minutes later as they get more serious in their talk:

Is this how Roger won the Ed war? By creating a storm that destroyed Shiki's fleet, while Roger came out of it just fine? Possible.

Just to sum it up:

- "Crazy" ambition for success, which comes with a much higher growth rate and will power
- The ability to attract people and make them into your allies (the most dangerous ability of all according to Mihawk)
- Physical damage to the surroundings and possibly even people
- Fodder control
- Possibly weather control

One can only imagine how that ability would work with someone like Roger, who had the greatest ambition and potential. Who rivaled the great Whitebeard. Maybe someone of Roger's caliber would have CoC of such greatness, that with will power alone he could suppress the opponents very DF, Haki and ambition to fight. Exert such massive physical damage with his will power it would crush the opponents body. Create massive storms to direct them at the opponent.

Obviously, the way Oda portrayed it, CoC will most likely end up as being one of the most powerful abilities when used by the strongest. I believe that, as Roger's and WB's base powers were equal, it what Roger's CoC that was a match to Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi (the strongest paramecia, hyped to destroy the world) and which made them equal. I am sure we will witness the full power of CoC through Luffy, when his DF ability will be rendered useless by Blackbeard, ending in a CoC vs. Gura fight yet again, same as with Roger vs. Whitebeard.

@Sentinel @playa4321 @Finalbeta @Red Admiral @Jo_Ndule @Seraphoenix @Admiral Lee Hung @Bogard @ShishioIsBack @Bogard @TheAncientCenturion @Haoshoku @Light D Lamperouge etc.
Hopefully luffy learns it soon from dragon and/or shanks so we can see its full potential

Advanced coc and advanced haki in general is probably gonna be the thing thatll help close the gap between him and teach
I think so too.

CoA and CoO is an ability that can be learned by everyone. Yet only a selected few reach such incredible levels like Roger/WB to make the whole island shake and people flying through the air across the whole island, or in Katakuri's case going as far as seeing the future.

Since only 1 in a million can even be born with it, more advanced and let alone the most advanced form is something even much rarer. So it's silly to judge CoC's full capabilities by what we have seen from high tiers. With Shanks having no feats at all yet.


I don’t think it was roger who brewed up the storm but rather it was Dragon, he did the same thing in Logue town. Whether it was his df or his coc it’s unclear for now. advanced coc may be a real possibility I feel like we’ll learn more about it from dragon since he is most definitely the strongest coc user to have ever existed


World's Strongest Swordsman
Roger didnt win the ed war. It was said it was a draw
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Hopefully luffy learns it soon from dragon and/or shanks so we can see its full potential

Advanced coc and advanced haki in general is probably gonna be the thing thatll help close the gap between him and teach
How can someone teach it to him when coc cant be trained ?
I'm pretty sure Kaido's Thunder Bagua is imbued with Conqueror's Haki. I've always had a feeling that it was possible to do so way back during Fishman Island with Luffy vs Hordy, and Luffy used "Snakeshot."

On paper it seems like such a low level attack, but as you can see it dealt considerable amount of pain to Hordy. Some people use to argue that it was just CoA along the same vain that Rayleigh used, but now as we can see that Luffy wasn't capable of using that kind of CoA until just recently. Others argued that it was just Luffy's grip strength, but that doesn't make much sense either as Luffy used it underwater where his overall strength would be considerably weaker. So it shouldn't be able to cause that much pain to someone who is durable enough that took an Elephant Gatling to be taken out. So I am now even more so convinced that CoC can be imbued into attacks.
it is one of the many applications of conqueror's Haki
It's not just one of the many application of CoC, just like Mihawk said this is the most dangerous application.

Binding CoC only to combat isn't doing justice to this power, its major power is in this ability as Mihawk pointed out.

Mihawk can really foresee everything, he realized Luffy was a CoC User even without seeing him use it


World's Strongest Swordsman
I also think that's because Ace has CoC too so his will is stronger than Jozu. Jozu hasn't been confirmed to have CoC.
Wtf are you on about ? Can you not read?

Youre hyping magic acoc yet the ace novel clearly says when shanks coc isnt enough he reaches for his sword. Why you talking about jozu for smh.


Wtf are you on about ? Can you not read?

Youre hyping magic acoc yet the ace novel clearly says when shanks coc isnt enough he reaches for his sword. Why you talking about jozu for smh.
Calm down. In novel we don't know to which person forces Shanks to draw his sword if his CoC isn't enough. The novel could refer to Mihawk, other yonko (people who force Shanks to draw his sword if Shanks CoC is not enough).