General & Others What can Sanji do/learn to reach the levels that the fandom expects him to reach post 1139?

Whatever Sanji fans expected Sanji to be, Oda will make Sanji go even higher proven by chap 1139.

Anyway, Sanji just needs one more power-up to be a full fledged top tier. Future Sight is almost confirmed to be Sanji's next power-up since Sanji's specialty Haki is Observation Haki. After that, Adv CoC, black flames and whatever Power of Love is are the best routes to seal off his spotlight as one of the strongest characters ever to live in OP.
He already has his own Version of Gear 1, 2 & 3
Now He needs a Temporary 100% Form where He exhausts all his Haki or Power similar to Gear 4 or King of Hell,
He also needs a Form that is beyond his Limits, similar to Gear 5 or Asura,
And He also needs Adv. CoC or Equivalent Power

I have no doubt that He can become as Strong as Chapter 1000 Luffy (Gears up to 4),
But it's Doubtful if He really does have CoC or Equivalent Power & also something similar to God/Demon Form like Gear 5 & Asura,
Let's wait & see
He's already at that tier. I'd like to see pre wano luffy perform as well as sanji did vs the elders and all of egghead

Just his speed feat alone vs queen is unique in the story and unchallenged by even kizaru.

I never understood the sanji downplay. Oda keeps shoving it in your face that he's up there neck and neck with zoro but for some reason it's too much to believe
He's already at that tier. I'd like to see pre wano luffy perform as well as sanji did vs the elders and all of egghead

Just his speed feat alone vs queen is unique in the story and unchallenged by even kizaru.

I never understood the sanji downplay. Oda keeps shoving it in your face that he's up there neck and neck with zoro but for some reason it's too much to believe
Why Pre-Wano?

If Luffy is in Base, Sanji can Fight him in Base,
If Luffy is in Gear 2, Sanji can Fight him in Diable Jambe,
If Luffy is in Gear 3 (Chapter 1000), Sanji can Fight him in Ifrit Jambe,

But if Luffy uses Adv. CoC, Sanji gets Overwhelmed,
If Luffy goes Gear 4, Sanji doesn't have an Answer for that, same for Gear 5

I'm putting neither of their Fighting Styles above the other, i'm treating them as Equals,
Luffy is Stronger because He is ahead in Progress, that's all,
Luffy Unlocked 5 Levels, Sanji is at 3 so far & still need to learn CoC or Equivalent Power
I think a lot of people forget that we haven't seen post-wano Zoro and Sanji pushed to their limits yet. When they got their powerups, they destroyed their opponents. In the Pre-TS, it would have been asinine to say that they were only slightly superior to Kaku and Jabra, as they totally dominated them with Asura and DJ. Once the Straw Hats got to Sabaody, we saw that DJ was = to Gear 2 and Asura was equal to G3, which made it obvious that The strength gaps between L/Z/S hadn't even changed since East Blue.

Why should we expect this dynamic to change now? Kaido is just the Post-TS version of Lucci, and King and Queen are his Kaku and Jabra. If Luffy is a top tier for extreme-diffing Kaido with help, Zoro and Sanji should logically be in the top tier range as well.

So even if they each just got one more powerup, they could probably defeat their end of story opponents.

For example, Zoro already has top tier cutting power with his King of Hell series of attacks. Just like in Pre-TS, he had top tier (for paradise at least) cutting power after defeating Daz. This was even further hinted at with his battle with Kaku because he already had the power to break Tekkai. But when he fought Braham, he couldn't defeat him due to a gimmick, and needed a ranged attack. This then helped him defeat the strongest priest Ohm.

So in Post-TS, even though he is already a top tier in power, he probably needs top tier observation haki to become WSS, and I think his Braham will be Shiryu of the Rain. Then after defeating a weaker opponent with a gimmick power, he will defeat Imu's strongest priest, which I think is Nusjuro (also bald like Ohm).

Sanji may or may not recieve this similar powerup, because historically he gets less 1v1s and powerups compared to Zoro, but I do have a theory about him awakening Future Sight alongside Zoro as a parallel to Luffy and Zoro awakening aCoC together in the rooftop battle.

Luffy and Zoro got the same powerup because their duo represents the epitome of kingly ambition.

But Zoro and Sanji are wings of the pirate king, Nika's sword and shield. So to be the ultimate wings, they need to sense threats before they appear. That is the thematic reason why they should get FS together.

And who would Sanji's opponent be for this? My guess is Avalo Pizarro. This is because he can likely travel anywhere in the island with his power, and so Sanji will have to find his true body, which he will only be able to do by predicting where he will go before he goes there (also combined with Sanji's top tier speed).

So TLDR; I think Zoro and Sanji only need one more powerup to defeat their EoS opponents and become legends, and people have tunnel vision because they are too stuck in community tier list powerscaling "Zoro is YC128393+++".

Sorry for the text wall :risitavirus:
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Why Pre-Wano?

