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Shi Shi Son Son is the only thing worth while in 1 sword Zoro's arsenal due to nature of the attack it is. Its an Iaijutsu attack but soon Zoro masters even superior Iai Jutsu attack in Rushomon which would accomplish the same task.

But 720 Pound canon >> 360 Pound canon
2 sword defense >> 1 sword defense
Gorilla Techniques >> anything in 1 sword bar shi shi son son
Even Toro moves are above majority of 1 sword arsenal.

If one sword was superior to 2 sword, Zoro would put his other sword away when fighting killer lol.

Anyways what do you mean Fuji did not use his abilities on Zoro, he literally used one of the strongest gravity attack he has used throughout Dressrosa, on Zoro not to mention he never stopped applying gravity on Zoro until Zoro overpowered it

Attack Fuji used on Zoro was FAR stronger than one he used on Sabo, naming an attack doesn't mean shit, because Zoro's vertical cut on Pica was unnamed but a little move like bird dance that Hody with his fodder blocked was named.

Fujitora's greatest offense which is him lifting that country and dropping it on ships is unnamed. Those meteors are unnamed

As soon as Fuji used his ability on Luffy, Luffy was done for yet Zoro survived and overpowered it despite not having resistance to blunt attacks and Fuji just applying Raging Tiger on Luffy once and that's it while Fuji constantly applying bedrock shattering force on Zoro.

Zoro has done the best against Fuji out of any Dressrosa fighter including Law, Doffy, Sabo, Luffy.
Fuji didnt use his strongest anything on Zoro, he used a similar move like that on fodder guys at the beginning of the arc lol.

And Didnt luffy survive the raging tiger attacks too ? lol
Scabbards vs Kaido will start with Scabbards having the upper hand

They will damage him even more maybe as much as Oden damaged him to make a parallel

then Kaido will show its not enough to put him down, and proceed to finish them easily

given that Oda made Kaido durability irrelevant early, am sure Kaido have another crazy ability that make him in killable , otherwise nothing Luffy will do will make him look impressive, damaging Kaido has already been done

I don't think its too far fetched that Kaido can regenerate or some shit lol he's most likely an expirement anyway Oda can go crazy with Kaido power as much as he want lol
weak reasoning, kaido has even more people on his side and kinemon’s allies are preventing kinemon from being occupied. If thr scabbards wanted to let kaido and kinemon have a 1v1 then they would have arranged it. Heck, oden and kinemon could just switch places

Neko/Inu are Jack level. There is nothing to discuss. Maybe somewhat weaker in base, but stronger in Sulong, and it balances out.

Law > Ashura ~ King/Queen > Neko/Inu/Jack

Like I said last chapter, Kinemon should give Jack a good fight, but Law neg diffed him.
Sorry man, did you mean not? Well, im tired of seeing shishio using his 2 piece knowledge and try to twist what actually happened, he compared this

To this,

Tell me he's not grossly overexaggerating.
Love that move raging tiger

Also thoughts on the duel in Stampede? even though it's non canon

Ill let you two duke that one out, there's both sides, buildings looking more destroyed can have an appearance of being more damaged but the scope of the attack is much wider too

To Zoro we dont know how deep that hole is as well. Im not part of that debate only giving my 2 cents, but i can see both sides of the argument
weak reasoning, kaido has even more people on his side and kinemon’s allies are preventing kinemon from being occupied. If thr scabbards wanted to let kaido and kinemon have a 1v1 then they would have arranged it. Heck, oden and kinemon could just switch places
You're assuming they were anywhere near each other during this whole ordeal. When Oden and Kaido were fighting, all we saw was them two. No other scabbards were in the immediate vicinity when Kaido launched Boro Breath. So you're basically proposing that Oda should of just had Kinemon teleport to their location, to cut the fire.
Sorry man, did you mean not? Well, im tired of seeing shishio using his 2 piece knowledge and try to twist what actually happened, he compared this

To this,

Tell me he's not grossly overexaggerating.
Are you actually fucking serious?
God damn bending a few buildings is better than Punching a hole through bedrocks?
I say this with all due respect and you know you my homie but if you seriously think behidng buildings is more brutal than punching deep 100 meter hole in Bedrock, you need to go back and take all the science classes.

I am sure even Oda would laugh at him, if you told him the same thing.

This is insane amount bias and you blame me of bias.

Its like you seeing a nameless attack from WB destroy an entire Island and then named attack from WB destroy a few buildings and telling me named attack is stronger cuz named attack.

Like what an actual fuck bro? WTF?


Lead them to paradise.
Lmfao fuji was shivering at zoro you dont know shit.
Zoro pushed fuji back with one sword under immense gravity.
''shivering'' lmfao. Fuck you're so funny. You guys are an absolute riot, i love you guys.
He shuddered and it was to portray picking up on something, that something is zoro going all out to come out of that hole, pushing fuji means zilch btw mister. G3 pushed him.


You can't win
I wonder if Inu / Neko will be able to keep their Sulong form long enough in the battle against Kaido because i can see a scenario where their Sulong form run out at some point, Jack recovering with awakening and fighting them in hybrid form
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