Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 958: The Promised Port

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Ok, here is my theory regarding the chapter: it was a trap and Orochi beat them to the punch.

We already knew some chapter back that Orochi found out about the invasion plan and the meeting point.

At the port, the weather is bad and there is a storm, and the ships are all destroyed. I'm starting to think that Kaido himself could have been waiting for them at the port, and annihilated them on the night before. This is just my theory, but the storm could have a been a result of one of Kaido's attacks in his dragon form. We know that Kaido in his dragon form can breathe fire (Boro Breath), but the east Asian dragon is also commonly known to bring about thunderstorms and tsunamis in Asian mythology, since they were said to be able to swim and control the weather. Its obviously not Big Mom's doing since Zeus is still with nami right now. And in the capital where Orochi is at, the weather is still fine, so obviously the storm isn't an natural occurence.

Chances are that Kaido was waiting for them the night before and attacked. Luffy is probably still in prison and might not have even broken free yet since Orochi already knew about the plan, he would have known of Luffy eventual planned rebellion and escape. The only question I have left right now is what happedned to Law and the rest of the Straw Hat crew? Were they also captured, or did they escape?
Why lot of people thought that Luffy is in Udon? Right now Luffy is in Kuri :lusalty:
Lmao it's not something I like. Oda wank Oden af. Oden is the perfect man, the closest thing he had to "flaw" was not being strong enough (while still amazingly strong) to defeat Kaido, a character completely based around being unbelievably strong and not much else.

We even have Buggy offering to help Oden. Wtf is this out of character ?

It's just Oden wank. So yeah I will be not surprised if Oden was the true captain.
The worst thing was when Oden story was explained to the SHs and we just had their emotional reactions.

That was so retarded and lame. Disappointing from Oda does he think we sympathize with Oden just from the sh faces ?
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In other news,

276 chapters left for the Manga to end :cheers:
The worst thing was when Oden story was explained to the SHs and we just had their emotional reactions.

That was so retarded and lame. Disappointing from Oda does he think we sympathize with Oden just from the sh faces ?
Luffy listening intently to Oden's history and crying was also extremely out of character. Something really strange is going on.

We, the audience, didn't get to hear ANY of it, yet we're to believe the SHs were this easily captivated by it? They're not that fucking simple. When Robin "joined" the crew everyone was skeptical, and then quickly won over, except Zoro who was just like "yeah I don't fucking buy it. Watch your back miss," yet here's this Oden fella who's just so goddamn perfect that all the strawhats instantly love him. What the fuck happened?

And Roger, Rayleigh, Shanks, Buggy ALL falling over themselves to compliment Oden, thank him, and offer to help :seriously:
The Oden wank continues, but having the Pirate King succumb to it is really disappointing. It's the only thing that really bothers me about Wano arc.
Honestly, after last chapter, I'm way more convinced with the idea that Oden is actually alive and Toko sent him to the future in the moment he was being boiled to death (which is how he survived)
Since Orochi and others thought he melted and died while his body has no trace, while in reality Toko transitioned his body into the future.

Some shit give me that vibe honestly!
Honestly, after last chapter, I'm way more convinced with the idea that Oden is actually alive and Toko sent him to the future in the moment he was being boiled to death (which is how he survived)
Since Orochi and others thought he melted and died while his body has no trace, while in reality Toko transitioned his body into the future.

Some shit give me that vibe honestly!
that'd be interesting, and if that would be the case, he'd probably join the fight against big mom and kaido.
that'd be interesting, and if that would be the case, he'd probably join the fight against big mom and kaido.
The funny thing is that when Sengoku talked about him. He mentioned him as if he's still alive (which is natural even if he was dead because Wano is isolated country and not many know of what happened with him)
BUT nevertheless, Sengoku was simply mentioning his name as a way to say "maybe since we as navy got our hands full, and we cannot send resources there, there is that pirate who lives in Wano, who used to be on Roger crew" It just kinda felt like Sengoku was implying that maybe if the event involves Oden, then he may be a good person to confront this situation.

I don't know, it just felt like this.

But regardless, I have some reasons as to why I feel he's still alive. Naturally those reasons can be countered against me since they are not completely solid evidence, BUT I'm just gonna state them cause they MIGHT be indicators or have a hint.

