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Oda and Wano dicking around and refusing to advance the plot is a tried and true combo.

I love Wano, but FUCK does Oda like to drag his ass with everything related to that arc.

We went through another ENTIRE ARC and we still don't have confirmation on Kaido and Linlin's deaths.

Maybe Yamato is Linlin's kid, she's sure eaten like it this Cover Series.

My hope for Cross Guild showing up in Wano during the Cover Series is dwindling. Still exists, though; Uncle Buggy needs to visit Momo and Hiyori, and totally not use them to get a Road Poneglyph/natural war fortress.

Kaido was too weak to effectively utilize Wano as a military force. Wano needs a stronger Yonkou, with bigger ideas, and more powerful subordinates, to max out its potential

Kaido death was confirmed on screen when he was shown dissolving into magma

Big Mom was confirmed alive when Morgan’s said the last thing the navy reported before leaving Wano was seeing Big Mom’s ship.

Put that makeup on yourself.
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