First, I wasn't nitpicking TAC. I was seriously addressing/probing all of her posts because there were some inconsistencies with that. By probing, I would clear the inconsistencies one-by-one, which I did. The only reasons now why I am still not clearing him was: 1. For declining her pursuit on Zara snd 2. For that quick jump on me after Kiwi's post - which I will address next.
Now, there were many reasons why I voted TAC in the first place before I made my wallie against him. First, I was actively hunting reactions and I want to say that i was the first few who really did the work. I was expecting Melon to get a jump on it but she didn't so it gave her a plus point from me.
When I made my wallie, I was also expecting TAC to respond but it took a while before he reverted. I understand that he could've been not interested in replying to that if he felt that there's no weight on it but I wasn't understanding why he put a halt in scum hunting after being called out so I called him out again and asked why.
When he finally did, he was able to defend himself pretty well and from a townie's perspective, you have to clear all your doubts on a certain player which you deemed kinda suspicious and not easily accuse him/her 100%. Therefore, he might've been able to defend himself well but I am still neutral on him because of his swift vote after Kiwi. And above all, whilst I voted her earlier, I can always unvote him when necessary and /or until he is cleared.
Kiwi's wallie was decent and so far a brilliant case made against me to counter my accusation against TAC. She made a notion that I could be scum for the reasons that involve her first experience playing with me and the way I approached TAC. But she failed to address the thought of me just doing the job.
A positive note for her is claiming miller early on. Millers always appear as town and there's no point for hiding it. If he is scum, then it's a bold attempt to claim it because there will still be people who'd dare to check them. That being said, I don't think a scum would do it and I lean town about her. In this scenario, she couldn't be buddying with TAC.
About my wife
@Natalija , I haven't seen a lot of work coming from her today but regardless of that her posts don't appear CWAC at all. And because of that, I needed to reread her posts and looked into the tone and the manner in which she interacts amongst the others. None of it looks bad but too early to include in my town core. Lean town at best.
Fuji has made sense so far and I don't think he's made enough fluffs to be considered scum at this point. He was also scum hunting and providing a decent read. At least, I view his as genuine and not forced.
Reborn came out as drunk dude and when he came back, he started providing substance into the game. I was a scum buddy of him the first here and I don't see him that way this time around. He is calling out posts and interacting with people positively.
For Rayan, I was about to say that he is looking good so far. I thought that he has also made good posts and that read he just made looks to have a lot of effort. At least, he is not as passive as the previous game was.
Neutral - I got a townie vibe from him and I think that we both were the first ones to really do the hunt. I am putting him in the same parallel as mine.
Zara is neutral but leaning Scum for the reason I mentioned anout him earlier - he was defensive and tried to play the concerned villager by passing a notion to start the hunt but neither himself did nothing. Furthermore, he was pretty much coasting as far as i see it.
Ali - I love his entrance and it gave me the old vibe I was playing alongside him. Everytime I am scum and he's town, he always do that same entrance about his thoughts on the phase so far.
For Trig, there's a feeling that her reads are kinda forced. Reminded me of the hosts themselves when playing scum. Looks participative but not entirely committed in finding the culprit.
Yo Tan - I dunno how to view him here yet. None of his posts really stand out to me. I am passing him as neutral.
Below are the suspects today.
Melon is coasting and not really contributing this phase. Same as Light, Cobra, Queen, and Flower.
As for Poison, I really thought that she has done more fluffs than all Of us combined and I don't her really interacted with the inactifags...
The short of it, I endorse a lynch amongst the coasters or Poison herself.
Unvote first
Players -
@Light D Lamperouge
@Yo Tan Wa