[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Nah i meant Pocketing.

On reads, if you have caught up. I would want something on Kiwi, Melon, Tac, Gambit n Zara. Take your sweet time,
Oh my bad lol

You meant what I think about Poison feeling like you are pocketing her because you town read her

I got it


My reads:
Light: Scum light tends to asking questions instead of pushing the lynch. He read me, Gambit as townie and neutral on TAC. He hasn't sus anyone. Maybe because it's day 1 and he's busy. It's too early to tell.

Fujishiro: He matches his town meta. Giving reads and using inactivity as reason to sus someone. I think he did that in ToL and that got Seraphoenix frustrated. Lends townie. I think he needs to fix this since people have different timezone.

Queen: Too early to tell. Like TAC and Light said she's also inactive as town. I think as scum she tends to be more helpful. In ToL she was talking about mechanic and she was scum. Her scum meta was also diplomatic in kakegurui game. I think I need her opinion on Gambit vs TAC, TAC vs Zara.

@Queen What's your thoughts on Gambit vs Zara and TAC vs Zara?

TAC: I think he tends to fluff a lot. He did that in naruto game too but in this game he asked to stop fluf post so that gives townie vibe.

Gambit: Kiwipom explained his meta well. Nitpick what TAC said and voted TAC after some users said TAC was more sus than Zara. So Gambit looked sus now. His town meta seems to be easily annoyed when someone sus him. I want to see his reaction on Kiwipom and TAC vote before deciding.
@Gambit Kiwipom and TAC voted you. I also sus you after seeing Kiwipom's explanation. Do you have reason to convince me that you're townie?

Melontonin: Asking Poison weird reason to vote me so seems good for now. Her scum meta tends to sus someone who has already been sus by many players like in naruto when many players sus Zara, she also sus Zara.

Flower, Ali, Trismegistus: No read. Hasn't posted once. Only 1 post I think.

Kiwipom: She claimed Miller and she gave good case on Gambit. Her frustration also looked genuine to Reborn so leans townie.

Cobra: He plays with his same meta. Saying he is town and hope he's scum. I think he's townie for now since hsi play would be different if he's first time scum and moreover he's new player.

Natalija: Asking not to claim so she looks townie to me. Maybe to get towncreed but I have never seen her done this as scum.

Reborn: I sus him first but he looks more active in scum hunting so he lends townie.

Poison: Felt weird voting me to gain reaction when she sus natalija/Zara. later she explained to get reaction from me who she has no read. She later also sus Yo Tan Wa/Light but didn't push the case. Need to see more of her.

Yo Tan Wa: He townread me and Poison before logging off and now still gave townread to me and Poison so that looks consistent with his read.
He also sus Gambit but later townread him and his explanation doesn't convince me but later put Gambit neutral based on his read on Kiwipom.
He also put Queen as his scum list and today I think his read on her is consistent.

Zara: I think he lends townie. Asking how to proceed with the game. Looks townie and he didn't like Queen got free pass for being inactive.

No scum read for now. Maybe Gambit. I found Yo Tan Wa weird. he put Reborn as sus yesterday and he didn't give his read on Reborn today. He also asked Trismegistus to give reads on Kiwi, Melon, Tac, Gambit n Zara but not Reborn.

@Yo Tan Wa Why didn't you give your read on Reborn? Why didn't you ask Trismegistus read on Reborn too?
Nat is really town on everyones list for absolutely no reason

a lot of yall are gonna be looking silly if she ends up being scum


i honestly dont understand how everyone in this game has a town read on Nat so easily. I dont think thereโ€™s a single person whoโ€™s given reads on her that didnโ€™t say that she leans town

not saying nat has done anything scummy, cuz she hasnโ€™t. But she certainly hasnโ€™t done anything to get the entire roster of players thinking she leans town either



Ghost Princess
I like how im sus in almost everyoneโ€™s list

Youโ€™re good in my books.

Nat is really town on everyones list for absolutely no reason

a lot of yall are gonna be looking silly if she ends up being scum


i honestly dont understand how everyone in this game has a town read on Nat so easily. I dont think thereโ€™s a single person whoโ€™s given reads on her that didnโ€™t say that she leans town

not saying nat has done anything scummy, cuz she hasnโ€™t. But she certainly hasnโ€™t done anything to get the entire roster of players thinking she leans town either

I agree with this 100%
Maybe we need to start looking at the people who agreed with this. I mean Iโ€™m not so sure about Nat tbh, she didnโ€™t have any red flags but she hasnโ€™t contributed in any ways that makes me town clear her. So I feel like the people (especially saying sheโ€™s clear for typing donโ€™t claim in big fonts) could just be sheeping and giving fluff reads

Iโ€™ll look into this in the morning
My reads:
Light: Scum light tends to asking questions instead of pushing the lynch. He read me, Gambit as townie and neutral on TAC. He hasn't sus anyone. Maybe because it's day 1 and he's busy. It's too early to tell.

