Kind of have some predictions for the next few chapters (only because there are way too many perspectives to for Oda to cover in one chapter, this arc is insane with this cause people disappear for quite a while):

- Kaido goes on the offensive, we get a double spread with him and the scabbards clashing. Jack is recovering/watching. Nangi is also recovering (we will get a double spread with all 10 Numbers rampaging, totally an Oda thing to do).
- Queen is using some form of Kairoseki bullet. If they (Luffy/Drake) get hit with it, it will nullify their powers, weaken them.
- Apoo calls in the remaining Numbers (the 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 Number), while Goki and Juki recover. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Drake and Jinbe all prepare to fight a Number, who are sobered up.
- Franky leads Haccha outside, Haccha throws Jaki at him, but Sasaki is right there too.
- Robin and Brook sneak into the mansion to find the Road Poneglyph. They encounter Hotei, Fukurokuju and Orochi (who explains his whole with his heads allowing him to survive). Kanjuro is shown to be fine too. Robin/Brook fight the Mimiwarigumi/Onibawanshu. Kanjuro escorts Orochi to whatever plan Orochi has to fuck everyone over.
- Chopper encounters Black Maria (tbh I have no idea what Chopper is going to do lol).
- Oda is waiting to show the Calamities hybrids together, we will get a double spread of all 3. Luffy's top (Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe) will face them.
- Big Mom encounters Perospero and Marco. Turns out Pero was being chased by Marco, they weren't teaming up. Pero has Mont d'Or's book. He lets out the Mama Canter in the middle of the performance stage (I love this theory now). Marco clashes with Big Mom to keep her distracted. The BMP are added to Kaido's forces and things start to look dire.
- Carrot and Wanda encounter Perospero. Both Sulong by looking at the hole in the roof, attack Pero for Pedro.
- Smoothie jumps in and starts attacking fodder, gets stopped by Yamato. Yamato shows off his/her devil fruit.
- Campote, Snack and Daifuku all get stopped by Hancock, Koby and Helmeppo respectively. Drake has received Sword backup and Koby is using the Kuja pirates as allies.
- Hawkins and Apoo are hatching a plan to fuck over the Beasts Pirates. Both are just playing their parts.
- Law and Kid are making their way to the top of the Dome. Eventually they meet with Luffy's side. Killer stays behind to fight Who's Who, since he's up there with the Calamities. Luffy, Kid, Law and Drake all go up to the Dome. Eventually Hawkins/Apoo join this group.
- The Scabbards will lose within the next ~7-8 chapters. Kaido will face off against the 6 Supernova captains.
- Act 3 ends with Kaido's hybrid, Orochi looking to destroy Wano (by some unknown method), The everyone having their preset matchups, and some crazy plot twist (some unknown force heading to Wano, some unknown character such as the Ace existing, or just some crazy event that throws off expectations).

I'm 99.9% sure I'll be wrong about most of this.
Kind of have some predictions for the next few chapters (only because there are way too many perspectives to for Oda to cover in one chapter, this arc is insane with this cause people disappear for quite a while):

- Kaido goes on the offensive, we get a double spread with him and the scabbards clashing. Jack is recovering/watching. Nangi is also recovering (we will get a double spread with all 10 Numbers rampaging, totally an Oda thing to do).
- Queen is using some form of Kairoseki bullet. If they (Luffy/Drake) get hit with it, it will nullify their powers, weaken them.
- Apoo calls in the remaining Numbers (the 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 Number), while Goki and Juki recover. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Drake and Jinbe all prepare to fight a Number, who are sobered up.
- Franky leads Haccha outside, Haccha throws Jaki at him, but Sasaki is right there too.
- Robin and Brook sneak into the mansion to find the Road Poneglyph. They encounter Hotei, Fukurokuju and Orochi (who explains his whole with his heads allowing him to survive). Kanjuro is shown to be fine too. Robin/Brook fight the Mimiwarigumi/Onibawanshu. Kanjuro escorts Orochi to whatever plan Orochi has to fuck everyone over.
- Chopper encounters Black Maria (tbh I have no idea what Chopper is going to do lol).
- Oda is waiting to show the Calamities hybrids together, we will get a double spread of all 3. Luffy's top (Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe) will face them.
- Big Mom encounters Perospero and Marco. Turns out Pero was being chased by Marco, they weren't teaming up. Pero has Mont d'Or's book. He lets out the Mama Canter in the middle of the performance stage (I love this theory now). Marco clashes with Big Mom to keep her distracted. The BMP are added to Kaido's forces and things start to look dire.
- Carrot and Wanda encounter Perospero. Both Sulong by looking at the hole in the roof, attack Pero for Pedro.
- Smoothie jumps in and starts attacking fodder, gets stopped by Yamato. Yamato shows off his/her devil fruit.
- Campote, Snack and Daifuku all get stopped by Hancock, Koby and Helmeppo respectively. Drake has received Sword backup and Koby is using the Kuja pirates as allies.
- Hawkins and Apoo are hatching a plan to fuck over the Beasts Pirates. Both are just playing their parts.
- Law and Kid are making their way to the top of the Dome. Eventually they meet with Luffy's side. Killer stays behind to fight Who's Who, since he's up there with the Calamities. Luffy, Kid, Law and Drake all go up to the Dome. Eventually Hawkins/Apoo join this group.
- The Scabbards will lose within the next ~7-8 chapters. Kaido will face off against the 6 Supernova captains.
- Act 3 ends with Kaido's hybrid, Orochi looking to destroy Wano (by some unknown method), The everyone having their preset matchups, and some crazy plot twist (some unknown force heading to Wano, some unknown character such as the Ace existing, or just some crazy event that throws off expectations).

I'm 99.9% sure I'll be wrong about most of this.

that was a lot of fun to read. thanks for presenting your thoughts:pepemwai:
It is interesting that Oda gave a way higher bounty to Prospero than he did to Daifuku and Oven, both being veteran too. It can't be explained by age alone since there's only a 2 years gap and three of them have been pirates for decade.
I think Perospero can be a YC if he wanted to
There has to be a reason why he prefers to stay in the back