Spoiler One Piece Chapter 991 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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Gol D. Roger

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|One Piece Chapter 991 Spoiler Summaries and Images|

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Pepebusi Spammer
Big Thanks to Korean Leaks, Redon, and Scotch Informer from AP Forums and Redon's Spanish Forums

Chapter 991: "Let me die"
- Luffy accepts X Drake in the alliance but Zoro, Jinbe and Franky refuse.
- Zoro and Drake fight, but Apoo appears and attacks them. Zoro and X Drake team up to stop him.
- Page One and Ulti prepare to attack the Straw Hat gang, but Usopp and Nami distract them.
- Jack has been defeated by Inuarashi and Nekomamushi in his Sulong form.
- Kinemon cuts Kaidou's Boro Breath in half.
- Kinemon ends the chapter saying the title phrase (it is not clear if he says it for him or for the Red Scabbards)
- Kinemon said "Let Me Die" in the end of the chapter
- No Break Next Week.
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Here's the non google translation of the spoiler (by @djiayebee):

  • Title: "Let me die"
  • At the end, there is a line where they tell Kaido "as Oden's samurai let us die "
  • Luffy says he's okay to consider Drake as an ally, but Zoro, Jinbe, and Franky disagree and stop Drake.
  • Page One and Ulti attack the Straw Hat crew, but Usopp and Nami drew their attention away.
  • While Drake is being blocked by Zorro, Apoo comes in the range and attacks together. Zoro and Drake join forces to attack Apoo together
  • Jack fell. Kaido is going to fight. Cut to Inu and Neko
  • Kaido breathes at the Akazaya samurai, and Kinemon blocks it with a flame-slicing skill
  • End with the same line as the title.
Weekly Shonen Jump #43 Cover Issue and TOC

Author Ichiro Oda mentions that
"The goal now is for manga to reach Chapter 1000 at the end of this year !!"
Comment in Jump Magazine for this week.

Big Thanks to ScotchInformer.​

Eiichiro Oda Aiming for Chapter 1000 at the end of this year !! The new system will be *2 Chapters then Break* or *3 Chapters then break* -According to his comment on Jump.

This new system because Corona Pandamic (as we know).
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I got in touch with someone who knows Asashi directly, who provides some WSJ leaks. He told me that, regarding chapter 991, we won't have any more leaks this week.

Next week we will have leaks at normal times.

Edit :
The person I contacted told me that. Only, we were in a complete fog. What I said in that message was not fake either, only what I knew about the current situation.

Thank you for your understanding
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Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 991: “Please let us die!”.

In the cover, Pound hugs Lola and Chiffon for the first time in 26 years T_T

Drake thinks about his conversation with Koby. Koby said him that Luffy has the power to attract other people.

Zoro blocks Drake, he sais he can't trust him. Jinbe warns Drake that there are rules of honor even in pirate world, so he can't trust either in someone who switch side easily.

Luffy: "Oh, it's OK. We can fight together."

Zoro & Jinbei: "Shut up you idiot captain!!"

In other part, Page One transforms and attacks samurai but he's hit by Usopp's Midori Boshi: Dokuro Bakuhatsu So (Green Star: Skull Bombgrass).

Ulti tries to find who fired the shot to her brother and she sees Nami.

Nami: "I'm Nami and I love to get rid of lizards like you!!"

However, it's not Nami the one that talks. Usopp is behind Nami, he's the one that said that to Ulti. Nami and Usopp run away, making Page One and Ulti follow them.

Apoo attacks Luffy (he's not using Gear 4) but Luffy covers his ears in time to avoid Apoo's attack. Apoo tries to help Haccha to become sober. He's in charge of controlling Numbers and says that the other Numbers got defeated easily because they were drunk.

Haccha sees Franky and thinks he's a toy. Jinbei tells Franky to lure Haccha outside to help the samurai.

Apoo tries to call other Numbers but Drake and Zoro attack him together. Apoo asks Drake if he's with this "weak" pirate group now, Zoro gets angry. Drake has always dislike Apoo as well, so Zoro and him decided to join hands to defeat Apoo.

