Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Luffy using G4 against Number is kind of underwhelming imo....He didn't use G4 initially against Ulti ( who he considered as strong).... He didn't go G4 against BM ( he didn't want to fight her now tbf).....

He now can use advanced CoA....It would have been good if Oda showed us Luffy defeating Numbers with G2/G3 plus advanced CoA imo.....
Stop using words you don't understand. What's subjective on expecting Oda to deliver on the hype he built? I don't even get how you dare defend this mess. Nobody forced Oda to have the last chapter end like this if he didnt intent for it to be straw hats time yet. As a Reader I have the right to complaint on his false advertising. This Is worse than Sengoku looking like he was going to join the fight in MF.
Ignore the context of my points.You are only to blame yourself for expecting all your desires to be fulfilled in the very next chapter.
By that same token you'd have wanted all the strawhats to get their matchups the VERY NEXT CHAPTER when they they got a double spread in Enies Lobby in front of the tower of justice.
It is YOU who doesn't even know what you're saying with tagging things as a "mess" and not agreeing to be subjective about that.
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