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When were you under the impression this game is..
I agree the way Shishio presents his arguments is eh, but his points are mostly true. Mihawk isn't the Saitama of One Piece, but i believe he's the strongest currently until there's more feats available for the rest of the top dogs given how shit stains like Meme and Kaido are holding up in comparison.

You have BM get clowned on panel by fodders, and it's easy for the fanbase to defend her, Mihawk gets "stalled" (truth is as we've said numerous times he never gave a shit about Vista) and it's the worst showing ever. It's easy to see why some people get defensive over this shit.
Hey man, i never said mihawk vs vista was the worst showing, i feel both sides are PIS and i think while i understand the lashing out at the yonko base for ridiculing mihawk, most of them dont think this way you know shu. I think mihawk is top 4 easily, but im not gonna say he is n1 because it wouldnt even make sense narratively for zoro's goal to be stronger than all the people luffy is trying to surpass, roger himself who was WSM or atleast equal to WSM WB didnt defeat Yonko or admirals, and thats what it takes to surpass WSM Roger and you have a lot of people here shitting on yonko because of i guess a feeling of revenge? When its painfully obvious that Oda wanted her out of the story, she hasnt come back in 4 chapters now ffs As for kaido, minor cuts and just standing there doing nothing for chapters now(and it will continue imo until about chapter 1000) is obvious stalling and the shitting on them is grossly exagerated
(while understandable).

I think that at some point, people should be the bigger man and just let go, because this constant shitting on yonko that we're seeing is gonna come back tenfold as soon as we start seeing them actually do stuff besides either being written out of the plot (BM) or just sitting ducks doing nothing for stalling purposes(Kaido). Its a never ending cycle and i think we should stop, just me though.

While i was harsh and i apologize, i think my point stands. Idk.


Peerless In History
The "black blade" mythology has been developed since East Blue. Ryuma was considered a God and single handedly kept the World Government out of Wano.

We literally have no indication that anyone other than Mihawk has turned a blade black in One Piece.
Very little development has been given to Black Blades. No one important or strong in the verse cares about a Black Blade. Again, if these things are so important in the grand scheme of things, we would hear more about them. And you're misplacing the importance of a single character and attributing that to Black Blade. Black Blade or not, Ryuma was a strong character much like there are other strong characters.

Oden, with no Black Blade is still on the mind of the WG the same goes for the Samurai of Wano as a whole. Neither of which have created a black blade. Orochi even outright states that the WG can't touch Wano because he has Kaido again, Kaido has no black blade.

If strength was the sole determiner of Black Blade status, we would have other strong characters with a Black Blade or at least have them acknowledge the importance of such things.
I was making a point. If Mihawk is number 1, he wouldn't be discarded so easily. Mental gymnastics would be done for the God of the verse to keep him on board with the WG. Instead, they sent ships full of unnamed fodder after him.
Mihawk wasn't "discarded" because they found a perfect replacement. Akainu was AGAINST it because he knew they needed them. Shichibukai were disbanded because of Doflamingo/Crocodile and distrust by the countries of the World Government.

Very little development has been given to Black Blades. No one important or strong in the verse cares about a Black Blade. Again, if these things are so important in the grand scheme of things, we would hear more about them. And you're misplacing the importance of a single character and attributing that to Black Blade. Black Blade or not, Ryuma was a strong character much like there are other strong characters.

Oden, with no Black Blade is still on the mind of the WG the same goes for the Samurai of Wano as a whole. Neither of which have created a black blade. Orochi even outright states that the WG can't touch Wano because he has Kaido again, Kaido has no black blade.

If strength was the sole determiner of Black Blade status, we would have other strong characters with a Black Blade or at least have them acknowledge the importance of such things.
Again, that's my point. No one alive but Mihawk has it. Ryuma is the last one to turn a blade black.
The "black blade" mythology has been developed since East Blue. Ryuma was considered a God and single handedly kept the World Government out of Wano.

We literally have no indication that anyone other than Mihawk has turned a blade black in One Piece.
Which chapter mentioning Mihawk himself turn his blade black?? Mihawk probaly inherited it just like Zoro with Shusui


Peerless In History
First of all, we don't know that they just send fodder. Nice headcanon.

Second, Mihawk wasn't discarded easily. Literally everyone at the highest level in the government supported the Schichibukai system except Fujitora. That's kinda the whole point of his side story.

Third, if anything the ship scene is meant to highlight the difference between Mihawk and the other Schichibukai. He had wayyyyy more ships sent after him than any other schichibukai.
It is also equally headcannon to imply anyone of importance was sent to him when such a thing was eluded and implied for someone like Boa Hancock. In fact, we even saw the pirates sent after Weevil of which all of them were all fodder.

Listen up, if he was the God of the verse like some say here, mental gymnastics would be performed to keep him on board. They could do a bunch of different things to avoid having him as an enemy yet they didn't. He is not so special as to receive such a treatment. Someone who is considered the strongest would not be treated with such disregard.

Boa had an Admiral sent after her lol so no, that ship scene highlights nothing.
A cool point not a lot of people pick up on.

