Nah, you were fluffing and then just stopped posting entirely after telling people to stop doing so and posting those two threads. I just didnt feel like furthering you because i viewed you the same as queen.
@Zara unfortunately I don't know his scum meta, and I barely played with him at all. I'd like to say he leans town for forwarding discussion, but because he accuses people so quickly for not doing that, I'm pretty sure he would play similarly as scum.
--- And again, that doesn't change the fact that after some time you diminished from pursuing Zara when I began to question. Like Fujishiro says, you should have not stopped from scum hunting when someone is questioning your methods/reads/tells/etc. especially when you are town. Otherwise, you would be freaking out and tryna defend yourself just to clear yourself.
And above all, did I already accuse you 100% scum? This is just me interrogating you and I think that I am entitled to question anyone here who I think there are some inconsistencies with their statements.
As i am unsure about TAC and i feel like he is being off for now, as well as queen being rather inactive. Gambit summarizes my thoughts well, @Melontonin
Gambit is doing his job, he was question tac,poison and zara.
TAC was going off on zara, so they cant be the same team( as i dont see mafia throwing another mafia under the bus so early and for no reason)
The fact that zara dropped of gambits sus is valid. He made a small mistake early, if you can even call it that, but then he was being helpfull-ish, i am still not 100 on board with him tho but i understand why gambit went on TAC instead.
TAC dropping zara so fast when gambit went on him is an interesting case, he either is scum and thus wanted to lead townies to go off on a townie without wanting to be the figurehead of it or he somehow came to a conclusion that maybe zara wasnt scum,im lleaning towards the former.
And yes, the simple fact that he was being overly defensive can be seen as bad but when i sussed him, he didnt react much. So maybe its just gambit being overly more pressing with his interrogation method that got to him.
Overall doesnt change what i think so far, gambit is town or reads it, tac not so much.
Yep, if you notice im never inconsistent. I can and would do it tbh. Tho it would be nightmare inducing and will probably have dreams of that. God forbid i was already dreaming of mafia games when i started and during that tol game.
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