Current Events Absurd or illogical moments and storylines in Wano arc ?

Toki who comes from Void centuary....I mean I didn't feel that she comes from past, look on her:
Do you ever feel that this girl comes from the fu*ing WORLD END? I never feel like that about her...
Just look on her, and compare Toki with another girl who saw THE WORLD ENDING

I mean when you see the face like just understand that Girl saw everything and even more...
Toki never feel like desperate, that she survived the real hell. No...she never looked something different from others. I just feel that Toki is dumbest Oda's idea so far...
Ok, guys I'm sorry I forgot that I used wrong scan to show the difference, how should surviver of World End look like:
, so yep Oda failed with Toki a lot:mihugh:
The whole Hyori and Toki story is confusing. First to Toki a person travels through the timeline without being affected by events.
Then the thing with her scar, which was caused by the arrow. No side effects like poisoning or inability to walk. In Chapter 972
she stands in front of Oden and receive the swords which makes no sense at all, because she was hit in the leg by an arrow in Chapter 968. Either someone secretly brought her or she use her power what is explained in the anime or she faked it, maybe she did when she was travel through time. Scars are symbols that are recognized but Toki is unfortunately dead.

Then Hyori she is a phenomenon, she seems to have no combat experience even though she was in Wano for 20 years.
Even Vivi could fight better than her. And both are princesses. So either we're completely trolled by Oda and Hyori can fight well and that's why she's not in the fight now or she will play a victim role. It could be that the real Hyori is not in front of us but Toki, who was transformed by the time fruit in her daughter and who created a body clone in the chapter 973. It would explain why there is no body was found or their devil fruit. We don't know all the abilities of time fruit. Is even if it sounds stupid.
The whole Hyori and Toki story is confusing. First to Toki a person travels through the timeline without being affected by events.
Then the thing with her scar, which was caused by the arrow. No side effects like poisoning or inability to walk. In Chapter 972
she stands in front of Oden and receive the swords which makes no sense at all, because she was hit in the leg by an arrow in Chapter 968. Either someone secretly brought her or she use her power what is explained in the anime or she faked it, maybe she did when she was travel through time. Scars are symbols that are recognized but Toki is unfortunately dead.

Then Hyori she is a phenomenon, she seems to have no combat experience even though she was in Wano for 20 years.
Even Vivi could fight better than her. And both are princesses. So either we're completely trolled by Oda and Hyori can fight well and that's why she's not in the fight now or she will play a victim role. It could be that the real Hyori is not in front of us but Toki, who was transformed by the time fruit in her daughter and who created a body clone in the chapter 973. It would explain why there is no body was found or their devil fruit. We don't know all the abilities of time fruit. Is even if it sounds stupid.
Or just use Occam's Razor.

Formerly Seth

The whole Hyori and Toki story is confusing. First to Toki a person travels through the timeline without being affected by events.
Then the thing with her scar, which was caused by the arrow. No side effects like poisoning or inability to walk. In Chapter 972
she stands in front of Oden and receive the swords which makes no sense at all, because she was hit in the leg by an arrow in Chapter 968. Either someone secretly brought her or she use her power what is explained in the anime or she faked it, maybe she did when she was travel through time. Scars are symbols that are recognized but Toki is unfortunately dead.

Then Hyori she is a phenomenon, she seems to have no combat experience even though she was in Wano for 20 years.
Even Vivi could fight better than her. And both are princesses. So either we're completely trolled by Oda and Hyori can fight well and that's why she's not in the fight now or she will play a victim role. It could be that the real Hyori is not in front of us but Toki, who was transformed by the time fruit in her daughter and who created a body clone in the chapter 973. It would explain why there is no body was found or their devil fruit. We don't know all the abilities of time fruit. Is even if it sounds stupid.
What surprises me about Hiyori is that she played Komurasaki like 10/10 acting and spill the beans to the first person that saved her life.


Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
1. Kinemon letting Zoro waltz into Wano with the Shusui. Kinemon tried to kill Zoro when he first noticed the Shushui so both should know the dangers of carrying such an important treasure in the open when they're trying not to attract attention to themselves.

2. Kaido showing no concern or caution for the SH pirates despite all of their accomplishments. Kaido views BM as a major threat to him and Luffy and his crew made a mockery of her territory. Instead Kaido lays back and lets such a dangerous crew roam freely and gives no orders.

3. Kaido believing he can break Luffy's spirit despite all the public turmoil he's overcome. Kaido himself pointed out Luffy's insane willpower and how even unconscious, glares at him. Nope not a threat at all....just throw him in jail and hope for the best.

4. Queen letting Luffy learn ACOA. Like Kaido, Queen should be concerned or a little cautious of Luffy's reputation and Luffy was very vocal about training his haki.....Queen just sat there allowing Luffy to power up....

5. The SH pirates' lack of concern overall. Pre-Wano was all about how dangerous the yonko are and some SHs like Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Nami displayed worry. Once we get into Wano, no one cares and is suddenly 100% confident.....when Luffy got beaten and captured by Kaido, Franky, Robin and Usopp just said whatever....
yea as realistic as the scabbards surviving more than half a chapter vs Kaido when half of them should just literally faint from his CoC
Yea but Kaido hasnt attacked them in his regular form yet......A thunder bagua on each of the scabbards would surely put them to sleep. Oda just wants to drag things out cause we know the second kaido gets out of that dragon form this arcs tone completely shifts.


What could have been...
Yea but Kaido hasnt attacked them in his regular form yet......A thunder bagua on each of the scabbards would surely put them to sleep. Oda just wants to drag things out cause we know the second kaido gets out of that dragon form this arcs tone completely shifts.
the problem with that inconsistency is that Luffy was 1 shot by Kaido, but then he is gna come bk later and beat him.

Think of it like Bellamy being one shot by Luffy

but then spends like a week in prison and comes to beat Luffy

how weird is that

Formerly Seth

luffy getting 1 shot by kaido got the be the biggest bullsht moment in wano smh

the 2nd one has to be zoro fainting after a stab, when he could take 10 of these preskip and be fine

Oda's writing is lazy asfk on wano so far lmaoo
I remember people were thinking Wano was going to be this amazing thing of art, and they were trashing WCI all the while doing so.
Can you imagine that he wanted to write this arc since the beginning? We should be glad that his low point happened post time skip:doffytroll:
What surprises me about Hiyori is that she played Komurasaki like 10/10 acting and spill the beans to the first person that saved her life.

Yes, i agree i would be surprised that she did this on purpose.
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The best moments are where Yamato knows Ace without knowing that he died in Marineford. Luffy tell Tama about Ace death
immediately. When the flashback starts Ace and Yamato comes it will be irrelevant to Wano. Yamato is a Nami clone and it really works that Oda tries to copy characters.

The best example I saw on an Indonesian Facebook page was a picture where Ulti or Uruti could be Hyori, the picture had similarities. What was also interesting in Chapter 970 page 2 was Hyori at the age of 6 where Toki did her hair, if you look at her palm of her hand you can see two headlines. In Chapter 991 page 6 you see Ulti with open hands and it has the same two headlines as Hyori. We
should consider that they are of different ages but share similarities. They wear both masks and have brother complexes.
If Ulti and Page One vs Nami or Usopp are defeated, then I would question the logic of Oda.
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5. The SH pirates' lack of concern overall. Pre-Wano was all about how dangerous the yonko are and some SHs like Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Nami displayed worry. Once we get into Wano, no one cares and is suddenly 100% confident.....when Luffy got beaten and captured by Kaido, Franky, Robin and Usopp just said whatever....
This definitely one that bothered me a lot. Like Luffy could have been fucking dead, which he really should have been. In reality, he would have died had Chopper not shown up with Big Mom, which makes all of Ussop and Franky’s dialogue like “I’m sure he’ll escape soon” feel really dumb. There’s a difference in being confident in your captain and straight up being incompetent.