Fujishiro: He matches his town meta. Giving reads and using inactivity as reason to sus someone. I think he did that in ToL and that got Seraphoenix frustrated. Lends townie. I think he needs to fix this since people have different timezone.

Queen: Too early to tell. Like TAC and Light said she's also inactive as town. I think as scum she tends to be more helpful. In ToL she was talking about mechanic and she was scum. Her scum meta was also diplomatic in kakegurui game. I think I need her opinion on Gambit vs TAC, TAC vs Zara.

@Queen What's your thoughts on Gambit vs Zara and TAC vs Zara?

TAC: I think he tends to fluff a lot. He did that in naruto game too but in this game he asked to stop fluf post so that gives townie vibe.

Gambit: Kiwipom explained his meta well. Nitpick what TAC said and voted TAC after some users said TAC was more sus than Zara. So Gambit looked sus now. His town meta seems to be easily annoyed when someone sus him. I want to see his reaction on Kiwipom and TAC vote before deciding.
@Gambit Kiwipom and TAC voted you. I also sus you after seeing Kiwipom's explanation. Do you have reason to convince me that you're townie?

Melontonin: Asking Poison weird reason to vote me so seems good for now. Her scum meta tends to sus someone who has already been sus by many players like in naruto when many players sus Zara, she also sus Zara.

Flower, Ali, Trismegistus: No read. Hasn't posted once. Only 1 post I think.

Kiwipom: She claimed Miller and she gave good case on Gambit. Her frustration also looked genuine to Reborn so leans townie.

Cobra: He plays with his same meta. Saying he is town and hope he's scum. I think he's townie for now since hsi play would be different if he's first time scum and moreover he's new player.

Natalija: Asking not to claim so she looks townie to me. Maybe to get towncreed but I have never seen her done this as scum.

Reborn: I sus him first but he looks more active in scum hunting so he lends townie.

Poison: Felt weird voting me to gain reaction when she sus natalija/Zara. later she explained to get reaction from me who she has no read. She later also sus Yo Tan Wa/Light but didn't push the case. Need to see more of her.

Yo Tan Wa: He townread me and Poison before logging off and now still gave townread to me and Poison so that looks consistent with his read.
He also sus Gambit but later townread him and his explanation doesn't convince me but later put Gambit neutral based on his read on Kiwipom.
He also put Queen as his scum list and today I think his read on her is consistent.

Zara: I think he lends townie. Asking how to proceed with the game. Looks townie and he didn't like Queen got free pass for being inactive.

No scum read for now. Maybe Gambit. I found Yo Tan Wa weird. he put Reborn as sus yesterday and he didn't give his read on Reborn today. He also asked Trismegistus to give reads on Kiwi, Melon, Tac, Gambit n Zara but not Reborn.

@Yo Tan Wa Why didn't you give your read on Reborn? Why didn't you ask Trismegistus read on Reborn too?
Same question for you, you usually end the fluff bt you did nothing last Night. Hence keeping an eye on you post.

Nah, i dont. You basing this on my last game? bt i put questions when i have time, and simply reads when i dont. This time i was planning to get back to studying once i read everything and gave my reads. And i think i got good read on many players this time.

Nothing on my reads, huh?
Your initial read on Neutral is similar to mine. And on few other player, good vibe.
Now, onto your reads. This post didn't feel like your usual you, Neutral.

I want more on Tac from you.

You want to see Gambit reactn and you tag him, ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ.
And you are deducing his meta from one Game?

Melontonin point is good. She sus already sussed people as scum.

I read Cobra post saying he has played 6 Games, now. I am still under Dozen, so that shouldn't be excuse anymore @Cobra. You should try to be invested in the game, and improve your gameplay, if you want to learn.
Anyway Neutral, his play is different, Reborn pointed out. He is content with his role this time, maybe since he is not Vanilla anymore.

And also you shouldn't read people based on reads consistency D1. I gave my Rainbow reads both for reactions and based on instincts, in starting hours of Game when everyone mostly fluffed. You are looking for consistency in em?
But onto you, You gave reads on me as good and consistent, then call me weird?


Now, onto your reads. This post didn't feel like your usual you, Neutral.

I want more on Tac from you.

You want to see Gambit reactn and you tag him, ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ.
And you are deducing his meta from one Game?

Melontonin point is good. She sus already sussed people as scum.

I read Cobra post saying he has played 6 Games, now. I am still under Dozen, so that shouldn't be excuse anymore @Cobra. You should try to be invested in the game, and improve your gameplay, if you want to learn.
Anyway Neutral, his play is different, Reborn pointed out. He is content with his role this time, maybe since he is not Vanilla anymore.

And also you shouldn't read people based on reads consistency D1. I gave my Rainbow reads both for reactions and based on instincts, in starting hours of Game when everyone mostly fluffed. You are looking for consistency in em?
But onto you, You gave reads on me as good and consistent, then call me weird?
I based my reads on previous game/meta. Is there something wrong with that?

I think that's because he put Reborn on your sus list yesterday but you didn't give your read on Reborn today.

