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That wasn’t even the takeaway of my post, i just wanted to point out the logic of some people lmfao. I don’t think Mihawk will be top 1 for long either. It’s just a matter of guys like BB, Dragon showing their powers.
BB factually called kaido a dreaded monster, i am sure he will be stronger in the future, he isnt now. There is nothing wrong with kaido being the current strongest, people can and will surpass him.

As for dragon, luffys greatest ally being the strongest makes 0 sense narratively, man was sweating his balls at what happened to Sabo too and had CP-0 going after him and BB whereas they shuddered even at the mention of Kaido by Orochi.
Listen, if Akainu really wanted them, he would just make a purpose to let Mihawk only stay as goverment dog, case of his achievement, and his name as WSS. But he was actually OK with fact that Shichibukai was disbanned. Bring here scan that shows that Akainu was against that whole idea LOL
Wtf are you talking about? The Shichibukai are an independent branch of the World Government, separate from the Navy. He has 0 say in what happens to the Shichibukai. It is the WG who decides, and the WG goes over his head all the time.

Fallen Prince

I hope Oda continues to pump out stupid shit so brain dead fanboys fap to “GoDa gReAtnEsS” and fail to acknowledge their own idiocy
Wait untill this shit goes like game of thrones.

I feel OP will go through what Games of thrones has suffered. Many will end up disliking OP ending because there is too much hype to it and if oda falls shortof it he is going to be crucified by same reddit derps.
folks honestly think the peak of power in op
is getting rolled off for 4 chapters casually by nico robin
while jinbei shoulder throws her.
4 chapters? Can you show me the raws ? It was a page and thats it, she got quite litteraly removed from the plot, it is obvious PIS and you are taking it way too seriously. Any top tier with intent to kill the SHs would get stalled or moved in a way shape or form. Its just that since BM is already a goofy character(like luffy, who also catches a lot of Ls and will continue doing so even though he will end up the strongest) that makes it easier for Oda to draw this gag situation.
You wouldn't slander Primebeard, Roger, or Shiki like this.

And Big Mom was one of their rivals.

Is it cuz her desgin is wack or cuz she's a woman?
not slander
its a fact
she was tossed off by robin
in the story
and wrong info
she was by no means roger's rival
neither was she a rival of wb.

roger shiki and wb were cosidered rivals iterated in the story
the ace novel
and the op magazine.

one things for sure
robin isnt tossing prime roger, prime wb and prime shiki so I think my points clear.
oda doesnt portray her where he portrays those three because she is simply not on their level. not design or gender related, big mom is just not it.


Peerless In History
I’m not going down a rabbit hole with you if you’re starting your post with the pure swordsman autism

Yeah, poor writing, that’s what i was talking about earlier, the Yonkos are easy to pity and excuse at every turn. Mihawk has few completely minor showings where he wasn’t damaged in any form and he’s garbage.

Because he’s actually backed in a corner by them lmfao
You invoke swordsman autism and I invoke counter autism and now you're telling me to stop? :choppawhat:

Plot permits certain characters to be compromised in different ways because those characters can overcome those situations
Very few people can take Gamma Knife and still continue to fight
Gamma Knife Landed to hype law but also because Doffy had a skillset to somewhat mitigate its effects

Using this whole ordeal to downplay characters that are clearly being held back by plot (to suggest otherwise is the height of intellectual dishonesty and anyone who does it is not worth having a discussion or having anyone give them a serious response) is unequivocally terrible reasoning. Oda would never put important characters in situations where they cannot deal with it.
Kaido will have the scabbards cut him a million times and what not because he has the durability and regeneration of make those cuts inconsequential in the grand scheme of things just like Linlin can be attacked and "clowned" because she doesn't take damage from such attacks. You cannot put people like Mihawk or the Admirals in Kaido's situation and expect them to fight at full capacity. Mihawk and any Admiral dies if they get stabbed by the 9 scabbards with advanced haki. Oda would never compromise them in such a manner because they don't have the tool set to deal with such plot contrivances.

