These are mere assumptions and confidence brought by the sudden turn out of the events. It appears that when Yo Tan and the others are accusing me of scum before the EOD, he quickly jumped the wagon and accused me, too. Funny thing is, I was interrogating him for his inconsistencies and vote patters in an attempt to split the votes between me and TAC.
Nope. You're wrong. I voted you since I saw your read on TAC as neutral and I thought you still have a vote on TAC. I unvoted you when you said you unvoted TAC.
He was also confident in getting investigated at night. Who knows what gave him that confidence? Demo, looking at the role of Kira himself, it appears that scums have the ability to bypass any investigations and even super kills, depending on who the current Kira is.
Never watched/read Code Geass, but I have fond memories of patronizing my local Borders (RIP) and tearing through several volumes of Death Note at a time as a teenager, so that should clear up where I stand on that important matter
Hablo un poquito español, but not enough to really carry a conversation. ¡Lo siento, mis amigos! ¡Bailando con mantequilla en mis zapatos!
I’m really just skimming because there’s no point in cramming all this shit into the last few hours of the night phase, but this is getting pretty lengthy for an opening post, so...
In a full open claim game (which I believe I have not played before), why would we not want anyone to do it? I’m not trying to offer anything up right now, just curious as to why this would be the way to go. I understand that it gives scum the chance to cover their asses, but we should also assume that some claims are legitimate, right?
Still only 15 pages in, but I’m gonna guess you were just applying pressure to Melon on D1 because you can read her better than anyone here. Unless you have a tangible reason to see her as scummy right away, I assume you’ll be fair and not blame me for anything based on her meta, since you and I aren’t dating...yet
20 pages in - Rayan plays like scum in every game I’ve been with him, and this one is no exception. @RayanOO, I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but you consistently sit on the sidelines and provide minimal reads at best. You got into it a little with Fuji, but that was it? Are you purposefully making yourself a target because you’re leaning into this style of play?
TAC has no read on you here...seeing as he flipped scum, could he have been protecting you?
30 pages in, you finally start giving some reads...that either say what other people have already put forth or nothing substantial. You know I like you a lot as a person, but the way you play this game always looks bad to me.
Kiwi, I’m inclined to believe you based on how you’ve claimed in other games, but shit like this is immediately alarming for a reason. I haven’t seen you say much to this point, so I’m hoping you’ll clear yourself as I catch up.
...Well, that’s a good point. I like your case on Gambit as well, and at least a few pages afterward, he still hasn’t responded to the allegations...seeing that he got as many votes as TAC yesterday, it appears there’s some support for your theory, but the fact that scum TAC was one of those probably undoes some of that goodwill.
“I’m outside and half asleep” really made me laugh for some reason...the fact that you didn’t say you were camping or something makes me VERY curious what you’re hiding in a non mafia context
I feel the same about you as I do Rayan - even as a townie, you rarely add much of substance. I’ve gone through 32 pages and have absolutely no recollection of you saying anything useful. If you have abilities, do you wanna give us an idea of what you can do? Are you going to provide any reads, assuming you used these abilities in a tangible way last night?
I agree with the first two, but you came in super late, copped to not really catching up, but said scum TAC looked good even after he’d been rightfully sussed. Kinda confusing move even before he flipped.
@Poison I get a VERY weird vibe from you, although I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because you’ve at least been proactive after jumping in. Curious who your main susses are at the moment.
Really think the first was just targeting his girlfriend because he could read her reactions easier than he could anyone else’s, and the second was deflecting and is proven scum. The other two are acting townie as of the time of your post, so I invite them and you to cross examine me and see if you still feel this way.
Honestly, other than TAC, I agree with this so far. Maybe leaning more townie on Ali, he seems involved and trying to scum hunt.
I’ll give you this - none of them seem to have anything solid on you after 40 pages, but I’ve played with you often enough to know that you are VERY crafty and can hide your scumminess quite well. Based on what I’ve seen so far, there’s no real reason to think they’re right, but the presence of smoke often indicates a fire...I’ll be interested to hear what you’ve got to say today.
EDIT: All right, I see you beefed with “me” a little I said, I’m still willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for now. Consider this a clean slate between us.
So you don’t vote for anyone out of spite based on your two reasons...but this seems VERY petty. The two of you going at it feels like town vs town, so I think you’re both pointed in the wrong direction with each other. You were in on TAC, and I think your read on Poison is accurate, but I don’t like this move.
I’m gonna need sauce on that GIF...and welcome to the game from someone who subbed in after you :cheers:
I’ll admit that Melon did post a lot of fluff, but like I said to Neutral, I hope you won’t continue sussing me because of her behavior. If you think I’m scum, it should be on my own merit at the very least.
I’m gonna be honest...I got 60 pages in before going to bed, and I didn’t have any time between when I woke up and the start of the new day to finish the rest. I’ll base the rest of my reads on what happens going forward, at least until I have time later today to catch up. Can someone provide me with the main headlines about the popular susses and anything I missed about my predecessor’s play?
He was also confident in getting investigated at night. Who knows what gave him that confidence? Demo, looking at the role of Kira himself, it appears that scums have the ability to bypass any investigations and even super kills, depending on who the current Kira is.
In a full open claim game (which I believe I have not played before), why would we not want anyone to do it? I’m not trying to offer anything up right now, just curious as to why this would be the way to go. I understand that it gives scum the chance to cover their asses, but we should also assume that some claims are legitimate, right?
Nope. You're wrong. I voted you since I saw your read on TAC as neutral and I thought you still have a vote on TAC. I unvoted you when you said you unvoted TAC.
No it's your diplomatic. I thought you read TAC neutral but you still keep your vote on him. That sounds diplomatic aka scum. When you said you unvoted TAC, I realized you didn't diplomatic so you read TAC neutral makes sense.
You asked me why did I vote Melontonin but didn't vote Zara/TAC when they also didn't mind with player with L character claimed.
I answered that TAC and Zoro asked to stop fluff so that at least makes them less sus than Melontonin.
You also misinterpreted my post about why I voted you. I said I voted you because you sound diplomatic, reading TAC neutral but still had your vote on TAC but you misinterpreted it I defended TC.
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