You also didn't ask Trismegistus read on Reborn.
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I want to see Gambit's react because he overreact when I and some players sus him. I want to see if his reaction similar to last game or not.

Yeah you make good point about Cobra but I still want to know your read on Reborn.
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Oh yeah Rayan: No reads for now. Scum Rayan tends to be diplomatic. Same with Queen. Need to see more of them.
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And also you shouldn't read people based on reads consistency D1. I gave my Rainbow reads both for reactions and based on instincts, in starting hours of Game when everyone mostly fluffed.
This is a good point. I haven't tried this. I gave my reads based on interaction between players. That's my play style.
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Lazy is the way
My reads:
Light: Scum light tends to asking questions instead of pushing the lynch. He read me, Gambit as townie and neutral on TAC. He hasn't sus anyone. Maybe because it's day 1 and he's busy. It's too early to tell.

Fujishiro: He matches his town meta. Giving reads and using inactivity as reason to sus someone. I think he did that in ToL and that got Seraphoenix frustrated. Lends townie. I think he needs to fix this since people have different timezone.

Queen: Too early to tell. Like TAC and Light said she's also inactive as town. I think as scum she tends to be more helpful. In ToL she was talking about mechanic and she was scum. Her scum meta was also diplomatic in kakegurui game. I think I need her opinion on Gambit vs TAC, TAC vs Zara.

@Queen What's your thoughts on Gambit vs Zara and TAC vs Zara?

TAC: I think he tends to fluff a lot. He did that in naruto game too but in this game he asked to stop fluf post so that gives townie vibe.

Gambit: Kiwipom explained his meta well. Nitpick what TAC said and voted TAC after some users said TAC was more sus than Zara. So Gambit looked sus now. His town meta seems to be easily annoyed when someone sus him. I want to see his reaction on Kiwipom and TAC vote before deciding.
@Gambit Kiwipom and TAC voted you. I also sus you after seeing Kiwipom's explanation. Do you have reason to convince me that you're townie?

Melontonin: Asking Poison weird reason to vote me so seems good for now. Her scum meta tends to sus someone who has already been sus by many players like in naruto when many players sus Zara, she also sus Zara.

Flower, Ali, Trismegistus: No read. Hasn't posted once. Only 1 post I think.

Kiwipom: She claimed Miller and she gave good case on Gambit. Her frustration also looked genuine to Reborn so leans townie.

Cobra: He plays with his same meta. Saying he is town and hope he's scum. I think he's townie for now since hsi play would be different if he's first time scum and moreover he's new player.

Natalija: Asking not to claim so she looks townie to me. Maybe to get towncreed but I have never seen her done this as scum.

Reborn: I sus him first but he looks more active in scum hunting so he lends townie.

Poison: Felt weird voting me to gain reaction when she sus natalija/Zara. later she explained to get reaction from me who she has no read. She later also sus Yo Tan Wa/Light but didn't push the case. Need to see more of her.

Yo Tan Wa: He townread me and Poison before logging off and now still gave townread to me and Poison so that looks consistent with his read.
He also sus Gambit but later townread him and his explanation doesn't convince me but later put Gambit neutral based on his read on Kiwipom.
He also put Queen as his scum list and today I think his read on her is consistent.

Zara: I think he lends townie. Asking how to proceed with the game. Looks townie and he didn't like Queen got free pass for being inactive.

No scum read for now. Maybe Gambit. I found Yo Tan Wa weird. he put Reborn as sus yesterday and he didn't give his read on Reborn today. He also asked Trismegistus to give reads on Kiwi, Melon, Tac, Gambit n Zara but not Reborn.

@Yo Tan Wa Why didn't you give your read on Reborn? Why didn't you ask Trismegistus read on Reborn too?
You forgot me ....


You forgot me ....
I gave my read in the post above yours. It was merged.

What's your reads for now?
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Uh different timezone. When I can be so active everyone goes to sleep. When I was sleeping I had to catch up to 9 pages when woke up.
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I based my reads on previous game/meta. Is there something wrong with that?

I think that's because he put Reborn on your sus list yesterday but you didn't give your read on Reborn today.

You also didn't ask Trismegistus read on Reborn.
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I want to see Gambit's react because he overreact when I and some players sus him. I want to see if his reaction similar to last game or not.

Yeah you make good point about Cobra but I still want to know your read on Reborn.
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Oh yeah Rayan: No reads for now. Scum Rayan tends to be diplomatic. Same with Queen. Need to see more of them.
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This is a good point. I haven't tried this. I gave my reads based on interaction between players. That's my play style.
Did you overlook my post, i gave my opinion and read on Reborn to a reply to his, and quoted it above.

Nah that i did, but because, it was based on hunch last Night and current ones are after reading through the posts and reactions from people on my reads. So even tho in this case mine are consistent, they easily couldn't have been. The logic to see Inconsistentency in there is bad.

Second, i am not a player to remain consistent with my reads, much less with something i stated first 2 hours of the Game after reading fluff posts. Last game, I sussed Jew n Melon D1 at first, changed to Rayan, Sera n Gambit after reading through the posts. D2, it was Rayan n Gambit, plus Beta n Jew. D3 it was Gambit, D4 it was Melon again.

