General & Others What is the point of putting Jimbei in crew ?

Indeed Law was a better straight man to the Straw Hats antics between Punk Hazard and Dressrosa that Jinbei has been since joining, while still having enough personality and aura, even if he got massively overshadowed by Luffy.
Yeah that’s my main issue with Jinbe, he’s just there. He doesn’t really stand out like Law does for example

I feel like Oda really mellowed out his character to “fit” with the SHs when it should’ve been the opposite. Him standing out would be a better fit as the SHs are suppose to be a mix of different personalities

like give me marineford Jinbe over current Jinbe any day
Having a fishman at sea sounds super useful especially when df users could fall in the water. Being able to manipulate the water around him can also be a useful defense/offense at sea, I can see why they give him helmsman, but this is just hypothetical things will we actually see much of that play out? Who could say really. Actually I’m even thinking about when the sea levels rise to a critical point Jinbe could actually bring a lot of value in the end game.
I do not really understand that. In Egghead , Jimbei basically just carrying someone and rarely talk. In elbaf , he just getting one sentence if he is in the chapter. Somtimes i did not even realize Jimbei is in the crew. It was really bad idea to put Jimbei into crew. I do not see any good dynamics with others too.
No point
Lame as fuck
Boring character with no purpouse and additonal opportunity for some zoro fans to make them self clowns i guess after the toppo jobbo and boxes incident
Tell me you are a Sanjitard without telling me you are a Sanjitard
Neither dislike or especially like Jinbe so I'm somewhat indifferent on his character.
Oda seems to be tryna fit him into the existing Adult-Trio dynamic (i.e. the older heads on the crew) but it's true that he does lack quirkiness in comparison to the other 3 or any other SH for that matter. He's just a regular dude lol, hence why he feels very out of place.
I see what he brings to the crew with regards to strength and skills, but he lacks personality and the individuality that every other SH seems to have. For instance, putting fighting aside, if the SHs are just chilling on the ship, fcking around everybody has something else to bring to the table but Jinbe just feels like he's there which is why I think he doesn't really come across as a proper SH just yet at least and I don't think being a serious character has anything to do with it tbh, we've seen Smoker for instance or even Law interact with the SHs and they fit.