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The Honoured One
Never thought I'd say this but this community is toxic....yeah it's good to criticize, but judging a character and calling him trash based on a single feat when the fight hasn't ended is stupid as fuck....

I hate power scalers and the biased mihawk fans who think mihawk can stroll and one shot everybody in the op world....i think we should also jist accept the fact that op isn't lo ike other manga that they make. Villian flawless and unbeatable till the mc comes, yes it's annoying but that's the fact now..
Ironic using Mihawk lmfao.

Mihawk got shit on for a decade for not taking Vista seriously.

Yonkos get their protrayal trashed on 24/7 and now, and only now, is pointing it out considered "toxic".

Go to bed son 😪😪😪
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For a decade everyone were laughing at Mihawk because "OMG he didn't one shot Vista, Crocodile ", he was a shit, a yc3/yc5 lvl but when Kaido is facing the same issue :
lol wat?
both stances are hardcore irritating.

Mihawk is dogshit
Kaido is dogshit
Akainu is dogshit
anyone is dogshit

this is OP
only Luffy matters. wake the fuck up

accept this and you will be more relaxed reading this manga.
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