And should we look into consistency in your reads? You made a list of sus if you die, and now you are ignoring my posts and sussing me? Inconsistent :wellwell:

I want to see Gambit's react because he overreact when I and some players sus him. I want to see if his reaction similar to last game or not.
And you will get his genuine reaction nw? that you have made your intentions known and tagged him?

Did you really wanted his reaction, or wanted to appear so? :catpole:


Did you overlook my post, i gave my opinion and read on Reborn to a reply to his, and quoted it above.

Nah that i did, but because, it was based on hunch last Night and current ones are after reading through the posts and reactions from people on my reads. So even tho in this case mine are consistent, they easily couldn't have been. The logic to see Inconsistentency in there is bad.

Second, i am not a player to remain consistent with my reads, much less with something i stated first 2 hours of the Game after reading fluff posts. Last game, I sussed Jew n Melon D1 at first, changed to Rayan, Sera n Gambit after reading through the posts. D2, it was Rayan n Gambit, plus Beta n Jew. D3 it was Gambit, D4 it was Melon again.

And should we look into consistency in your reads? You made a list of sus if you die, and now you are ignoring my posts and sussing me? Inconsistent :wellwell:

And you will get his genuine reaction nw? that you have made your intentions known and tagged him?

Did you really wanted his reaction, or wanted to appear so? :catpole:
I have caught upto 23 pages, i will tell what i feel so far.

Neutral - My initual impression of him was bad, and said i would keep an eye on him, Reborn n Tac. Tac vote on Kiwi was obviously had no substance it was first post, bt he still had to ask if he got something or it was spite lynch. This give me Scummy Neutral vibes, especially from the game i hosted a day before. But as i read his posts more, i changed my stance on him, one particular post of him to Poison to read even the fluff Pages for their interactions stood out to me. Add to that his fear for being shooted due to being town read by everyone. He could be faking it, bt so far i read him townie.

Poison - Not much. But i got townie vibes from her posts and when i added her in my townie list, her first reply was sussing me for reading her town and possible chances of me shooting her at night. Again townie game.
I need to look more into her vote on Neutral.

Gambit- He claimed L role in the start, and later on backtracked, hinting it was a strategy on his part. He could be scum fishing out for real L or he could be townie fishing out scum reactions.
But given he really was pursuing Tac and others, feels to me like he is scum hunting. Townie read for nw, bt i would still like to keep eye on him.

Fujishiro- Gave Rainbow list of all players without being asked about it, so a good start. Rayan questioned him on it, and his reactn to it was bit on aggressive side. Explained his reads in his next post and sussed Rayan back in return.
I got bit alarmed of him adding me in Green list and not giving any explanation on it in his next read post. Bt it was cleared out, he mistook Rayan for me, and gave my reads on Rayan. These mistakes can be indication of both scum n townie. Reading so many posts, one can easily make a mistake, bt i have seen many scum slip like that, so i would like to keep reading him again later on. One good thing about him was, he was open to being looked into, and quoted all his posts to Tac on his own like he got nothing to fear, for now he is townie for nw.

I will speak on others in my next post.
Kiwi- Bad start. She inquires about if she could claim or not, and that she needs to put one thing out there. This in itself was not bad, bt how Zara, a new player, picked on this quickly saying Miller need to claim like this, gave me bad vibes and it ended up as the same claim from kiwi.
Later on, same Zara starts questioning Kiwi on this very same claim, that gave me distancing/bussing vibes.
So in all Kiwi Miller claim didn't convince me and her scum self is much capable of pulling such tactics like Miller at the start of the game.

Zara then says a Tracker should keep chck on her, any one of Nights, which is really not a Mafia buddy thing to say. It is obvious thinh in itself, bt still they wouldn't stand to benefit from such. Their initial interaction also isn't usual thing for Mafia buddies to do, especially when he didn't need to, so i know my case above is poor one, bt that were the initial vibes i got, bt dropped as i read more into Zara n Kiwi.

Now on the Kiwi case on Gambit itself, i dont think i should speak right nw. Since I mostly overlooked their(big) posts, Tac-Zara n Gambit follow up on that, saved em in my quotes for readin em later.
But her post felt convincing enough for me to do a Gambit reread. His fake claim intention in itself are questionable and if his meta match scum one, it 180 degrees my reads on him last page. I will put him Neutral for nw, since i also can't completly believe you know his meta, nor take your words as it is.
Kiwi later on posts Gave Townie Vibes, including this Case.

Queen- Not much on her itself, i dont even remember any post from that wasn't fluff from start. Bt i didn't like Tac n Light opinion that she is allowed to do this given it is her meta. I agree with Zara on this. It's like giving her scum game a free pass. Tac gave it to Poison, a new player, so i can get behind it. But not Light supporting it later on.

And for clarification since my vote is on her, it's about saying Code Geass is better than Death Note. The vote is well deserved.