Mihawk says in east blue and at several other points in the story that he can gauge the strength of a person by looking in their eyes. This is reiterated several times, and seems to be a consist character gimmic based on how much emphasis is put on his eyes. Specifically, Mihawk says he can see the "distance" between him and others.

When Mihawk sees WB at Marineford he says "strange, the distance doesn't seem large at all." Implying that he's roughly in the same league as Whitebeard.


When were you under the impression this game is..
He also has hype and statements, one of them being that he’s factually above one of Big Mom’s peers. He doesn’t need to beat Vista, it would prove nothing.

Meanwhile, Kaido struggling to defeat individuals nowhere near Vista.
This is the problem here too, you are underestimating the scabbards(half of whom are in yc range(which vista is) and he isnt 'Struggling' he's just been sitting there in the air, fired a beam that kin can cut with his technique that cuts fire(hax in op still works no matter what) and now apparently kiku can produce snow? The point is, he's just been in dragon form sitting there and firing beams from time to time, thats not struggling, thats plot in action. In a few chapters, after all the stalling Oda is doing and allowing the scabbards to look good, he will go back to human form and destroy them, and then. We will all be sitting here wondering why the fuck that didnt happen before.


Lol, WSS means very little when very few things or people in the story give it much credence. Beckman is revealed to be the strongest Marksman in the world and Roger is known for using guns does that mean Beckman>Roger? I can pull this with a million other weapons. The ace novel pretty much confirms the Yonko are the 4 strongest pirates in the world and that to be one, you must at least be as strong as Shanks. Whats Mihawks profession/occupancy?

You do know that there has to be some type of tension right? Why would Oda waste multiple arcs building up the scabbards on their resolve for Kaido to just shrug off their best efforts and 1 shot them without them showing anything for their 20 years of pain and suffering? That would be poor writing. What Oda has been pulling isn't good writing either but he's at least giving them some of the shine they deserve before they go down.

And Kaido doesn't need to beat the Scabbards he's already beaten and fought opponents stronger than them so why is his "struggle" with them even matter?
I’m not going down a rabbit hole with you if you’re starting your post with the pure swordsman autism

Yeah, poor writing, that’s what i was talking about earlier, the Yonkos are easy to pity and excuse at every turn. Mihawk has few completely minor showings where he wasn’t damaged in any form and he’s garbage.

Because he’s actually backed in a corner by them lmfao
God awful logic. If Mihawk is top dog in the verse why was he discarded like some cheap toy and replaced by artificial constructs? You have no feats to justify him being #1. The strongest person in the verse wouldn't be tossed away into a garbage pile that has Buggy in it. He himself implies that he was weaker than a sick Newgate when he went to "measure" unless you're going to say he was literally measuring distance.

You can bring up "Anti-Feats" for Linlin and Kaido but they actually have feats of beating strong people and others actually hyping them up. Mihawk's best feat is cutting ice which has a 1.5 on an absolute hardness scale. If you want, I can even go for low hanging fruit such as that his training opponents are sword wielding baboons and that he'd rather chase the likes of Don Kreig all the way to East Blue than actually go challenge someone strong in the New World.
you think big mom top 1
but she was discarded as some cheap toy by robin in the story
mihawk aint top one
but meme sure aint one either
just seems like two people off their mark going at it .

"Big mom is top one "
"Mihawk is top one"
Can you read? Akainu WANTED them. The World Government countries voted against them.
Listen, if Akainu really wanted them, he would just make a purpose to let Mihawk only stay as goverment dog, case of his achievement, and his name as WSS. But he was actually OK with fact that Shichibukai was disbanned. Bring here scan that shows that Akainu was against that whole idea LOL


you think big mom top 1
but she was discarded as some cheap toy by robin in the story
mihawk aint top one
but meme sure aint one either
just seems like two people off their mark going at it .

"Big mom is top one "
"Mihawk is top one"
That wasn’t even the takeaway of my post, i just wanted to point out the logic of some people lmfao. I don’t think Mihawk will be top 1 for long either. It’s just a matter of guys like BB, Dragon showing their powers.


When were you under the impression this game is..
He also has hype and statements, one of them being that he’s factually above one of Big Mom’s peers. He doesn’t need to beat Vista, it would prove nothing.

Meanwhile, Kaido struggling to defeat individuals nowhere near Vista.
Stronger doesnt mean he mid diffs shanks, in all actuality it would be a very high diff fight, mihawk is looking for an extreme one. And in all likelyhood shanks is weaker than kaido and (possibly) BM, as nothing indicates he is stronger. To me those 4 are pretty equal with slight fluctuations(very high or extreme) and i think Mihawk very high diffs shanks, extreme diffs BM, and loses extreme diff to kaido.
Kaido has more going for him being the strongest than mihawk( he is being hyped by BM, Blackbeard(who has 2 fruits, CP-0 shudders at hearing his name (same CP-0 that had no problem going after BB and Dragon, Sengoku hyping up how he climbed the ranks of yonko with individual might alone, one shot a FM, his 1vs1 rep(whom i believe started after Oden's death as emperors didnt exist back then,him being considered stronger than healthy(close to prime) oldbeard),etc)

His flashback will shed light on a lot of things
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