Even luffy couldnt make quick work of those guys,
And kalifa pinned down Luffy in Water seven then got beaten by Nami in Ennies lobby
You are focusing way to much on physical strength and stats as in that's the end all be all.
For example Page one's observation haki is seemingly shit so what if Nami makes a bunch of mirages and Usopp just slaps some seastone on page one. Done. You wonder where Usopp found Seastone. One flashback to the any scene from the past explains. There's a bunch of seastone in Udon or something.
Or there's an environmental advantage like a Sea water canal flowing through onigashima so a quick trap here and there and someone falls into the water
Or there's who knows how many things
C'mon man Oda knows how strong these people are. If he wants to think up creative solutions he can.
I mean isn't this the same Usopp who had luffy himself on the ropes for a bit when they fought.