[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Blood Manipulation
Out of all the reads people gave I think this one is overall quite weak. Maybe you are busy (no problem if it is the case) but from what you used to do you can do quite better
Yeah I decided to chill tf out in general, for my own well-being. You'll see more of me but not like the last 2 games sweet Rayan.
before i answer ur question id like some clarification first

when you say “last game”, do you mean the SK turbo game or the naruto game where i spent 99% of the game in the dead chat
The naruto game, and also the ToL one.


i dont want queen dead, i voted for her because i want to see her posting more so i can form an opinion on her and i think its unfair she gets a free pass every game and that people actually allowed it to become a meta

i wasnt expecting queen to be in the lead with votes after i went to bed, i thought her pretty privilege was gonna keep her safe 😂

there’s still 26 hours left so If she continues to post and i like her posts then ill vote for someone else

but if she goes back hiding then she can visit the deadchat
That sounds reasonable. In ToL when she was scum I found her to be more active day 1 than in this game's day 1.
Your sus on Gambit and Poison is something what other player already did. Seems like you just follow popular sus :sanmoji:
Fake news :catpole:
I called out Poison for her weird vote and came to a different conclusion than yours. I observed her today and she was more into conversing than actually playing the game. And I didn't see a proper explanation for her vote on you IIRC today.
And then for Gambit, yeah I'm ready to admit Kiwi's reasoning is hella convincing. That's what changed it for me. That and the fact that his prying was losing a lot of momentum, especially that slip(?!) about "the most important role" vs "important role". Nah


Ghost Princess
First, I wasn't nitpicking TAC. I was seriously addressing/probing all of her posts because there were some inconsistencies with that. By probing, I would clear the inconsistencies one-by-one, which I did. The only reasons now why I am still not clearing him was: 1. For declining her pursuit on Zara snd 2. For that quick jump on me after Kiwi's post - which I will address next.

Now, there were many reasons why I voted TAC in the first place before I made my wallie against him. First, I was actively hunting reactions and I want to say that i was the first few who really did the work. I was expecting Melon to get a jump on it but she didn't so it gave her a plus point from me.

When I made my wallie, I was also expecting TAC to respond but it took a while before he reverted. I understand that he could've been not interested in replying to that if he felt that there's no weight on it but I wasn't understanding why he put a halt in scum hunting after being called out so I called him out again and asked why.

When he finally did, he was able to defend himself pretty well and from a townie's perspective, you have to clear all your doubts on a certain player which you deemed kinda suspicious and not easily accuse him/her 100%. Therefore, he might've been able to defend himself well but I am still neutral on him because of his swift vote after Kiwi. And above all, whilst I voted her earlier, I can always unvote him when necessary and /or until he is cleared.
Hmmm...well, I don't know how much I buy the probbing excuse to clear inconsistencies and for reactions. It's a common scum excuse when D1 cases flop -- but I'm not going to deny that there are town who do this too and it can be logical depending on the context.
I think your verdict of your case here is well crafted......but I'm not a big fan of you back off now when you're saying that you still have concerns about him but wanting to go with Poison instead yet not voting her. Diplomatic a bit.

You've explained why you went after TAC but my main concern was that I feel like the whole timing with your case was off, first looking to see town's interest, then casting vote, then coming back to explain when people questioned you.

However, one takeaway is I do agree that I thought that TAC's swift change of vote did feel off. However, for the purpose of my ego I like to believe that it's because my case was amazing and convinced him

Anyways, I'm keeping my eyes on you. Until I see a better lead or I see strong reasons why you're town, I'm not changing my vote.
I don't have anything to explain
yo tan wa voted me because he has bad taste in anime, zara voted me because he feels bothered by how I play and cobra voted me because he flipped a coin lol
i didn’t vote you but I still think everyone should give a basic read on people in the game ... which is something you didn’t do.
can you give some reads on any player(s) you felt was/were being off?
Post automatically merged:

Couldn't care less about those votes. I care about who you think is scum and why?
Hey you are always one step ahead of me, you type so quick :kriwhat:

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
But you wouldn't do that directly because it will blatantly out you as scum, correct? I see a thin wifom in this state.
No. If I wanted to say you are scum I would have said that. I had you leaning town yesterday but upon reading Kiwi's post it made me unsure of it. I have you at neutral, not leaning any side thus far, and that's where you'll be for me until further notice.
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