One Piece Chapter 991: "Please let us die"

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Kaido in dragon form got his lip cut lol. I'm convinced that Yonko are no stronger than admirals. And I don't Stan Mihawk but I have to put respect on his name because he HAS to be strong enough to be able to fight Kaido after this
It's Zoro vs Queen as we've been saying since the flaming kicks of King were revealed in the anime.
I've been saying Queen=King for a long time, because they both have different strong points.
Please don't come crawling back when it happens and pretend that Queen is a tier above King because it is going to look really desperate, almost as bad as claiming there was a bigger gap between Kaku and Jyabura than Kaku and Lucci pre skip, which some Zoro fans claim to actually believe.

I could see the different strong points argument.

Zoro one-shotted Kaku. No reason he couldn’t high extreme diff Lucci.
Honestly I think Aokiji is stronger than Kaido and Zoro will beat him 1v1 in an arc or two as a training fight before Lord Hawk. Maybe he’ll turn Enma into a black blade during it ?
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Page One attacks Luffy and Sanji. Sanji doesn't bother to block Page One. It is Usopp who intercepts Page One from attacking Luffy.

Sanji even left Usopp to take care of Page One.

Where is this Sanji vs Page One rematch :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:

Luffy told Sanji to go to where Kinemon and the others were.

Luffy and Sanji vs Kaido :steef:
Page One attacks Luffy and Sanji. Sanji doesn't bother to block Page One. It is Usopp who intercepts Page One from attacking Luffy.

Sanji even left Usopp to take care of Page One.

Where is this Sanji vs Page One rematch :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:

Luffy told Sanji to go to where Kinemon and the others were.

Luffy and Sanji vs Kaido :steef:
Still wishing for a 2 vs 2 between Masterchef/Gifter Slayer and King/Queen duo.
lol Kinemon being useful against Kaido, anyone remember him cream his pants when Zoro cut Pica?
Oda is being way too incosistent. Sanji was at least 2 tiers below Veterans/F6 level guys in previous arc, how come did the crew become so strong such that Usopp/Nami can tag team F6 members? Seriously can see Sanji around Commander ballpark now, with a little powerup. Again, this is Oda though...
Page One attacks Luffy and Sanji. Sanji doesn't bother to block Page One. It is Usopp who intercepts Page One from attacking Luffy.

Sanji even left Usopp to take care of Page One.

Where is this Sanji vs Page One rematch :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:

Luffy told Sanji to go to where Kinemon and the others were.

Luffy and Sanji vs Kaido :steef:
I don't believe anyone really believed that Sanji vs Pageone would happen beyond the salty Zoro fanboys who wanted to troll and tease Sanji fans
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