I hear you ^^ but don't think Oda's gonna give us Zoro v Mihawk now. Feel like it'd somewhat take away from the actual duel whenever it happens. For example if Zoro beats Nightmare Mihawk then how would that affect our perception of how Zoro and Mihawk will actually go though but guess you could say the same about Luffy v Akainu for instance in which case, maybe Black Nika as Luffy's opponent? lol
IMO it would be an interesting way of showing how Zoro lost his eye and since it’s more about the theme than the fight Oda won’t need to really show anything in the fight but rather use it as a small teaser to create a bit more excitement for this fight for the future.
Plus since it seems like Sommers’ ability doesn’t create the actual creatures but rather distorted versions based on the target Oda could straight up make Sakazuki and Mihawk a bit more distorted based on how monstrous Luffy and Zoro see them (like a big ass Magma Hound for Luffy in place of actual Sakazuki and whatever monster Zoro sees Mihawk as)