Who Can Save Wano (and us)?

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Kitetsu Wanker
But no one is up there with them. Kaido is clearly defeating them on his own. Juts like most people expected.
Also, why shouldn't Kaido be able to defeat all of them?
I expected the same. I just entertained the other possibility following the pattern of Law vs Doffy and Wyper vs Enel.
Both have messed the enemy up before going down. Oda could have done the same here and it is perfectly excusable considering the numbers and the strength of the Scabbards. Kaido ultimately coming up on top was never a question. Temporary "defeat" is doable.


Lead them to paradise.
and he was fine with the hostages being used to stall that battle for five years.
Wrong how? he didnt use momo.
Those were offerings for his slave labor. He didnt use them as a bargaining chip mate. Orochi and kaido told Oden that he can fight them now and they will have a war and a lot of people are gonna die in the crossfire. No talk about hostages. In fact, when Oden saw the offerings to kaido he attacked orochi but got blocked by kaido.
Different situations bro.
Some guy in AP said that there was an update in the Korean Leaks that said that Kaido indeed cut Kiku's arm with some type of wind power from his roar.
It made sense from the initial post. It explained Kaido's roar let out some special wind type move, next sentence was Kiku's arm getting cut off. Plus if you look at the page with Izo's reaction, the panel above it looks like there is wind being blown through Neko/Izo


Lazy is the way
Why not. We close the end of the story. He has other things to improve post wano like his coo. Which an invisible and lightman will help with imo.
I don't see that at all. Zoro still has to fight a BB commander and then the Marines and he won't only improve his COO.

Luffy will likely tag team Kaido and that means that he won't be close to Yonko level. Zoro can be close to Shanks and Ray at the end of Wano too. Shanks and Ray are peak swordsman and don't have black blades, they have no DF, martial arts etc, just haki mastery.

To blacken a sword is a huge feat : only 2 uber strong swordmsmen can do it. Only 2, it means peak swordsmanship. Zoro won't be at peak swordsmanship post Wano, he still has some rooms to improve.

You can cut Kaido without black blade. So if Zoro managed to cut Kaido it won't equal to having a black blade. Cutting Kaido already will be a huge feat.

Black blade is too soon.


Lead them to paradise.
Some guy in AP said that there was an update in the Korean Leaks that said that Kaido indeed cut Kiku's arm with some type of wind power from his roar.
So he is exactly like an eastern dragon, in this case an azure/water one, they can manipulate the weather and elements, wouldnt be surprised if he started making it rain and or just plain shooting waterfalls lmfao.
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