If Luffy is in Base, Sanji can Fight him in Base,
If Luffy is in Gear 2, Sanji can Fight him in Diable Jambe,
If Luffy is in Gear 3 (Chapter 1000), Sanji can Fight him in Ifrit Jambe,

But if Luffy uses Adv. CoC, Sanji gets Overwhelmed,
If Luffy goes Gear 4, Sanji doesn't have an Answer for that, same for Gear 5

I'm putting neither of their Fighting Styles above the other, i'm treating them as Equals,
Luffy is Stronger because He is ahead in Progress, that's all,
Luffy Unlocked 5 Levels, Sanji is at 3 so far & still need to learn CoC or Equivalent Power
Ifrit Jambe is supposed to be his aCoC, not his Gear 3rd.
@Salah WG
This is because raidsuit/germa genes is supposed to be a parallel to enma. Both tools Sanji and Zoro obtained due to kindness (Sanji saved his family when he had no obligation to, and Zoro saved Hiyori without knowing who she was). And it's no surprise that these tools both were the secret to Sanji and Zoro's latent power. Both had to give them a test (Sanji's was mental, coming to terms with becoming a modified human, Zoro's was physical as Enma sucked his will dry). So Enma was a test of will, emphasizing Zoro's kingly ambition, and Sanji's was a test of passion, emphasizing his emotions and love.

That is why Oda also gave Ifrit Jambe a lightning pattern, to make the parallel to aCoC even more blatant.

So in my opinion even if IJ isn't of the same caliber as aCoC, it is still Sanji's version of it based on his own fuel source, and that's his passion. And it can't be compard to gear 3 which in my opinion Sanji has already clearly surpassed through easily burning through Queen's tough hide and sending him to the moon like team rocket blasting off again.

His Asura was already revealed after the timeskip, and that's his Hell's memories attack. It is a temporary boost where he uses all of his passion to ignite his entire body. It was also the only attack implied to do lasting damage to Queen, similar to how Asura was able to lasting damage Kaido.
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If ACoC of Luffy's and Zoro's already a top tier Emperor level abilities, Sanji's blue flame and Exoskeleton is already at least bare minimum Emperor level features. And that's enough.

Sanji is already a speedster. Exo covers durability & defense. Blue flame covers attack power.

So his next thing isn't about stats like these (so no ACoC or ID), but more about unique abilities:
- Future Sight is highly possible from Haki department.
- Poison immunity or lightning is possible from Science department.
- Nothing from DF department because his dream is underwater.
- Nothing from swordsmanship department because he will only use knives against food related opponents.
- Nothing from black leg style because he already able to use Ifrit version of Hell Memories.
Here’s how I think Sanji will get stronger:-

1. Ranged Attacks - I think there’s a reason why Oda didn’t give him Rankyaku whilst giving his Geppo despite the fact that Sanji has no ranged attacks. Rankyaku was perfect for him but I think now that Oda not giving it to him was intentional. From Sanji’s own words there is no limit to how hot he can store his flames, the only limitation is his body, what if the next level of fire is so hot , it essentially superheats the air around Sanji allowing him to create an area of extremely low pressure. This causes a vacuum (area of low pressure) which creates a shockwave which Sanji can launch at his opponents. This will be called ‘Char Jambe’ in which Sanji’s fire is so hot it becomes invisible.

2. CoO suppression - Speaking of invisible fire, Sanji will unlock an advanced Observation Haki ability which only a few know - the power to imbue / coat your body in Observation Haki. This creates a kind of scrambler which stops or at least heavily restricts your opponent’s observation Haki from tracking you. This combined with Sanji’s invisible speed, will make him virtually untouchable to anyone but top tiers with mastery of observation Haki.

3. Exoskeleton molting - So how does Sanji get this increase in durability and fire resistance? The answer lies in his exoskeleton! Sanji’s exoskeleton will start to molt, which is a real world phenomenon where the exoskeleton will shed as the organism grows so that a new more robust exoskeleton can grow it its place. Unfortunately this will leave Sanji vulnerable as the exoskeleton will have to harden. What prompts this lilting process? Well repeated battles, so that the exoskeleton continues to grow with him until it eventually falls off.

I personally don’t want Sanji to get ACoC, it seems like a boring repetitive cop-out to make someone stronger without putting in the time and effort to actually write a compelling power progression narrative.
How many power ups does Sanji need at this point? I don’t think we’re still working up to them reach the level of Wings of the Pirate King. The Wano awakenings imo pushed the Monster Trio to the level they need to be at to truly compete for the One Piece.

He was stronger than Queen before the power up and stomped him after it.

We never actually got to see him fight Queen 1v1 without the power for any meaningful time.

The exoskeleton is absurd. The speed is absurd. Diable Jambe made Jabura feel like his bones were on fire internally when it was brand new and he was the best Tekkai user - Ifrit Jambe is like up to 5x the temperature of magma.

What more does Sanji need? I think it’d be cool if he can fire as projectile weapon, but his ability to fly kinda makes that moot, though not entirely.
How many power ups does Sanji need at this point? I don’t think we’re still working up to them reach the level of Wings of the Pirate King. The Wano awakenings imo pushed the Monster Trio to the level they need to be at to truly compete for the One Piece.

He was stronger than Queen before the power up and stomped him after it.

We never actually got to see him fight Queen 1v1 without the power for any meaningful time.

The exoskeleton is absurd. The speed is absurd. Diable Jambe made Jabura feel like his bones were on fire internally when it was brand new and he was the best Tekkai user - Ifrit Jambe is like up to 5x the temperature of magma.

What more does Sanji need? I think it’d be cool if he can fire as projectile weapon, but his ability to fly kinda makes that moot, though not entirely.
For a projectile, why not a kick version of Kamusari?

Like he uses his kicks to create air slashes and combos that with his flames to create massive burning shockwave attacks.