Questions & Mysteries Roger fought Big Mom and took the ponegliff from here !!!

● there is a mistranslation of Viz in the panel that appeared in Oden's Flashback about Roger stealing the ponegliff no he took it away by force and this is confirmed by an Arabic one who gave his analysis about One piece and he even talked about the mistranslation of Sanji's speech against King and this is also confirmed by @Aknolagon and i brought the japanese text to clarify things but let's see this :

And we have this :

《 リンリン の 奴 から 奪った " ロード歴史 の 本文 " が 一 枚 あり 》

奪った : this a verb used in the past tense its infinitive form is 奪う called ubau, which means plunder and wresting by force in front of the person who is snatched from him .

this website below confirmed it you can see the Verb meaning and its form in the past tense to verify it .

● Source :奪う
● there is a mistranslation of Viz in the panel that appeared in Oden's Flashback about Roger stealing the ponegliff no he took it away by force and this is confirmed by an Arabic one who gave his analysis about One piece and he even talked about the mistranslation of Sanji's speech against King and this is also confirmed by @Aknolagon and i brought the japanese text to clarify things but let's see this :

And we have this :

《 リンリン の 奴 から 奪った " ロード歴史 の 本文 " が 一 枚 あり 》

奪った : this a verb used in the past tense its infinitive form is 奪う called ubau, which means plunder and wresting by force in front of the person who is snatched from him .

this website below confirmed it you can see the Verb meaning and its form in the past tense to verify it .

● Source :奪う
But Big mom herself in WCI never said she fought Roger


Peerless In History
I know, this was the entire panel

I'm just saying what she said doesn't really say anything about Roger sneaking in. Roger could have kicked her ass, then read the stones and left the territory, which is what she considered as screwing up
Not really. The context of the entire panel is about stealing the things she calls her own. It's outright telling us that Roger stole the poneglyph.
Didn't the Mugiwara used the same verb when Brook revealed that he stole the PG, did they?

Btw, don't misunderstand me...I don't want to defend Meme but I just want to be as much unbiased as I can. Because I don't want to do the same thing Yonko fanboys do
I know, this was the entire panel

I'm just saying what she said doesn't really say anything about Roger sneaking in. Roger could have kicked her ass, then read the stones and left the territory, which is what she considered as screwing up
where is the fking roger sneaked it and stole the ponegliff so ppl are just assuming things while it was never mentioned:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
● there is a mistranslation of Viz in the panel that appeared in Oden's Flashback about Roger stealing the ponegliff no he took it away by force and this is confirmed by an Arabic one who gave his analysis about One piece and he even talked about the mistranslation of Sanji's speech against King and this is also confirmed by @Aknolagon and i brought the japanese text to clarify things but let's see this :

And we have this :

《 リンリン の 奴 から 奪った " ロード歴史 の 本文 " が 一 枚 あり 》

奪った : this a verb used in the past tense its infinitive form is 奪う called ubau, which means plunder and wresting by force in front of the person who is snatched from him .

this website below confirmed it you can see the Verb meaning and its form in the past tense to verify it .

● Source :奪う

اهلاً عمر ..روجر استخدم الفعل 奪う ubau و هو يعني السلب و الانتزاع بالقوة امام نظر الشخص الي تنتزع منه.. لو أنه فعلها بتخفي و بالسر لقال 盗む nusumu و هذا يثبت أنه قاتلهم و انتزعه بالقوة ثانياً بحديث البيق مام هي سمت اليونكو بأسماءهم فكيف اقدر اقول انها تعني طواقمهم لا اشخاصهم ؟

all he said is "they used this word that mean (maybe) taking something by force , and not they did it undercover so it means they fought?

and he is just talking about what this can means .... and his own personal take ...

and Omar himself is not approving his point by the way ...

so ... this is just a thread about nothing ... this is just a random conversation in Twitter

Roger didn't do that while being undercover is the only canon thing we can understand form this conversation

Literally outright states that he stole it and from the panel with Big Mom in WCI, it outright spells out that he never fought her. If he did fight her, the context around that panel would be far different.

Good Job @Fenaker kun. One of your baits has finally drawn me out.
bait ?? LMAOO i won't believe Viz translation each time they translated sanji's speech vs King to another thing they used another translation for zRyuma i only believe in kanji meaning not your headcanons :endthis: