I knew she and Sou'Ou were both going to be martial beasts lmfao.
I've never been a fan of the idea of Great Generals being > other highly martial generals like Gyou'Un, Bananji, Kaishibou, etc, for the sole reason that they were great generals and the others were not. I think that's faulty reasoning lol, there are some sub Generals out there who I think could give most GGs a run for their oney.
But yeah, I'm expecting Sou'Ou to be a monstrous fighter as well.
This is how I predict Ousen's commanders are going to end up being:
Akou is both a martial beast and a tactical beast, not only can he go blow for blow with Bananji but he can also replicate some of Ousen's tactics.
Makou was likely light a lite Akou, a bit weaker both martially and tactically but still a monster in both.
Denrimi is probably a tactical genius, but he doesn't have much martial skill.
Sou'Ou is probably a martial beast, but he is a bit weaker tactically (though Sou'Ou has still shown really good sense about the battlefield and all that)