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When were you under the impression this game is..
if we had more time I’d ask for your claim.

up aybe because if he didn’t go with your plan you’d further push him and he’d be caught easier....

I maybe new here but you act as if I haven’t played with You on other forums. Your gambits are not good one bit.there too many what ifs in a role madness game for your plan to even succeed no I will not leave it to chance. We couldve just outright lynched tobi or Drago since you both have them pegged as scum. it’s that simple.

i even started how you easily trusted flower and she could be lying given rej would give out fake claims...

i Highly doubt you could votecrush TAC given his role and as an indie they’d be buffed To reach their lynched win in.

I’m fucking dead you’ve done nothing but trust him! He’s here cause you wanted him here on your side. You buddies him now he’s scum and snake. Gtfo
I NEVER TRUSTED HIM, I trust his DESIRE to win by getting yamato and I wanted to use that DESIRE to lead him to helping town.
I don’t give a flying fuck about what you think on my “gambits” and it’s not a gambit If I know it will work (like the 2nd case), I already apologized for the first thing and admitted it was half assed.
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