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The way how Oda draw big events didn´t change at all, the things who happen right now, didn´t they also happen in Marineford the greatest arc ever in One piece(for most fans)?

As example Mihawk air slash get blocked by Jozu, Akainu attack get blocked by Marco and Jinbe, characters attacks and counter each other. Didn´t the same happen right now too?

Is it surprising that strong characters are able to block and dodge attacks?
Of course the Scabbards gonna be able to do such things, they aren´t weaker then YC, they have rare abilities and nice skillset, of course they can give Kaido a proper fight, they could do that to any other top tier aswell.
People sleep too much on the Scabbard because of Kinemon get offguard defeated by Law and the events in Dressrosa, but in that case Oda never really try to give the Scabbard more fight screentime in the previous arcs, he just want to hint it.

Kaido is someone who tank every attack of Boundman and one shot him, Boundman who send characters like Katakuri and Doflamingo away with his attacks. The scabbard as team perform far far better feats then Boundman could ever dream off it to do, because they having Ryou and rare skills.

Two of the Scabbard stomping easily Jack(who was know for his insane durability) to the point where a Yonkou as Kaido need to step in to save his YC. A YC get easily defeated already, something with didn´t happen even in Marineford(expect Jozu who get caught in offguard).

What I try to say Kaido hype don´t gonna get downgrade because of the current events, in that case he gonna even gain more hype if he beat all the Scabbards who are monsters on their own. In that case I don´t starting anything for the legendary Admiral vs Yonkou debate, don´t gonna be a part of that since my view on that is simple and know since the past(Admiral ~ Yonkou).

I just show you that their is nothing wrong with the Scabbards(YC and veteran lvl characters) beeing able to hold their own against Kaido weakest form.
I mean if we count the significant characters in this arc:
Kaido, his top 3, flying 5, numbers(drunk and somewhat scrubs) hawkins and apoo. I can inlcude the oniwabanshu but those guys havent done anything.
RS, The mafia bosses, SH, Kid, law pirate crews, xdrake and marco
Then hyogoro might be right.
Thats why big mom and some of her children were here, just to balance it a little, if they fight too that is.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Some people keep saying over and over wait until Kaido does this, he’s still going to defeat them all. At this point it doesn’t matter what Kaido does and even if he still defeats them, it won’t matter anymore because for some people his reputation is already ruined.
Depends how he beats him. If he uses underhanded means or someone saves him then hes done.
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