Rayan- Neutral
I dont agree with Fujitora pointing out the exact time a player replies back in, but the timing of posts do help figure out scums. Rayan called out Fuji on his Rainbow reads, asking for detailed reads. But didn't follow, when Fuji provided em and asked Rayan reads. Or he gave bad reads, i am unsure here.
(i need to reread Rayan reads again, all i remember are Fuji words that Rayan gave bad reads or 3 lines something like that). Rayan had been offline after that.
A townie Rayan usually does this( what he did with Fuji) at start, bt since safe play with no scum reads outed Rayan last time, his scum self would also play differently this time.

Melon- I have seen mostly fluff posts or conversations like replies from her that Nat usually does. Her posts lack substance this time and that necessarily is not bad thing. Bt I got bad vibes from her.

Nat- Feels like her usual self. Hard to explain why that is the case, bt for now i dont sus her.

I think i won't give my reads on Light, Zara n Tac yet. I might question em, or observe em more for nw. They are my sus for nw.

Tris, Ali, Cobra, Flower has been inactive.
I didn't see your read on Reborn here.

When I died N1 and I was strong town read by some players they were mafia let's call it spite sus

I want to see Gambit's reaction from TAC and Kiwipom vote on Gambit.

Also could you quote me your read on Reborn?
Now, onto your reads. This post didn't feel like your usual you, Neutral.

I want more on Tac from you.

You want to see Gambit reactn and you tag him, ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ.
And you are deducing his meta from one Game?

Melontonin point is good. She sus already sussed people as scum.

I read Cobra post saying he has played 6 Games, now. I am still under Dozen, so that shouldn't be excuse anymore @Cobra. You should try to be invested in the game, and improve your gameplay, if you want to learn.
Anyway Neutral, his play is different, Reborn pointed out. He is content with his role this time, maybe since he is not Vanilla anymore.

And also you shouldn't read people based on reads consistency D1. I gave my Rainbow reads both for reactions and based on instincts, in starting hours of Game when everyone mostly fluffed. You are looking for consistency in em?
But onto you, You gave reads on me as good and consistent, then call me weird?
It is quoted in this post above.


It is quoted in this post above.
I didn't see your read on Reborn in that post. That post is your reply to me for asking you why didn't you give your read to Reborn.
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I didn't see your read on Reborn in that post. That post is your reply to me for asking you why didn't you give your read on Reborn.
I didn't see your read on Reborn in that post. That post is your reply to me for asking you why didn't you give your read to Reborn.
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I didn't see your read on Reborn in that post. That post is your reply to me for asking you why didn't you give your read on Reborn.
You still don't see or, explaining you didn't before?


You still don't see or, explaining you didn't before?
I seriously didn't see your read on Reborn on this post.

Now, onto your reads. This post didn't feel like your usual you, Neutral.

I want more on Tac from you.

You want to see Gambit reactn and you tag him, ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ.
And you are deducing his meta from one Game?

Melontonin point is good. She sus already sussed people as scum.

I read Cobra post saying he has played 6 Games, now. I am still under Dozen, so that shouldn't be excuse anymore @Cobra. You should try to be invested in the game, and improve your gameplay, if you want to learn.
Anyway Neutral, his play is different, Reborn pointed out. He is content with his role this time, maybe since he is not Vanilla anymore.

And also you shouldn't read people based on reads consistency D1. I gave my Rainbow reads both for reactions and based on instincts, in starting hours of Game when everyone mostly fluffed. You are looking for consistency in em?
But onto you, You gave reads on me as good and consistent, then call me weird?
In this post you gave your read on Poison, Gambit, Fujishiro and me

I have caught upto 23 pages, i will tell what i feel so far.

Neutral - My initual impression of him was bad, and said i would keep an eye on him, Reborn n Tac. Tac vote on Kiwi was obviously had no substance it was first post, bt he still had to ask if he got something or it was spite lynch. This give me Scummy Neutral vibes, especially from the game i hosted a day before. But as i read his posts more, i changed my stance on him, one particular post of him to Poison to read even the fluff Pages for their interactions stood out to me. Add to that his fear for being shooted due to being town read by everyone. He could be faking it, bt so far i read him townie.

Poison - Not much. But i got townie vibes from her posts and when i added her in my townie list, her first reply was sussing me for reading her town and possible chances of me shooting her at night. Again townie game.
I need to look more into her vote on Neutral.

Gambit- He claimed L role in the start, and later on backtracked, hinting it was a strategy on his part. He could be scum fishing out for real L or he could be townie fishing out scum reactions.
But given he really was pursuing Tac and others, feels to me like he is scum hunting. Townie read for nw, bt i would still like to keep eye on him.

Fujishiro- Gave Rainbow list of all players without being asked about it, so a good start. Rayan questioned him on it, and his reactn to it was bit on aggressive side. Explained his reads in his next post and sussed Rayan back in return.
I got bit alarmed of him adding me in Green list and not giving any explanation on it in his next read post. Bt it was cleared out, he mistook Rayan for me, and gave my reads on Rayan. These mistakes can be indication of both scum n townie. Reading so many posts, one can easily make a mistake, bt i have seen many scum slip like that, so i would like to keep reading him again later on. One good thing about him was, he was open to being looked into, and quoted all his posts to Tac on his own like he got nothing to fear, for now he is townie for nw.