1- This is the FIRST TIME EVER, the SH crew knew of Oden's full backstory, BUT without us the viewers discovering it along with the SHs. Which is completely weird! IF we are not going to know Oden's flashback by having Kinemon saying it to us, and Oda offscreens it and tries to delay it for another time, THEN, the only person who we can see Oden's backstory through his eyes better than Kinemon explaining it, it would be through Oden's eyes and his point of view! Cause it will also be a good way to flesh out his days with Roger or WB. Because it might be through Oden, we get to know more about the secrets of the world, and with Kinemon explaining the flashback, we will not get the full view actually. So, instead, Oda simply teased the flashback by Kinemon BUT the whole flashback will be displayed through Oden's point of view and no one else. Otherwise, I see no reason to hide from us the story behind him, while at the same time, the SH crew members who are supposed to know information along side us the viewers, they get to know beforehand.

2- If Oden is still alive, and Oda is hiding his design, then it would make his overuse for silhouette for oden JUSTIFIABLE. Cause that would explain why he didn't introduce his design yet, as he intends to introduce him in a grandiose fashion with a great entrance, and then the reveal of his design. Or maybe even Oda will make a surprise introduction to him by revealing a specific character we saw is actually Oden himself, and that also may explain why he couldn't reveal the full design as that would expose the reveal and ruin it.

3- Lastly, Roger's crew in general. Oda wanks them to no end compared to any others. So, for Oda to make someone else to do the job for him is UNLIKE ODA when it comes to Roger and his crew. And the way last chapter Oden was giving his words to Roger about accomplishing that along with his retainers, it makes it even more heavily implied that he'll play a big role in it and not be counted out. And on top of it, the translation for the dialog seems off and suspecious. Cause one translation acted like Oden will start gaining the fruition AFTER 20 years (which should be 5 years ago from current timeline) and the other translation makes it seem like it was his ambition and dream for 20 years, which should be somewhat related to his age, and I truly doubt that Oden at that point was 20 years old.
Cause Oden left and got on WB ship AFTER he became 20, and sailed with him for many years and then sailed on Roger's ship for his final voyage which is supposed to have taken 3 years since that's what Crocus said his final voyage lasted.

Timeline is soooo important in wano in case you are wondering why I'm focusing on it, specially that there is a time travel here.

I can only guess that if Oden's plan was to start in motion 5 years ago from current timeline as one of the translation hinted at, that maybe TOKO suggested for him to change it into our time and add 5 more years because that would be the time where his fate intersects with the future pirate king. Remember that Oden knows about the true history and all of the secrets of the world and on top of it, his wife got a time-time DF. With all of that under his hands, a perfect orchestrated plan with huge plot twist is not really something impossible to pull off.

So, I feel it would be such a great thing to have. And honestly, I want to see Luffy fighting alongside a crew member of Roger's crew
That moment when you realize this chapter confirms Buggy The Clown star went to LaughTale and knows what one piece :suresure:.

One Piece is probably a troublesome treasure, it must be the reason why Buggy is going after Captain John's treasure (John probably stole all the treasure after Rox fell).

MD Zolo

I don't think Roger being impressed by Oden is anything of interest. Luffy gets impressed by people all the time and he is the future Pirate King. It just means that the Roger Pirates thought Oden needed help.

And, in the case of Buggy, he acted like a young teenager thinking he could solve Oden's problems. I didn't see it as the selfish Buggy being also captivated by Oden.


Zoro Worshipper
You cant compare yonko crew to pk crew. Dont know if you realise that rayleigh is above Yc 1 + oden managed to give kaido his only scarr:smithnie:
Prime Rayleigh was PK's first mate also known as "YC1" (acronym)

Anyway I believe even Zoro will pass Oden by this arc.
I think we have to consider the possibility of Oden being Greenbull. Oden was clearly the strongest dude under Whitebeard. Marco would have been in his early/mid 20s back then, and Oden managed to wound Kaido. If he's the 2nd division commander, he would have been the equivalent of what Shiriew is to BB (2nd division captain).

Oda hiding this dude's face and Greenbull's has gotten to ridiculous levels, and both of these guys were introduced in Wano. You'd think Sengoku and Akainu would know what Oden looks like, but you'd also think Shutenmaru and Kinemon would know what the fuck Denjiro and Yasuie look like.

Prime Rayleigh was PK's first mate also known as "YC1" (acronym)

Anyway I believe even Zoro will pass Oden by this arc.
"YC1" means there is a "YC2" and "YC3" with the same rank. A First Mate has an entirely different rank. The whole reason we say YC"1" is to distinguish someone from others of the exact same "YC" rank.

Roger wasn't a Yonko, and Rayleigh wasn't a Commander. It makes 0 sense to call Rayleigh a "YC" anything.
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If you had to choose between laboon and Oden, who would you pick?

Oh. Oden, of course. No contest.

The people from Wano are renowned whale-hunters. Do you find it a bit ironic that you love Oden so much despite being the caretaker of a whale yourself?

Nah. Oden's just that great. He can hunt whales all day for all I care.
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