One Piece Chapter 958 Spoilers Discussion

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The Penguin

What about Greenbull's laugh "Rahahaha"? Can we extract some clue about his identity being Oden or Denjiro?
i hope this is just a simply the way Oda to prevent the huge lose, the alliance now is an absolute L against two Yonkou, the plans better be fail now rather than in the middle of onigashima plot.

but cant even think of the power booster outside the alliance that would help them, but they better be wait for Nekomamushi.


Kitetsu Wanker
Oh my god that be too funny if that happens and fans would rage on Zoro getting off-screen
So much of Enma hype if it really didn't stop him.
More like lorororororo if he was off-screened and defeated by someone here.
Not how spoilers are going especially Emna Hype dies if Zoro get defeated off-screen. Imagine sword getting taken again for the 3rd time :myman:.
Zoro took a swing at Kaido, accidentally released too much Haki and wiped out the entire alliance.
Kaido named him Vice Captain of Beasts instantly.
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