US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Directly and entirely his fault...he doesn’t get credit for a strong economy without also taking blame for his total mishandling of a deadly disease that’s already killed a quarter of a million people in the country he was charged with leading.
Lots of people would have died regardless cause it's a virus. Its a global pandemic with lots of deaths everywhere. China knew about Corona since November 2019 but didnt say anything until mid January. Media said Trump called Corona was hoax(and I believed it) but it was a lie. He said the democratic politics around it was a hoax.

He immediately tried to cut travel to China but was called Xenophob, and the health experts were saying you didnt need a mask. Trump's mistake was taking no extra precautions even when the death tolls started coming. There were people dying in other countries for fucks sake so he could've taken a hint. By the time he finally took it seriously it was too late....Corona was everywhere. He didnt even place a full lockdown out of fear of sinking his economy.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Lots of people would have died regardless cause it's a virus. Its a global pandemic with lots of deaths everywhere. China knew about Corona since November 2019 but didnt say anything until mid January. Media said Trump called Corona was hoax(and I believed it) but it was a lie. He said the democratic politics around it was a hoax.

He immediately tried to cut travel to China but was called Xenophob, and the health experts were saying you didnt need a mask. Trump's mistake was taking no extra precautions even when the death tolls started coming. There were people dying in other countries for fucks sake so he could've taken a hint. By the time he finally took it seriously it was too late....Corona was everywhere.
Dude, EVERY single health expert has been saying since March that you need a mask. The only times I hear you don’t is when Donnie or someone with stock in his presidency says so, otherwise the science is pretty clear. Again, this does not mean he gets a pass; he had a moral obligation (two words nobody on the right truly understand) to lead with compassion and tact (another two he doesn’t know) because of his position. If he was still snorting speed in his tower, it wouldn’t make a fucking difference, but he failed to govern in any sort of way that could potentially save lives. Let’s be clear about this - every single death from COVID in this country is on his hands, even and especially if he could have done more at the start to combat it.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Dude, EVERY single health expert has been saying since March that you need a mask. The only times I hear you don’t is when Donnie or someone with stock in his presidency says so, otherwise the science is pretty clear. Again, this does not mean he gets a pass; he had a moral obligation (two words nobody on the right truly understand) to lead with compassion and tact (another two he doesn’t know) because of his position. If he was still snorting speed in his tower, it wouldn’t make a fucking difference, but he failed to govern in any sort of way that could potentially save lives. Let’s be clear about this - every single death from COVID in this country is on his hands, even and especially if he could have done more at the start to combat it.
Yeah since March. His comment of it being a hoax was from Feburary and they clearly told him, on camera, that you didn't need a mask before March.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I don’t understand how anyone can defend a billionaire who gave us $1200 *of our own money that we pay in taxes* eight months ago and expected the average American to exist off such a dismal sum after losing their job due to a pandemic he exacerbated at every turn. Donnie never gave a single, solitary shit about anyone in this country, to say otherwise is cognitive dissonance at best and dangerous idiocy at worst.
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Yeah since March. His comment of it being a hoax was from Feburary and they clearly told him, on camera, that you didn't need a mask before March.
March is when it started ramping up here, so we can split hairs on the timeline if you want, but the fact is he fucked up from beginning to...not even end, we’re still very much in the middle of it.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I don’t understand how anyone can defend a billionaire who gave us $1200 *of our own money that we pay in taxes* eight months ago and expected the average American to exist off such a dismal sum after losing their job due to a pandemic he exacerbated at every turn. Donnie never gave a single, solitary shit about anyone in this country, to say otherwise is cognitive dissonance at best and dangerous idiocy at worst.
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March is when it started ramping up here, so we can split hairs on the timeline if you want, but the fact is he fucked up from beginning to...not even end, we’re still very much in the middle of it.
I clearly said he didnt take the necessary precautions regardless of what experts at the time told him.....people were already dying and other countries already shut down, but he didnt take it as a hint that it could become serious. Even when shit went down, he didnt issue a full lockdown cause he was more worried about the economy than lives.
No offence, but I don’t think America is ready for the likes of Yang, Bernie or even Warren or Buttigieg.

The US is essentially a far right, reactionary, under-educated nation with incredible voter disenfranchisement, uncritical journalism and unhinged nationalism. Basically every other first world country has decided that collectively working to benefit society through programs such as Medicare and taking guns out of civilian hands is worth sacrificing individual freedoms. In America? Asking people to wear a mask provokes mass protests and is apparently communism. Literally any policy to the left of outright Nazism is labelled socialist and people actually believe it. Congrats to Biden and the Democrats but the US as a nation is fucked. Hello Chinese supremacy.
A far right nation who have elected obama two times ? And aren't the majority of americans progressive on the big issues ?

On issue after issue, American voters are firmly left-of-center, and in some cases ready to embrace our most progressive ideas. They want more gun control. They want increased abortion access. They want criminal-justice reform. Fifty-six percent of all Americans want nationalized single-payer health care, and nearly everyone wants the government to do more to bring down costs. Fifty-nine percent of registered voters support higher taxes on the wealthy. Fifty-four percent of Republicans and 70 percent of all Americans want to “soak the rich.” Even fifty-seven percent of people who identify as conservative Republicans support the main components of a Green New Deal. Seventy-two percent believe climate change is a threat. Everybody hates gerrymandering.
Trump likely lost but America is still really divided, and racism, hatred sexims etc are still here. All the work still has to be done. And Trump side, real fans are still strong and proud of their beliefs.
And Fuck you trump supporters if you keep denying joe bidens result we know what to do next.
Trump will return LMAO Biden will be trash President, who will put economic into crisis, and Trump Supporters will just grow in sthrenght
Clown, that was you who reported on every my comment 100 times, while I never did that in this thread, ask Modders, so the one who was burned it was you. I was 100% sure that Trump will lose, case of BLM zombies, who was puppets in the hands of puppetmaster. But then again we need just four years and it will be over.
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