This is the last response im going to give on this just consider that PIS is a real thing and that characters will rarely face situations where they cannot recover before they fight seriously. Otherwise, Law would go around Gamma Knifing everyone. This is similar for attacks like Ikoku which Luffy can't yet handle. The moment he is ready to handle such an attack, you'll see those attacks begin to magically be on target.
not slander
its a fact
she was tossed off by robin
in the story
and wrong info
she was by no means roger's rival
neither was she a rival of wb.

roger shiki and wb were cosidered rivals iterated in the story
the ace novel
and the op magazine.

one things for sure
robin isnt tossing prime roger, prime wb and prime shiki so I think my points clear.
oda doesnt portray her where he portrays those three because she is simply not on their level. not design or gender related, big mom is just not it.
In the Ace novel, it says that Big Mom, Shiki, Roger, and Whitebeard were the "yonko of the previous generation". Furthermore, it says that 1) they clashed often and that 2) Big Mom actually inspired WB to start an empire.

So again. Why are you ok with slandering BM but not Shiki, Roger, or WB. I'm 100% Roger goofed and got clowned by people weaker than him at least once lmao.
4 chapters? Can you show me the raws ? It was a page and thats it, she got quite litteraly removed from the plot, it is obvious PIS and you are taking it way too seriously. Any top tier with intent to kill the SHs would get stalled or moved in a way shape or form. Its just that since BM is already a goofy character(like luffy, who also catches a lot of Ls and will continue doing so even though he will end up the strongest) that makes it easier for Oda to draw this gag situation.
how long has she been out for - 4 chapters
wb took akainu out for "PIS" too I bet
seems like an excuse to me
robins feat is more than we thought it was is the only logical conclusion.

big mom wasnt goofy at all, she was damn near anrgy
about to hit franky
promising to kill jimbei
when she got tossed. this isnt luffy laughing off or joking around weaker opponents. she got owned plain and simple in a good mental state too. This aint O Lin. She wasnt nerfed in anyway.
No top tier be it yonko, admiral, dragon , mihawk
matter of fact even amongst the top three yc's
has looked as pathetic as big mom has at times

its not bait
big mom aint top one .
not close to it
exams were good .
The perception of what people believe top tiers should act and be like differs from how Oda views it my friend, he doesnt make them fit the same ''Vanilla'' baddass mold, BM is a goofy mentally stunted woman, Aokiji is a lazy womanizer(asked nami out first time he saw her), kizaru is permanently high and or has some sort of brain damage, Kaido is a drunk who likes taking hits(evidenced by how he stood there and let luffy hit him, now scabbards), etc

Id say Mihawk fits the ''Vanilla' baddass mold, and thats fine. But i feell its very diminutive to think that only that archetype can get close to being at the top, especially given that Oden showed us that he doesnt like to fit the mold when it comes to his characters.
In the Ace novel, it says that Big Mom, Shiki, Roger, and Whitebeard were the "yonko of the previous generation". Furthermore, it says that 1) they clashed often and that 2) Big Mom actually inspired WB to start an empire.

So again. Why are you ok with slandering BM but not Shiki, Roger, or WB. I'm 100% Roger goofed and got clowned by people weaker than him at least once lmao.
not the translation I read
I will provide mine now and again
stating robin tossed big mom isnt slander
its a literal fact and panels dont care how you feel .

perhaps roger was clowned by weaker opponents,
I will be happy to see it in the fanfic of op you crafted cause in the story am reading
even in old age, ill
wb (roger's equal) still looked like much better than big mom does rn.
the gap is so vast , its almost funny to consider both equal in context of their prime.
how long has she been out for - 4 chapters
wb took akainu out for "PIS" too I bet
seems like an excuse to me
robins feat is more than we thought it was is the only logical conclusion.

big mom wasnt goofy at all, she was damn near anrgy
about to hit franky
promising to kill jimbei
when she got tossed. this isnt luffy laughing off or joking around weaker opponents. she got owned plain and simple in a good mental state too. This aint O Lin. She wasnt nerfed in anyway.
She isnt out mate, she was written off the story, you really thing shes been rolling around for 4 chapters? Cmon now, Jimbei himself said that didnt do anything and to go before she comes back.
WB hiting akainu and breaking the floor beneath him is not PIS because these 2 are relatively at the same level.
The Shs are litteraly invincible mate, and especially so at the start of this raid, Oda cant have them be hurt and or killed and so what does he do when someone like BM( not unlike kizaru who was alllowed to look badass because rayleigh came to stop him) with intent to kill comes in? There is no other top tier to stop here so he ''moves'' her away from the plot.

If akainu was in front of them with no top tier to stop him, you best believe a lot of the SHs will make you think, damn maybe X was stronger than we thought it was thee only logical conclusion.
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