I will speak on others in my next post.
And in this post you gave your read on Kiwipom, Queen, Rayan, Melontonin, Natalija.

You also didn't plan to give your read Light, Zara and TAC

You also have no read on Tris, Ali, Cobra, Flower since they're inactive

No read on Reborn. Maybe you can bold the part about your read on Reborn.

Kiwi- Bad start. She inquires about if she could claim or not, and that she needs to put one thing out there. This in itself was not bad, bt how Zara, a new player, picked on this quickly saying Miller need to claim like this, gave me bad vibes and it ended up as the same claim from kiwi.
Later on, same Zara starts questioning Kiwi on this very same claim, that gave me distancing/bussing vibes.
So in all Kiwi Miller claim didn't convince me and her scum self is much capable of pulling such tactics like Miller at the start of the game.

Zara then says a Tracker should keep chck on her, any one of Nights, which is really not a Mafia buddy thing to say. It is obvious thinh in itself, bt still they wouldn't stand to benefit from such. Their initial interaction also isn't usual thing for Mafia buddies to do, especially when he didn't need to, so i know my case above is poor one, bt that were the initial vibes i got, bt dropped as i read more into Zara n Kiwi.

Now on the Kiwi case on Gambit itself, i dont think i should speak right nw. Since I mostly overlooked their(big) posts, Tac-Zara n Gambit follow up on that, saved em in my quotes for readin em later.
But her post felt convincing enough for me to do a Gambit reread. His fake claim intention in itself are questionable and if his meta match scum one, it 180 degrees my reads on him last page. I will put him Neutral for nw, since i also can't completly believe you know his meta, nor take your words as it is.
Kiwi later on posts Gave Townie Vibes, including this Case.

Queen- Not much on her itself, i dont even remember any post from that wasn't fluff from start. Bt i didn't like Tac n Light opinion that she is allowed to do this given it is her meta. I agree with Zara on this. It's like giving her scum game a free pass. Tac gave it to Poison, a new player, so i can get behind it. But not Light supporting it later on.

And for clarification since my vote is on her, it's about saying Code Geass is better than Death Note. The vote is well deserved.

Rayan- Neutral
I dont agree with Fujitora pointing out the exact time a player replies back in, but the timing of posts do help figure out scums. Rayan called out Fuji on his Rainbow reads, asking for detailed reads. But didn't follow, when Fuji provided em and asked Rayan reads. Or he gave bad reads, i am unsure here.
(i need to reread Rayan reads again, all i remember are Fuji words that Rayan gave bad reads or 3 lines something like that). Rayan had been offline after that.
A townie Rayan usually does this( what he did with Fuji) at start, bt since safe play with no scum reads outed Rayan last time, his scum self would also play differently this time.

Melon- I have seen mostly fluff posts or conversations like replies from her that Nat usually does. Her posts lack substance this time and that necessarily is not bad thing. Bt I got bad vibes from her.

Nat- Feels like her usual self. Hard to explain why that is the case, bt for now i dont sus her.

I think i won't give my reads on Light, Zara n Tac yet. I might question em, or observe em more for nw. They are my sus for nw.

Tris, Ali, Cobra, Flower has been inactive.
Good amount of players haven't said anything so far, so you gotta wait a bit for a counter claim
you wanted Real L to claim. Not good look.
This guilty until proven innocent is not a very good look. Now explain, why am I likely scum?
you didn't refute it but asked reason.
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...He claimed L. In an open claim game.

mid he isnโ€™t L then Iโ€™m questioning why the real L doesnโ€™t counter claim.
L is a town role, and no one has counterclaimed him yet.
Lol he didn't claim seriously.

And no one should claim, that's beyond dumb. NO ONE SHOULD CLAIM, ESPECIALLY NOT TOWN. TRUST ME.
good but you could be smart scum
Yeah now that I think about it, the real L shouldn't counterclaim if Gambit is trolling.
too late.
Something's disturbing with these words. LOLOLOL
You do realize I am not dumb enough to open claim L when we all know that it's an important role following this series? So by any means, are you both trying to out the real one by insinuating to counter-claim my joke? Explain
Tell us your intentions Gambit.
No one even think of claiming. I can't stress this enough.
Overdoing it?


Lazy is the way
Melotonin : her whole posts didn't have much in it : the only post that was vaguely useful was this one :

I also want to state that my impression of Poison's vote on you is a little different @NeutralWatcher

This is her first time playing here with a lot of us. If she wanted to use this technique, it wouldn't make sense to have it done at all.

She doesn't know how we react or our level of experience. I don't think she was ever gonna get anything of quality from that vote.

But I missed that she was sussing Nat and Zara from a gut feeling. If she was to randomly put a vote on someone it should have been one of them. That is the only logical reason for putting a random vote like this on a player base that is unknown to you.
Except that her 20 posts here have barely nothing valuable. Not a good look.

