[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Melontonin: I think she questioned Poison for weird reason to vote me she leans town. The reaction looked genuine.

TAC: I think he, Light and Zara were players to asked to move the game and stop fluid post. That's a good look imo.

Cobra: I think he leans town. His reaction when he said he hasn't gotten townie role seems genuine.

Reborn looks weird.

Also since most of you think I'm town I think I would get killed tonight.

That's a good thing since my role is not that useful after all so they would waste their night action to kill me.
On the Tac read, that's a very minor thing to town read someone for.

That Melo and Cobra town read is pretty vague. "Reaction is genuine." It sounds meh and anybody can say this. Sounds more like a forced town read than authentic one.

And what does "Reborn is weird" mean?
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