One Piece Chapter 1141: 'Older woman'

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Personally, I think Loki's going to make a beeline for the Heaven/Astral Layer of Elbaph, in order to do...something to destroy Yggdrasil and start the Final War.

Mind, he'll probably leave a trail of bodies and destruction behind him trying to get all the way up there. But, I think Loki has his bandaged eyes on the prize. Personally, I'm thinking there's probably some sort of Nika Temple or something up in the Heaven Layer, and Loki will have to get there to do...whatever it is he's going to do.

Plus, we probably need to at least see what's up there before we leave Elbaph. This is as good an excuse as any. I wouldn't even be surprised if Loki's last remaining Seastone cuff melts away from the heat of the sun up there or something. That would kind of be a epic moment.

still dont get it, whats the older woman supposed to mean?
Personally, I'm leading towards this hinting at Imu. I know a lot of people think Imu isn't a woman, and it definitely is hard to tell, but I think that's the only person that we know of that it possibly could be?

Jarul is 408 years old. So, that kind of limits who he might be talking about in the first place.

Big Mom? It's a nice idea, and I do think Big Mom will eventually return along with Kaido, but I doubt it's her. She's only 68. That's practically a teenager in Giant terms.

Doctor Kureha is really the only other possible person that I can think of who would even come close. But, even she's only a spritely 141.

Zunesha is technically possible, since Zunesha is over a 1000 years old. Technically, we don't know Zunesha's gender, even though it sounds male in the anime. I just don't know if Jarul would even know that Zunesha exists? Plus, we have no reason to think Jarul is into this kind of stuff. Although, who could blame him? Those legs do go on for miles! Love does tend to find a way in the One Piece World. I still think this is less likely than Imu.

Imu's really the only character who might give Jarul a run for his money in the age department and still be his type. And there are some conspiracy theories out there that Jarul is secretly the villain of this whole arc. A Giant Supremacist Fundamentalist who wants Elbaph to return to it's warrior roots. I don't know if I buy that, but I can't say it's impossible, either. So, there's some possibility that Jarul has worked with Imu and the World Government to cause just enough trouble to make everyone want to take up arms again and turn away from the ways of peace that their society has been headed towards for the last few years.
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While I think Loki is wounded a lot, he may have exaggerated and use this condition to his advantage to fool Luffy and Zoro into freeing him is what happened I think, with him being called a trickster and liar who would betray others


@Kizaruber Eats @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @NikaInParis @Tyki_Mikk @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier etc
Imo he got a good read on Luffy the first time and knew he would set him free regardless of condition. I think he was genuinely wounded, which is no surprise considering he was defenseless for all the attacks he took
@MonsterZoro all the giants have lumps on their heads after the fall except Gerd.
Sanji did actually prevented her from getting hurt.
Mfer casually managed to hold a Giant.
That's the power of love™
It would be hilarious if Jorul only thinks Loki is evil because he got brain damaged by the sword and can't recall the events of the fight in the castle.

Oda didn't give him the sword in the head for no reason.
The only excuse Oda could deliver in this case is if Ragnir is like Mjolnir that Loki could only pick it up
Otherwise it's BS writing
remember Oden lol

Wouldnt surprise me if Jarul works with the government of/and Harald wanted to become the sun god and conquer the world.
I don't think he does. It's got something to do with the sword in his head that he doesn't seem to even notice
Imo he got a good read on Luffy the first time and knew he would set him free regardless of condition. I think he was genuinely wounded, which is no surprise considering he was defenseless for all the attacks he took
Yeah the moment he found out Shanks is someone Luffy looks up to it looked like he was gonna take advantage of that