Admirals matched attacks aimed at fodder 
Show me a panel of any clash of WB at MF splitting the heavens I'll wait
It's pretty simple and I keep telling you this every week but it seems you block it out:
-His medical tools were stabilising his condition. He is introduced as WSM when Rockstar meets him with his medical tools attached. He then clashes evenly with Shanks splitting the heavens, indicating equality.
-At MF he had taken off the tools. That's why he had heart attacks, limited haki etc.
Like I can't make it more simple than that. At some point I'm gonna have to question the quality of your comprehension Lanji

Show me a panel of any clash of WB at MF splitting the heavens I'll wait

It's pretty simple and I keep telling you this every week but it seems you block it out:
-His medical tools were stabilising his condition. He is introduced as WSM when Rockstar meets him with his medical tools attached. He then clashes evenly with Shanks splitting the heavens, indicating equality.
-At MF he had taken off the tools. That's why he had heart attacks, limited haki etc.
Like I can't make it more simple than that. At some point I'm gonna have to question the quality of your comprehension Lanji
old wb not using his fruit is equal to shanks
technically his clash with roger had advcoa and none of that with shanks. more than likely his haki had already regressed.
equality with wb using his df and not just his blade. matter of fact he held back wb bisento with his hands in his pockets. go complain somewhere else .
my stance stays
bm , kaido are the top two yonkos