he is working 20-21 hours a day with 3 hours of sleep, daily, 7 days a week, 30/30 days a month, 365/365 days a year, consequtively for 23 years in a row.
Precisely becaus he has enough money to quit anyday, we should respect him even more. He´s working himself to the bone everyday and still, he sticks to his passion. If youve read older interviews were he got hospitalized a couple of times, he continued drawing even there.
He isnt togashi and we dont want him to end up as him (tired of writing and full of health issues).
The only bigger vacation he took in those 23 years was his honeymoon with his wife around 12 years ago for ~3-4 weeks.
Also, he is drawing traditionally and all his editors come to him at his house. But You cant risk having editors and assistants going to his house now to potentially infect him. They have to send the drafts to each others house now, probably via mail or some special express service. They cant talk directly but have to call each other (as we saw in the recent interview between oda and the J-pop band asashi or what it was called, where oda talked about an 12 hour call he had with his editors) and this wastes time as well.
On top of that he is involved in the netflix live action, reads the scripts etc as we heard in the reverie recently where matt owens talked about his meeting(s) with oda.
Oda is extremly hardworking, but due to corona restrictions, the symbiosis/Synergy with his assistant and editors isnt able to function properly like it used to.
And now, pray for godas health, he is still drawing even when sick, even when hospitalized, you better believe that. Though the output ratio because of a (potential) sickness is simply lowered