General & Others Why current 3 Emperors are more special than former 3

Your favorite Emperor crews

  • Whitebeard Pirates

  • Beasts Pirates

  • BigMom Pirates

  • RedHair Pirates

  • Buggy Pirates and Cross Guild

  • Blackbeard Pirates

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Most boring yonkou crew
Why Izo stayed with WB Pirates and didn't follow Oden if they are boring?
This is why I thought it was funny that people thought Shamrock may not be the strongest HK. Dude is included in the most important collage in the mangas history.
Oda gave him Cerberus, I expect him to be powerful but I still believe Shanks > Shamrock until we see more of Shamrock.
Blackbeard pirates are easily the most entertaining crew, followed by BMP then Beast Pirates. WBP and RHP are boring af except for 1-2 characters each.

Cross Guild will be the epitome of a fun time, all-star characters in terms of charisma. They can absorb more noteworthy guys like Moriah, Perona, etc. I don’t really count these guys, Oda is building them up as the fanservice and fun team, they’ll mog the other crews in pure entertainment value. Unless their storyline gets kind of cringey and over the top nonsense…

BBP have a great chemistry and theme while posing as a serious threat, vital to the story. That’s why they’re the best.
Reason is this

they had their pre-time skip plot relevance and they also had gains after but more importantly they’re alive and still relevant.

Akainu and Blackbeard go neck n neck with their post-TS gains
Shanks is golden boy

but all 3 had their pre-time skip importance established and they’re still being reserved for later.

Luffy is obvious.

Admirals , shanks, Blackbeard are the main powerhouse characters of the series

Marineford clearly shown this

Main opposition of all pirates ~ admirals

Main opposition pirate ~ Blackbeard

Shanks who shown up towards the end and ended the war shown his relevance.

Pre-TS translates to Post-TS as well. Newgate will also be getting more n more hype as the series goes.
RHP... a morbidly obese guy, a dead beat father, a gunslinger that can not hit a target point blank, all lead by sea king fodder...
BMP are just whack. Lets be real. Irredeemably bad designs and characters.
BP started out well, then went downhill fast when we got to know that they tried to boost their feeble forces with weak smiles.
WBP are nice guys, but were depicted as utter pushovers.
Cross Guild is a joke. Literally.

BBP are the only ones left with any credibility at all.