▪The Last chapter we saw a clash between Sanji with RS and King where Sanji got overpowered in a clash of leg from base King who wanted to catch Momo

and what's insane is when King used his most useless Zoan Form while he is a swordman confirmed in the magazine and in the Fb of Oden when he used a stance to fight Raiso special for swordmen Sanji was sweating and trying to push the beak from his belly implying he will die from that attack and even he showed King he can't disappear in a sense of teleportation like what King thought just to let him go and what will show that actually is sanji screaming when that attack landed on the tower and Luffy himself sweating and implying it to be dangerous while against PO he never screamed like that after he got overpowered by PO's hybrid Form

▪Sanji PostTS was used a lot as hype tool to hype characters :
● when he attacked Cracken but he got counterattacked by him just to see Zoro's using a santoryu Ogi fastly so he was used to hype Zoro's attack speed postts .
● he was used against law's ability.
● he was used against Vergo .
● he was used against Doffy .
● he was used against Judge .
● he was used to hype RS speed in WCI when he helped Luffy there .
● he was used against PO and didn't put him down just to hype his DF's durability and strength .
● he was used to hype Drake's slowest form .
● he was used to hype Zoro when he tamed enma and the second case when he tried the coastline .
▪So this time using him as hype tool is totally expected especially when he said to king to let him go

● Another Case can be made and this is the Act 3 where King will get a lot of hype especially if we follow the pattern of :
☆ act 1 : Jack
• Law each time remined SHs about jack
• he can fight in base form against Asura Doji on equal footing who is portrayed to be one of the top scabbards and stronger than Kinemon who injured Kaido with Kiku and survived the fight against him with denjiro as appeared when he wanted to recruit him and he is the same guy who said Doffy is a weakling .

☆ Act 2 : Queen
▪he wasn't afraid of Luffy who defeated Kuri a fs user and when he saw him using Fs / Coc also Hygoro using barrier Coa against Fodder he was never impressed by it which speaks for him .
▪he tanked two hits from Big Mom a legit Yonko while using his useless and slowest form he could make big mom fainting .
☆ Act 3 : King
▪ his bounty Never was revealed which speak for him .
......... ????
What i mean is each one of the commanders get an act special for them to hype them so it won't be a surprise to have Act 3 to hype King and using sanji as hype tool to hype him .
■ Another Point can be made is Sanji and King landed near the entrance of onigashima and just to let u know Marco and perospero appeared to be there and both of them are having something related to King :
☆ Perospero is angry about what King did to him .
☆ Marco / King have a similar portrayal ( CoC clash ) and similar feat ( pushing big mom crew's ship away ) so that speaks for a clash between them happening not to mention Oda can use this scene to hype Marco using his healing ability to sanji to show his ability to be a Great Card that can be used in this war against two Yonko .
☆ Or we can have a clash between luffy and King showing a clash between Gear 4 and an ancient zoan user who can fly not to mention it's high likely to have King mastering the gamma knife Haki so showing a fight between them can be expected tbh especially after having big mom being hit by Franky.
☆ My point of this thread is we are too early to have SHs fighting their final opponents even in this Act especially if we can see that Wano arc is following kakubi theme with these acts :
1. The jo is a slow opening which introduces the characters and plot.
2.,3.,4. In the ha, the events speed up, usually with a dramatic or tragic moment in the third act, and a battle in the second or fourth.
5. The kyu is a quick, satisfying conclusion.
As u can see above the Act 4 is one where battles start and not this Act 3 which is related to show a tragic moment but where is this tragic moment ?
☆ Finally u can see that Tobi roppo are going to appear We have Ulti fighting yamato while WsW and Sasaki are going to appear and finally PO who has some unfinished business with Sanji who didn't defeat him and who didn't use his Coa nor his named attack like sanji who didn't show his named attack with DJ and his basic Coa even when they were fighting PO wasn't bleeding or anything so it can be expected from him to fight PO to finish the fight between them .