But Queen appears and shoots them all with his machine gun. Drake seems shocked when he realizes what kind of bullets Queen used.

Cut to the top of Onigashima's dome, all Kaidou's men and Number Nanki are defeated. Jack is thrown to the ground heavily injured with one of his tusks broken. However he also managed to defeat most of the Sulong Minks.

Kaidou has to step in since Jack is about to be killed.

Jack: "Sorry."

Kaido: "Jack, you're not weak. Those two are just simply too strong."

Then we finally see Inuarashi and Nekomamushi Sulong form in an amazing doublespread page.

Kinemon thanks the Minks for opening the path to Kaidou for them. Kaidou tells Jack to go to recover. He then laughs and prepares his Bolo Breath.

Kaidou: "How many times do you think you can escape from this attack?"

Kinemon: "We never think about escaping."

Kinemon uses his "Kitsunebiryuu" style and cuts Kaidou's Bolo Breath in half. He also injures Kaidou's mouth.

Red Scabbards: "We're done escaping and hiding.
Please, let us die here as Lord Oden's samurai!
And we'll take you along with us!!"


No break next week.


Spoiler Provider
Translation from reddit:
Samurai: It's the Tobi Roppo X-Drake! He is the one who went crazy in the Flower Capital a while back.
Beast Pirates: Drake!? Why the Numbers!!?
Yakuza: Just like he said, a dinosaur!
Hyo: That must be an executive, its strange
Pagey: Hey Drake, why did you defeat the Numbers?
Drake: Huff...huff...
Kobe Flashback: Luffy...


☆ 𝕊𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕪 ☆
putting here the different panel translations from the discussion thread
Sanji to Usopp : Please take care of my Nami-san♡
Sanji to Luffy : Let's hurry up Luffy, to where Kinemom and the others are
Luffy: Ah.. Hey Sanji, shut your ears!!

Kaido to Jack : (continuing from previous page "you were not weak....") "... these 2 are way too strong"
"There was a lot of damage due to the Sulong (minks) uh.."
"But those minks couldn't go any further than that"
"Go get heal yourself, that’s enough"

Kinemon : " Our thanks go to the Mink warriors"

Kaido : "Run away and die trying/from exhaustion! It'll be an interesting sight to see how many times you can avoid it"
on that image Queen is talking to Drake specifically (he calls out his name before) but only says:
" You think you can escape? "Traitor"~~!! no, probably more accurate to say "spy"!

and on the next image Drake wonders to himself "...? he think he can hurt me with that....? wait, could that bullet be..!?!?"

so no mention so far of "plague sub-machine gun"

In previous page Drake says to Zoro :
"At least! your victory... is good for me!"
"How about this?"

Zoro: "That’s quite honest/straightforward but you're hiding your position"

Apoo: "Should I call more Numbers? Look you guys stop drinking alcohol and come here!"

Zoro and Drake attacking Appo(?? not clear who is talking): "Dont do anything useless!!"
Apoo: "Ouah!"

Apoo: "Yoyo Drake!! I also heard everything!! This time are you gonna be parasitic to that weak and small pirate crew?

Drake: "I have hated that dude since the beginning. I am gonna crush him but not doing that for your sake

Zoro: "What? I also agree. The fight is useless" (the way I understand it: "let's call it a truce"?)

P1 : "The guy with strawhat!! Is that him? Looks like he is the boss of these pirates"
Ulti: "That guy from before!"

Fodders: "These 2! Make sure they dont get close to Mr. Strawhat!

Luffy: "That duo from before!"

Sanji: "The dinosaur from Flower Capital..! and who's that cutie next to him!?"

P1: "Strawhat, dont ever think you'll be able to meet Kaido-sama a 2nd time!!!"

Ulti: "Kyaaa Pe-tan!! Who did this!??"

Usopp hiding behind Nami: "Me Nami!"

P1: "Do you think I will miss!!"

Ulti: "How dare you do that to Pe-tan!!"
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