-Luffy and Zoro were already capable of fighting Yonko Commanders as soon as they came out of the timeskip
-Sanji hasn't, isn't, and never will be equal or stronger than Zoro, and he'll never be more than a high diff
-Vivi, while great, is a tad overrated
-Tashigi and Smoker are vastly underrated
-Thriller Bark is better than Enies Lobby
-Zoro's an often under-valued character
-Kuma was stronger than Doffy when he had his mind
-Mihawk's much stronger than Shanks than let on
-Linlin is a better villain than Doffy and Kaido
-I like Kungfu point more than Jump Point and Arm Point
-Law sucks
-Admirals and Yonko are equal, balanced by the fact Yonko are more monstrous, while Admirals are overall better fighters