Light : except the beginning of the games he made only 4 posts and those ones were to defend himself againts Fuji fluffing charge.
So we don't have much to judge him.

Queen : hadn't said anything except the beginning of the game, so we cannot judge her.

Same for Flower.

Same for Ali.

Trismegistus : not a lot of posts but 1 that might be interesting :

This one, she barely caught up with the thread but she was already answering people question and gave the reads she had. Good look in my book.

What I think about Poison?

I'm only on page 15. I have to read them all over again since I speed-read them the first time.

From those 15 pages, this is what I think of her, at least for now...

She said that she thinks either Zara or Nat are scum. This was just based on her gut feeling from what I remember. But she didn't vote for any of the two nor questioned them but Neutral. I get that it was for his reaction but still. Didn't question Nat nor Zara

She also said that we should avoid mislynch if possible but mislynches will always happen especially in early phases but I didn't make much thought about whether she was trying to say something with this or not.

For now, she is neutral for me

(this all is based on those 15 pages)

So just let me catch up finally then I will give my thoughts and a sus list.

Now we are getting into players that talked much more :

Yo Tan Wa : he begins his game by a color list but he became serious after that so no problem for me.



Rest Neutral for nw. I am going to Bed nw.
After he caugh up to the thread he gave his reads : good points : his read of NW is good for me, he saw something special and called it and asked NW to explain. The rest was okayish but to be fair we don't have a lot of material.

I have caught upto 23 pages, i will tell what i feel so far.

Neutral - My initual impression of him was bad, and said i would keep an eye on him, Reborn n Tac. Tac vote on Kiwi was obviously had no substance it was first post, bt he still had to ask if he got something or it was spite lynch. This give me Scummy Neutral vibes, especially from the game i hosted a day before. But as i read his posts more, i changed my stance on him, one particular post of him to Poison to read even the fluff Pages for their interactions stood out to me. Add to that his fear for being shooted due to being town read by everyone. He could be faking it, bt so far i read him townie.

Poison - Not much. But i got townie vibes from her posts and when i added her in my townie list, her first reply was sussing me for reading her town and possible chances of me shooting her at night. Again townie game.
I need to look more into her vote on Neutral.

Gambit- He claimed L role in the start, and later on backtracked, hinting it was a strategy on his part. He could be scum fishing out for real L or he could be townie fishing out scum reactions.
But given he really was pursuing Tac and others, feels to me like he is scum hunting. Townie read for nw, bt i would still like to keep eye on him.

Fujishiro- Gave Rainbow list of all players without being asked about it, so a good start. Rayan questioned him on it, and his reactn to it was bit on aggressive side. Explained his reads in his next post and sussed Rayan back in return.
I got bit alarmed of him adding me in Green list and not giving any explanation on it in his next read post. Bt it was cleared out, he mistook Rayan for me, and gave my reads on Rayan. These mistakes can be indication of both scum n townie. Reading so many posts, one can easily make a mistake, bt i have seen many scum slip like that, so i would like to keep reading him again later on. One good thing about him was, he was open to being looked into, and quoted all his posts to Tac on his own like he got nothing to fear, for now he is townie for nw.

I will speak on others in my next post.
Reborn not ending the early fluff is not really a bad point for him, it's not his job and he had maybe other things to do. And this is a 48h day phase so we can have 1h of early fluff.

Same question for you, you usually end the fluff bt you did nothing last Night. Hence keeping an eye on you post.
Then you came up with your second full reads.

Queen- Not much on her itself, i dont even remember any post from that wasn't fluff from start. Bt i didn't like Tac n Light opinion that she is allowed to do this given it is her meta. I agree with Zara on this. It's like giving her scum game a free pass. Tac gave it to Poison, a new player, so i can get behind it. But not Light supporting it later on.
I agree that usual play or usual things are easy way sometimes to get yourself out of suss and lurk but here i think TAC and Light comments about Queen were genuine. I don't think this is some buddying or protecting of Queen it would be too obvious. She is not town cleared at all but her early inactivity is not suss for now.

After that you kept focusing on NW, and I think it's okay you had some doubts about his gameplay so it's fair to focus on him.

Nah that i did, but because, it was based on hunch last Night and current ones are after reading through the posts and reactions from people on my reads. So even tho in this case mine are consistent, they easily couldn't have been. The logic to see Inconsistentency in there is bad.
The moment you put some votes even weird ones people have rights to call you out for them.

Second, i am not a player to remain consistent with my reads
Good to know ^^. With that claim I think you can understand why people can call you out for inconsistencies.

All in all seems pretty town to me. Especially his behaviour with Neutral.
I seriously didn't see your read on Reborn on this post.

In this post you gave your read on Poison, Gambit, Fujishiro and me

And in this post you gave your read on Kiwipom, Queen, Rayan, Melontonin, Natalija.

