Spoiler One Piece Chapter 988 Spoilers Discussion

How strong is Sanji?

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Tbh. I don't want this to happen ( because I don't want her on the crew if she stays with this fucktard Oden shit ) but it's possible that she will join SH's and immediately transform into sex influencer due to Nami's behaviours and she will be used by Oda to sell figurines because who wouldn't buy cute Nami with horns figurine.
I blame subhumans, simp, and beta males.
But yes, she definitively has to get her own personnality, and if she isn't stronger than Zoro then her presence in the crew is useless. I was thinking about the parallel with Oden who joined Roger's crew and wasn't weaker than prime raylegh imho or very close.
I see two scenarios.

Oda doesnt give a fuck about power scaling route:

- Zoro/Sanji vs. King/Queen
- Jinbe vs. Jack
- Yamato vs. Ulti (then Smoothie lul)
- Etc

- Law/Kid/Marco are reserved for Kaido only

Oda realizes Luffys crew needs to "grow":

- Zoro vs. Whos Who
- Jinbe vs. Sasaki
- Sanji vs. Page 1
- Yamato vs Ulti
- Etc

With Law/Kid/Marco taking on the Calamities.

Which would leave Luffy to take on Kaido alone after the Scabbards lose.

Personally I like scenario 2 better because it allows Luffys crew to firstly, surpass powerful New World captains on their own, secondly, it still allows a ton of room for growth against Blackbeard, Akainu, Im, or Shanks and their subordinates.

Just my opinion
When it took Luffy 12 hours to fight someone of similar caliber, we are supposed to expect Luffy's crewmate to do the same thing after barely being shown "growth" the past 10 years?

This to me looks like a clash, a moment where Sanji successfully released Momo and King simply attacked. There are plenty of these moments in the series. And don't get me wrong, I dont expect King to be Zoro's opponent now either.
Short answer...YES. We should expect his crew mate to be able to hold his own not BEAT but hold his own and no matter how y’all like it or not king and the rest cj the calamities getting beat this arc. How the hell are the monsters of the crew expected to get stronger if they don’t face tough opponents? The series at this moment will last for another 5-6 years so if anything NOW is when we should be expecting the likes of zoro/sanji to be at yc1 level and plus cuz there is literally no other way for them to develop into becoming the strongest crew at the end of the story cuz that’s the path they’re currently on!


Lead them to paradise.
@Fujishiro Simple understanding of how Zoro's powers work and understanding of how his fights are designed should be enough to let you know that he is already a top tier but you are not one of those who understand that.
I am not blaming you tho, I myself only realized it only recently even tho I suspected it the entire time post-WCI. :catsure:
I see, I guess it’s that easy to become wss, just train offscreen with the guy you wanna beat and do jackshit till endgame. Such a riveting journey tbh :steef:
I see two scenarios.

Oda doesnt give a fuck about power scaling route:

- Zoro/Sanji vs. King/Queen
- Jinbe vs. Jack
- Yamato vs. Ulti (then Smoothie lul)
- Etc

- Law/Kid/Marco are reserved for Kaido only

Oda realizes Luffys crew needs to "grow":

- Zoro vs. Whos Who
- Jinbe vs. Sasaki
- Sanji vs. Page 1
- Yamato vs Ulti
- Etc

With Law/Kid/Marco taking on the Calamities.

Which would leave Luffy to take on Kaido alone after the Scabbards lose.

Personally I like scenario 2 better because it allows Luffys crew to firstly, surpass powerful New World captains on their own, secondly, it still allows a ton of room for growth against Blackbeard, Akainu, Im, or Shanks and their subordinates.

Just my opinion
If the Numbers aren't that important, it'll go,

King VS Zoro
Queen VS Sanji
Jack VS Jimbei
Who's-Who VS Brook
Sasaki VS Franky
Ulti VS Nami
Black Maria VS Robin
Page One VS Chopper
@Fujishiro Simple understanding of how Zoro's powers work and understanding of how his fights are designed should be enough to let you know that he is already a top tier but you are not one of those who understand that.
I am not blaming you tho, I myself only realized it only recently even tho I suspected it the entire time post-WCI. :catsure:
Please make it into a thread cause i don't want to watch no YouTube video
Or atleast post the video in its own thread
Short answer...YES. We should expect his crew mate to be able to hold his own not BEAT but hold his own and no matter how y’all like it or not king and the rest cj the calamities getting beat this arc. How the hell are the monsters of the crew expected to get stronger if they don’t face tough opponents? The series at this moment will last for another 5-6 years so if anything NOW is when we should be expecting the likes of zoro/sanji to be at yc1 level and plus cuz there is literally no other way for them to develop into becoming the strongest crew at the end of the story cuz that’s the path they’re currently on!

You can read my last post to get my answer out of this. In short the answer is steady growth, like Luffy has gotten, not a random growth spurt with no setup
@Fujishiro Simple understanding of how Zoro's powers work and understanding of how his fights are designed should be enough to let you know that he is already a top tier but you are not one of those who understand that.
I am not blaming you tho, I myself only realized it only recently even tho I suspected it the entire time post-WCI. :catsure:
That would imply he came out of the timeskip already ready to fight Mihawk. So that's a big old nope....


Kitetsu Wanker
I see, I guess it’s that easy to become wss, just train offscreen with the guy you wanna beat and do jackshit till endgame. Such a riveting journey tbh :steef:
Just because you are top tier, doesnt make you into a WSS.
Doesnt work for Shanks, doesnt work for Fujitora, doesnt work for Kizaru, doesnt work for Big Mom...
Doesnt work for Zoro either, at least not yet. Once he forges the black blade, it just might work for Zoro. :catsure:
Please make it into a thread cause i don't want to watch no YouTube video
Or atleast post the video in its own thread
If you didnt want to watch a video you wont read a thread either.
And I dont need to convince anyone. Watch it unfold before your eyes.
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