One Piece Chapter 991: "Please let us die"

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Still wishing for a 2 vs 2 between Masterchef/Gifter Slayer and King/Queen duo.
King might intercept Luffy and Sanji and Sanji would deal with King.

Queen might fight Zoro now and seeing Drake's reaction to Queen's handgun, I think Chopper would come since looks like Queen infuses plague bullet into his hand gun.

I don't believe anyone really believed that Sanji vs Pageone would happen beyond the salty Zoro fanboys who wanted to troll and tease Sanji fans
It's Luffy and Sanji vs Kaido or Sanji vs King now. :kata:
I don't believe anyone really believed that Sanji vs Pageone would happen beyond the salty Zoro fanboys who wanted to troll and tease Sanji fans
The crew probably trained hard during the one week in Wano. Usopp/Nami duo reached Veteran/F6 tier? Sanji should be on strongest Veteran/Commander ballpark now and with a little bit of powerup, can actually take down a commander imho.


Well I guess but I don't know if Sanji has what it takes to hurt Kaido, maybe he can help in other ways.
SHs are a unique crew. Sanji was a neg diff material for Blueno at the beginning of EL and was frying Jabra a few hours later. They probably got quite strong with one week of training during Wano.
Oda doesn't care about power level as long as the story fits his narrative.. Brook seemed to be an even match for Sheepshead a headliner and now Nami and Usopp would fight both Ulti and Page One whose ranks are above Sheepshead.

Chopper beat Gedatsu but the same Gedatsu fell from Skypiea and looked fine. And we thought Kaido was a beast for surviving fall from Skypiea. Oda needed Gedatsu to be in earth for plot purpose maybe with illogical way, falling from Skypiea.
Oda doesn't care about power level as long as the story fits his narrative.. Brook seemed to be an even match for Sheepshead a headliner and now Nami and Usopp would fight both Ulti and Page One whose ranks are above Sheepshead.

Chopper beat Gedatsu but the same Gedatsu fell from Skypiea and looked fine. And we thought Kaido was a beast for surviving fall from Skypiea. Oda needed Gedatsu to be in earth for plot purpose maybe with illogical way, falling from Skypiea.
Oda can have Sanji and Zoro take down commanders this arc and struggle against some fodder giants in the next. Anything should be expected at this point.
Previous arc, everyone was arguing whether Sanji was weaker than Yuen or not, his power-scaling is that much inconsistent, we have to accept it
Kinemon, who was a laughingstock material for Doflamingo two arcs ago, managed to cut down Kaido in dragon form. Powerscaling in OP is quite wonky, we gotta accept it...
YES! I sometimes wonder why we get so toxic when shit's doesn't even make sense anymore...

You get the mid trio fucking with BM.
Kinemon cutting Kaido.

When things like these can happen, anything can happen really. Oda would just do whatever he likes, he doesn't really care about powerlevels anywhere as much as we do.


I think this is character growth for Straw Hat? :kizabat:

Back in Fishman Island Luffy trusted Jinbei would make it back to Straw Hat. :brootea:

Now Sanji trusted Nami to Usopp. Old Sanji would leave Luffy to save Nami. :zorothink:

Nice to see each members have trust for each other. :yodaswag:
YES! I sometimes wonder why we get so toxic when shit's doesn't even make sense anymore...

You get the mid trio fucking with BM.
Kinemon cutting Kaido.

When things like these can happen, anything can happen really. Oda would just do whatever he likes, he doesn't really care about powerlevels anywhere as much as we do.
Exactly! Watch Yamato, who clapped Ulti few chapters ago, get caught by Black Maria or so like a little doll and I wouldn’t be surprised. We gotta expect anything...


This chapter Oda emphasises that Numbers might be stronger than we thought. The Numbers that were defeated before might be drunk and not wild. Hacha's words here implies that if Numbers are not drunk and run willd, they would be more dangerous than we thought.

Jinbei's statement also implies that Numbers are dangerous.

Number 1,2 and 3 might be the strongest. Oda might haven't shown them to surprise us.
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