You also didn't plan to give your read Light, Zara and TAC

You also have no read on Tris, Ali, Cobra, Flower since they're inactive

No read on Reborn. Maybe you can bold the part about your read on Reborn.
I am tired of this nw.

Same question for you, you usually end the fluff bt you did nothing last Night. Hence keeping an eye on you post.

Nothing on my reads, huh?
Your initial read on Neutral is similar to mine. And on few other player, good vibe.
This is my reply to Reborn.
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you wanted Real L to claim. Not good look.
you didn't refute it but asked reason.
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good but you could be smart scum
too late.

Tell us your intentions Gambit.

Overdoing it?
You might not have gotten notification, since merged posts.
@Zara @TheAncientCenturion @Gambit @Natalija
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Poison feeling like you are trying to pocket her is genuine, imo, especially if she susses you in the first place. But you gave her a town read yesterday and that was before she even sussed you if I remember correctly. I don't know what changed since then since I think you are town from judging from your reads.

Kiwi-Personally, I think it was a good thing that she claimed already in her second post, so the cop won't waste an investigation on her. Claiming that she is a Miller could be also a set up from her. But since nobody claimed to be a Miller, I believe that she is one. Though as others said she still could be scum but for me, she is town for now since.

Mel-I don't really have anything on her yet but judging from gut feeling she would be neutral for now.

TAC- I've got some problems with him lol. So, I didn't really like that he just jumped on Zara because he asked a genuine question about the setup. But later he said that his pushing was for reaction and some other stuff. So I give him that.

He also said that he likes betraying people but he is good. Like why would you say that? lol He mentioned multiple times that he plays always scummy and that is normal for him. I'm not really convinced by this, I have to say. I only played one game with him before and he was killed D1 but from judging that short experience, I think he MIGHT be scum but I'm not entirely sure yet. Since in that game he was co-operative/helpful etc. and he flipped scum. So this might be the case this time too since he has been answering questions etc

Gambit- Him claiming L, I didn't make much out of it. I just took it as a joke. But I agree with him that L is probably the most important role in this game though. But I do think he might be scum too. Maybe an indie or something but for sure not in the same team as TAC.

Zara- He said early on that he wanted to play the game but I found nothing wrong with it. He has been waiting to play for a while now, so that was expected that he will be hyped. About the Zara/TAC stuff, he did overreact a little bit but this happened in the last game too and flipped town. I think he is town.

Light- I didn't really see anything from him. He just came and said some stuff about Queen's meta and to stop the fluff posts. Other then this I don't think he said anything else.

Bonus for NW: Reborn- I just looked at his posts from today since yesterday he said he was drunk so yeah, I didn't bother make sense of those. I think he is just being himself. Asking question/scum hunting and stuff. So I don't think he is scum.

His vote on you is something I didn't really get since you mentioned that you are trying to play differently this game. (might have been Gambit who said that...) But I think you are town though. If you are scum, I'm guessing you would be more pushing like in that turbo game.

So, my sus list not in order:

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@Yo Tan Wa


Lazy is the way
Neutral watcher : the fact that he was trying to play seriously since the beginning can be a good thing but I don't want to put too much thought into that. Early fluff is not bad at all and early seriousness is not a town credibity too.

This is the lamest excuse to vote someone. Any reason for this?
So you are trying to paint me as scum?
I dislike your reason to vote me.
This was obviously a joke, and you were a bit too defensive.

TAC, Zara and Light were players who asked to stop fluff post so they lean town.

Beside my username, do you think I'm sus?
Once again I don't think the early fluff and the one who called it out can give us town read.

Now your first reads :

Melontonin: I think she questioned Poison for weird reason to vote me she leans town. The reaction looked genuine.

TAC: I think he, Light and Zara were players to asked to move the game and stop fluid post. That's a good look imo.

Cobra: I think he leans town. His reaction when he said he hasn't gotten townie role seems genuine.

Reborn looks weird.

Also since most of you think I'm town I think I would get killed tonight.

That's a good thing since my role is not that useful after all so they would waste their night action to kill me.
I think Melon post was weird I don't think this post and this is her only post that meant something cleared her.

TAC Light and Zara saying stop to fluff is not a holy thing.

Why do you think Reborn is weird ?

I don't like how you portrayed yourself has an easy or weak target...

and you saying that you have weak powers is not good too.

Don't a fan of this first read.

then again the victim card : why do you think you will die tonight ?

If I die tonight scum must be


I want to try different playstyle since 2 times I was strong townie, Kakegurui and Naruti game I was killed N1

You can trust me.
Don't think so. If you are a real townie go back to you old meta please.


I tried to be passive since when I got strong townie vibe from some players I got killed N1 twice.
Now your full read : nothing bad from those read it is still the beginning of the game so okay to have average reads and don't be sure.
The point that is interesting is about Poison. Her first vote againts you was clearly a joke. But I need to check Poison posts too.

Poison: Felt weird voting me to gain reaction when she sus natalija/Zara. later she explained to get reaction from me who she has no read. She later also sus Yo Tan Wa/Light but didn't push the case. Need to see more of her.
All in all something is a bit off here.
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